1) 窗外下着蒙蒙细雨,滴滴的小雨点,好像伴奏着一支小舞曲,我不禁被窗外的世界所诱惑。
2) 春雨,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着。
3) 春雨是一年雨季中最温的。春雨下起来,就如千缕万缕细细的银丝,带着冬季残留下来的微微寒意,还带着春天的喜讯,微笑着温柔的下起来,冲刷着冬天遗留下来的痕迹,迎来春天。
4) 春雨像千万条银丝,从轻悠悠的南风中降落。
5) 大滴大滴的雨水如子弹一般射来,打得树叶子哗哗地响,落到人身上也有些痛。
6) 大雨疯狂地从天而降,黑沉沉的天就像要崩塌下来。
7) 大雨像一片巨大的瀑布铺天盖地地卷了过来。
8) 电光由天边移到天顶,雷声由远而近,不一会儿,雨点就“叭叭”地落下来。
9) 风呼呼的吹着好似一个奏乐家,雨一边附和着一边创造出一的意境。
10) 风雨能摧残樱花,但是冲风冒雨,樱花不是也能舒开笑脸么?
11) 寒蝉凄切。对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。
12) 狂风卷着暴雨像无数条鞭子,狠命地往
13) 离开你我安静的抽离不忍揭晓的剧情我的泪流在心里学会放弃。
14) 乱箭似的急雨打在窗
15) 落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。
16) 绵绵春雨把大地染绿了,软软春风把河水熨暖了。
17) 后传来了一阵轰天的鼓声——那是雷,它像闪电的忠实追随者,冲着它,也冲着我们喊着——似乎叫我们好好听一听自然界的哭声。
18) 七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。
19) 秋雨如同满天发亮的珍珠,飘飘扬扬地挥洒着。
20) 秋雨沙沙地下着,这是它在演奏。奏黄了一片片稻田,奏红了一棵棵枫树,奏出了遍地金黄,奏出了象征着成熟、丰收的秋色。
21) 天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。
22) 突然,一道闪电,天空被撕裂了,一片惨白,紧接着是一串闷雷,闷雷过后,铜钱大的雨点,铺天盖地似的洒下来。
23) 微风吹过,雨帘斜了,像一根根的细丝奔向草木,墙壁。
Rain, like 10 million Silver Heaven floating down.
The weather outside the window is like your changeable expression.
The rain is still falling, but not the last one sweet.
Spring rain like 10 million silver, a leisurely landing in the south.
The spring rain, like a flower pin, like filaments, thick oblique weave.
Like the fog like rain, like rain like fog, Cecil strands of tangled constantly.
Spring, like hairs, like a flower pin, like filaments densely twill weave.
The heavy rain crazy black sky drop from the clouds, like the collapse of.
Rain kept underground, like a curtain hanging outside the window.
Wind storm rolled up like a whip, blasted windows pumping.
Waiting for rain, is the fate of the life of an umbrella; waiting for you, is the pursuit of my life.
The thunder rang, and the rain was falling like a broken wire.
The sky while rolling the clouds of dark clouds, an instant downpour, drop from the clouds.
Two or three months, the breeze blowing gently, drizzle floating down from the sky.
In the spring rain, the grass is a good time to wash a bath, become more green.
The heavy rain pounded on the roof and hit the glass, playing the exciting music.
The rain fell, all kinds of flowers and leaves on the condensation of a crystal drops.
The rain can destroy Sakura, but also can not Chongfengmaoyu, Sakura Shukai smile?
The rain is getting bigger and bigger, more and more fierce. Looking out, I saw a world many misty.
At the moment, the rain is like the sky the Milky Way flood, slumped down from the sky!
The wind blowing in the air, non-stop rain, misty under a common remit a natural picture.
The wind blowing like a play, rain go along the side side to create a mood.
March rain like countless small hand, hit the leaves on key, played a hymn of spring.
High in the gathering, play, babbling, dance and skip with joy to rush into the embrace of mother earth.
Downpour the next stop, from the eaves of rainwater from the streets in a brook.
I saw the Beihai rolling, roaring. Rain lashed the ground, the water splashing rain fly, a fan ying.
At this time, the thunder rain wind mix together, is really terrible, as if the sky is falling down.
Rain water along the eaves slowly down, began to drop a drop, and gradually formed a thin line.
Big drops of rain like a shot shot, hit the tree leaves brawl, falling on the human body has some pain.
Rain down the grass stems roll down, a drop of drill into the earth, and a drop into the grass mouth, can not find.
Rain, the more the greater the water on the ground to sink into a stream, Luo laughing singing and dancing, running forward.
A rainwater from the roof creeps, slowly crawling, leaving the crooked footprint on the ceiling.
A drizzly rain, mountain, water, mountain that bubbling a stream, rushing up more beautiful.
Silky rain had fallen from the sky, the rain is so small that the rain is so dense, hills covered with white yarn chanyi.
Suddenly the rain into a roar, like countless days cracked hole, rain sinks into the waterfall pouring down towards the earth.
The wind chasing the rain, rain to catch the wind, wind and rain together to catch up with the clouds of the sky, the whole world is in the rain.
Out of the window under the drizzle, the drops of rain, as if accompanied with a little dance, I couldn't help but be tempted out of the window of the world.
Rain quietly underground, accompanied by the warm spring breeze to drive away the winter residual marks to spring girl put on the dress, to people brings hope.
More rain under the greater the more, looked in the distance like a grey curtain to cover the line of sight, grey, a tree, and house ah, what also can not see.
Spring is like silk, light and thin, like a wet smoke, no shape, is not to make a sound, gently moisten the earth.
Flooding of rivers to diffuse out of the world of mortals, slide on the desolate plateau, along the spirituality of water rolling down, through the music of the pupil of the eye, rain drops.
The rain like thousands of paratroopers jumped down from the sky and landed safely on the ground. The rain is like a big net, hanging in front of my eyes.
When the rain fell on time in the water, rain on the surface of the water to draw a note. These notes are raindrops on the surface of the water hit the ring.
The rain began to flow down along the eaves, like a broken string of beads, gradually into a line. More and more water on the ground, the sink into a stream.
The rain off the line like a string of beads, drop out into the sink in the rain puddles above. Rain in succession, dyed green mountain, dyed green water, dyed green stone road.
A gentle breeze, Yulian oblique, as a root of the filaments towards the trees and the walls. The rain fell, all kinds of flowers and leaves on the condensation of a crystal drops.
Summer, the rain crashed. The raindrops in the sky like a sieve beans like down straight away, break as a mirror of the lake, away originally wanted to jump in the water to see rain in the small fish.
Drizzle, quietly and silently falling, like countless silkworm mother out of silver. Tens of thousands of filaments, rippling in the air, fan fan long veil, covered with a black field.
Rain fell on my head, body, and my upturned face upward, eyes closed, mouth goods the little raindrop. Suddenly, I feel as though he were under the rain watering long and a lot of.
After a while, the sky began to hail, and the raindrops fell down, the students can not help loudly called up, the sky like to hear our cheers, rain under the greater.
Like the fog like rain, like rain like fog, Cecil strands of tangled constantly. The twinkling of an eye, the raindrop joined the line, wow sound, like heavy rain falling from the sky like blots out the sky from the sky rained down.
It was raining harder and harder, from afar, the earth like hanging out with a tremendous bead curtain, across the roof on the splash splash like strands of white smoke. The rain on the ground sinks into a stream, flows in a joyful way.
One night, the thunder clouds, one after another, the lightning flashed in the sky. The wind was blowing hard, branches blown snapping sound, suddenly fell downpour.
If the rain million silver floating down from the sky, falling roof rows of water, like a beautiful curtain. Out of the window under the drizzle, the drops of rain, as if accompanied with a little dance, I couldn't help but be tempted out of the window of the world.
More rain, the roof, the streets, splashing a layer of white misty rain and fog, like the misty white yarn. When a gust of wind blows over, the white yarn curl around, the deviation on the street water, stir spray.
It sounds reasonable that when someone runs up and down, the body is exposed to more drops of water.
But several studies have put this saying to the test and found it not to be true. One such test was carried out in 1987 and was published in European Journal of Physics magazine. The Italian physicist who did the experiment said that if the distance is short enough, running gets a person less wet than walking. But running only keeps you about 10 per cent drier. That is to say, running isn‘t worth the effort.
Another study, published in 1995 by a British researcher, found that it made no difference whether a person walked or ran.
Perhaps the final word came from two American scientists at the National Climatic Data Centre in North Carolina recently. They thought that earlier studies overestimated the average walking pace. So, they did a much more careful experiment than any of the previous ones.
They noticed that the direction of the wind really matters to the results of the experiment. They also found that runners like to lean forward, hiding the front of their bodies from rain, but exposing the back.
The researchers used themselves as guinea pigs in the test. Over a distance of 100 metres, they found that running in heavy rain kept them drier by as much as 40 per cent.
The bottom line is running in the rain probably keeps you drier than walking. But do remember to take an umbrella with you! For long distances, without an umbrella, the results are the same, no matter you run or walk.