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时间:2024-10-07 16:25:36


The students must know there is a story called "Mulan". Read this story, I have deep feeling, admire the woman named Mulan.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Mulan. One day, the emperor let household out of a strong male soldiers chongjun. Mulan did not have an elder brother, but only depended on her old father. Mulan did not see his father again on Sunday, he thought of a way, Nvbannanzhuang, into the barracks. Mulan joined the army, hard-working, brave enemy, and even men sleep in the same bed...... Although Mulan's life is very difficult, but she did not complain, continue to fight hard. Finally one day, a man uncovered Mulan, so that Mulan told the truth. After the war, Mulan returned to her long-awaited home.

Mulan was a delicate woman, but for their families and countries, like for the father. No matter how fierce the enemy is, Mulan always stands up and has no fear. After reading this story, I think: in the future, we must be a good boy who is filial and loving as Mulan.

Now that men and women are equal, many girls make a great contribution to their country. For example, aunt Liu Yang, she is the only female astronaut in China so far. Although she is the weakest of all astronauts, she has not flinched or completed the space mission successfully. We also want to learn these seedlings, they rely on their own efforts, contribute to the already thriving and prosperous motherland, realize our dreams, and our China dream round!


The novel is a long time ago, there is a village, the village lived in the Mulan family, Mulan's father because of injuries in the battlefield, leg disease, retired at home self-cultivation. However, when Mulan was in his teens, there was unrest in the country, and the enemy were preparing to attack the Great Wall under the Great Wall. The emperor had to draft under the edict, each must have a man as young men went to the front to fight. One of them was Mulan's father, her father Mulan in order to have the courage to Nvbannanzhuang Congjun father.

The edict issued second days at home, Mulan came to the barracks, soldiers who did not know that she is a girl. In this way, she began the camp life, day after day training, let her follow the comrades in arms practiced a good Kung fu. One day, sir. The arrow at the top of the post, but no one can take it off, only Mulan continue to spend all night time, climbed to the top, with the arrow, also let the other side the soldiers to him to sit up and take notice. Finally on the battlefield, they go, go, suddenly, a lot of the enemy rushed to them, it was in ambush. Mulan see in front of the snow capped mountains and cliffs, and a gun on the snow capped mountains, is a great power, the avalanche enemy were all drowned in the thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers snow capped. The chief was also swept away by the strength of the avalanche, Mulan in order to save him, be injured by ice, the general asks a doctor to come to her to pack up time, everybody discovered that Mulan is unexpectedly a female. Thinking that Mulan had saved her life, she did not kill her, and the army threw Mulan back to the capital. Mulan found that there is no enemy killed in an avalanche, Chanyu alive. Mulan hurried back to the capital, risking the death of the enemy, and telling everyone that the enemy had not died. But no one believed her, just because she was a girl. Unfortunately happened in the emperor to the executive reward, in a raid, the emperor was captured in the tower. Everybody just believed Mulan's words, and worked together to save the emperor with Mulan. The emperor wanted Mulan to stay with him as his minister, but she refused. She wanted to go back to her hometown. The Emperor gave Mulan Khan's sword, let everyone see this girl contributions to the country, the people and the emperor thanked her.

I read the book, think Mulan is very brave, who is a great sin, but to her own father at all costs, really great.


One day I read a story called "Mulan" in a fairy tale book. I was moved by reading the story.

Mulan is a kind and brave girl in ancient china. Mulan did not have an elder brother, and her father had to accept conscription. Mulan's father worried that frail, so without telling his family, disguised as a man, instead of his father joined the army. Mulan in battle brave, many exploits.

Years later, she returned triumphantly from the battlefield. The family was delighted to hear that she had returned. Mulan took off her shirt, changed her clothes and changed back to the girl. Along with her companions on the battlefield were surprised: together for more than ten years, actually did not find Mulan is a girl?

Reading the story of Mulan makes me feel great. We should learn from Mulan, learn her duty, learn her care, learn her courage, and be a good boy.

You will stay and train the new recruits.


When Chi Fu believes you're ready... you will join us, Captain.

等赐福认为你们已经准备好了 你们再赶来 校尉



This is an enormous responsibility, General.

这是重要的职位啊 将军

Uh, perhaps a soldier with more experience...


Number one in his class, extensive knowledge of training techniques...


an impressive military lineage.


I believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.


Oh, I will. I won't let you down . This is... I mean...

放心 我不会让你失望 这真是 我是说…

Yes, sir.

Very good, then.


We'll toast China's victory at the Imperial City.


I'll expect a full report in three weeks.


And I won't leave anything out.


Captain Li Shang.


Leader of China's finest troops.


No. The greatest troops of all time.

不 是有史以来最棒的军队



I'm so happy because I'm going to the movies again.My mother asked if I was watching the guinea pig and mulan.I say to use dot sheep sheep, dot sheep sheep, the result of a little sheep sheep is to see "hua mulan".The plot of "mulan" has its ups and downs.First of all, the army was attacked by a gentle army. When the state of wei collected military horses, hua mulan was reluctant to leave his hometown and his father joined the army.Then, in the great war, mulan bravely fought against the enemy.Shoot a target arrow first, shoot the enemy crying father is too wonderful!I see blood boiling, hate not to rush into the screen to kill the enemy.

Mulan didn't like war, but he had to fight.She accidentally became a general.In one war, wentai was injured.Mulan thought that wentai had died and was devastated.It was only when the tiger asked mulan whether you were living for the living or for the dead, mulan had been waking up and training people to work hard and not let more brothers die.She was really touched by her actions to protect her soldiers.

I think the spirit of the father of hua mulan is worthy of our study.We should be like mulan, filial piety parents, from the little bit of little things, let our families become more warm and happy.


The story of the magnolia's father from the army has been around for a thousand years, and we have been very much admired by the woman named hua mulan.Last year, the school played "mulan" to show the heroic killing of the valiant female general mulan.

Watching this movie is like going through a thrilling battle. The real performance of zhao has infected all the audience.At the beginning of the film, the director deliberately lowered the lens to allow you to see four-fifths of the yellow earth, only a blue-blue sky.In such a barren land, the people of the gentle barbarian, the blood of the human life, the soldiers in the peaceful life, a show in front of the present.The film is only slightly used to coax his father to drink or drink the details of the medicine, he explained to hua mulan from the small learning of the martial arts, and the deep love of the old father.Zhao wei's acting without the trace, without the beauty of the big eyes, has already made the character of hua mulan's kindness and bravery crystal clear.There are a lot of comments criticizing "mulan" for crying too much, and in my opinion, both zhao wei and Chen kun's cries are in line with the plot development.

Death makes soldiers grow, and sorrow is beyond reproach.When hua mulan led the army to the "dragon", it was almost wiped out.The name of hua mulan in the boundless desert of wentai.Seriously injured in the hua mulan miss staring at this time, back from the dead people in their own cries and screams, at this time no matter the film actor, or theater in the audience was moved to tears and visceral.

The whole atmosphere of mulan is sad, and the emotional entanglements and the cruelty of the war have been intensified.But we still want to thank the director for being able to give the audience a lot of grief

Bring a smile.In fact, from the atmosphere, we can see the director and the writer's heart.If the whole film is in a subdued emotional tone, and there is no easy transition to a heavy shift without the ups and downs of the plot, then the overall view of the film is not likely to be so full.

Of course, there are some shortcomings. Most of the scenes in the war scene are in the lens of the scene, and it seems difficult to satisfy the visual impact of the audience.The director understands his own advantages, so his script does not stand in a macho mood to show mulan, but chooses the female perspective to interpret our heroine.He mainly showed how a woman was able to survive and protect her feelings during the war.Heroines have her courage and strength, but also her vulnerability and evasion.So, we can see a full of individual character, image full of hua mulan, with femininity and daughter psychology to show the cruelty of war, and we also can see children affair in the national interest and anti-war feelings show different performance.