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时间:2024-09-29 15:22:02



I was 45 years old when I decided to learn how to surf.

They say that life is tough enough.

But I guess I like to make things difficult on myself, because I do that all the time.

Every day and on purpose.

That's because I believe in disrupting my comfort zone.

When I started out in the entertainment business, I made a list of people that I thought would be good to me.

Not people who could give me a job or a deal, but people who could shake me up, teach me something, challenge my ideas about myself and the world.

So I started calling up experts in all kinds of fields.

Some of them were world-famous.

Of course, I didn't know any of these people and none of them knew me.

So when I called these people up to ask them for a meeting, the response wasn't always friendly.

And even when they agreed to give me some of their time,the results weren't always what one might describe as pleasant.

Take, for example, Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb.

It took me a year of begging and more begging to get to him to agree to meet with me.

And then what happened? He ridiculed me and insulted me.

But that was okay.

I was hoping to learn something from him—and I did,even if it was only that I'm not that interesting to a physicist with no taste for our pop culture.

Over the last 30 years, I've produced more than 50 movies and 20 television series.

I'm successful and, in my business, pretty well known.

So why do I continue to subject myself to this sort of thing?

The answer is simple:

Disrupting my comfort zone, bombarding myself with challenging people and situations—this is the best way that I know to keep growing.

And to paraphrase a biologist I once met,if you're not growing, you're dying.

So maybe I'm not the best surfer on the north shore, but that's okay.

The discomfort, the uncertainty, the physical and mental challenge that I get from this—all the things that too many of us spend our time and energy trying to avoid—they are precisely the things that keep me in the game.


Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.

Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring;for ornament, is in discourse;and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business.

For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one;but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs,come best from those that are learned.

To spend too much time in studies is sloth;to use them too much for ornament,is affectation;to make judgement wholly by their rules, is the humour of a scholar.

They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience:for natural abilities are like natural plants,that need pruning by study;and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large,except they be bounded in by experience.

Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them;for they teach not their own use;but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.

Read not to contradict and confute;nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse;but to weigh and consider.

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested;that is, some books are to be read only in parts;others to be read, but not curiously;and some few to be read wholly,and with diligence and attention.

Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others;but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books;else distilled books are, like common distilled waters, flashy things.

Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.

And therefore,if a man write little,he had need have a great memory;if he confer little, he had need have a present wit;and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he does not.

Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep; moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.






优美,生动有趣。 是现代语言艺术文学体裁的一种典范,并具有比较高的审美价值。在长期网络流传过程中,它浇灌了各个时代的文学园地,也灌溉了历代文人,至今仍使人们受益。


1. A bad workman always blames his tools. 拙匠总怪工具差。

2. A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足长乐。

3. A good beginning is half the battle. 好的开端等于成功一半。

4. A little pot is soon hot. 壶小易热,量小易怒。

5.All lay loads on a willing horse. 好马重负。

6. A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,万事顺利 。

7. Bad excuses are worse than none. 狡辩比不辩护还糟 。

8. Character is the first and last word in the success circle.


9. Cleanliness is next to godliness. 整洁近于美德 。

10. Courtesy costs nothing. 彬彬有礼,惠而不费 。

11. Doing nothing is doing ill. 无所事事,必干坏事。

12. Early to bed, early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

睡得早,起得早,聪明、富裕、身体好 。

13. Empty vessels make the most noise. 满瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡 。

14. Every man hath his weak side. 人皆有弱点 。

15. Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, dress, soul and idea.


16. Extremes are dangerous. 凡事走向极端是危险的 。

17. Good advice is harsh to the ear. 忠言逆耳 。

18. Grasp all, lose all. 欲尽得,必尽失 。

19. Great hopes make great men. 伟大的理想造就伟大的人物。

20. Handsome is he who does handsomely. 行为美者才真美。

21. To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasure, we must go to those who are seeking it :the pains of power is real, its pleasures imaginary. (C.Colton Charles, British churchman) 欲知权力带来的痛苦,去问那些当权者;欲知权力带来的乐趣,去问那些追逐权势者:权力带来的痛苦是真实的,而权力带来的乐趣只不过是凭空想象的。(英国牧师 查尔斯.C.C.)

22. Tomorrow never comes. 我生待明日,万事成蹉跎

23. Unpleasant advice is a good medicine. 忠言逆耳利于行

24. Well begun is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半

25. What is done by night appears by day. 若要人不知,除非己莫为

26. When in Rome , do as Romans do 入乡随俗

27. Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

28. You have to believe in yourself.That’s the secret of success.相信自己,这是成功的秘诀

29.He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.


30.He is rich enough that wants nothing.


初二期末考试英语预测范文一:my dream

A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep heart's core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life.

A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living.

I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils.

初二期末考试英语预测范文二:I have a dream

Everyone may have his own dream. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful, and someone may want to have power. But I’m different from them. My dream is special. I want to have a pair of wings. Because I want to fly in the sky,I like the feeling of freedom.

If I have a pair of wings,I’m sure it will be very wonderful. I can fly below the blue sky with the birds. I can enjoy the music of birds’. I can fly across the cloud and the small wind will blow past my face. The feeling must be the same as that my mother caresses me.

I can fly over the sea, below the rainbow, through the forest I can see all the wonderful view. But I know that it will never be uteri have another instead. I want to have a fly of my own. The plane must be very small and light. It has to carry only one person. It can fly by wind or sunshine. It can fly for a very long time. And the important thing is that it must be very save.

I’m sure I can have this plane some day. And I can have fly to everywhere I want.

初二期末考试英语预测范文三:我的梦想My Dream

Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future.However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge.

I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.

初二期末考试英语预测范文四:I have a chinese dream

Nowadays the topic on Cinese Dream by our Chairman Xi’s speech inspires everyone all over China, especially the students who will enter university to achieve their dreams. I’m so proud that I am the one.

As for my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge. I believe to help others is to help ourselves, and it surely can bring me happiness and pleasure.

To realize my dream, firstly, I must try to work hard from now on. And I must learn as much as possbile so that I can get into a good medical college, where I will prepare myself adequately for the job of a doctor. Senondly, I have to train myself to be more careful, that is the basic to do everything . Finally, believe myself. Because confidence is the key to success. I think only in this way can I accomplish my goal, my Chinese dream.

初二期末考试英语预测范文五:a dream

It shocked me when I heard of the event that the farmer was attacked by the city manager, which seems common in China. Everyone has his right to chase the dream but on its muddy way, he should experience monstrous trouble to realize it. When the person is pursuing his dream he cannot ignore the extrinsic and intrinsic factor. In China, people may mostly contribute to the extrinsic factor. They show hatred of government on the Internet. They make no effort to hide their emotion to attack whatever government does. It seems that Chinese are not proud of their motherland and they leave their country in haste.

They do not consider that although the extrinsic reason is important, it cannot change and we can alter ourselves. However, in China, it can be seen commonly that people are always complaining atmosphere rather than down-to-earth. Citizens are eager to be upstarts in one night instead of working years to years. They are blind to their responsibility. If they complain the environment they are in, why not thinking who lead to the situation?

初二期末考试英语预测范文六:china dream

The china dream has become the hottest topic after our president Xi jinking said in his first public speech in the 18th Party Congress. So what is china dream? People's views on that vary from a person to person. As far as I am concerned, the china dream has a specific meaning. It includes the renewal of our chinese nation and the aspirations of the chinese people for a good standard of living. Maybe there is a long way to go to fulfill that dreams.

However, I think, the most significant thing to realize that dream is to make everyone's dream accomplished. Imaging that if everyone realize his dream, there will be more elites in our country. Obviously, they must be excellent, thus making them contribute to our country better. As a result, our country is on the way to flourishing. On top of that, I think we also can't deny the fact that the people's dream can't be fulfilled without a stronger nation. What's more, only our government provide us better education, stable jobs, great social security, better medical and healthcare can we realize our dream eventually.

In conclusion, the whole nation's dream and the individual's dream are tied up together. So I believe that only everyone's dream be accomplished can the china dream be realized.