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时间:2024-09-29 07:20:15


1.afford  有足够的(钱/时间)做(某事)

2.against  与…对抗, 对着

3.baker  面包师

4.barn  谷仓, 堆物房;马房, 牛舍

5.beeper  袖珍无线电传呼机, 电话呼叫机

6.biology  生物(学)

7.bleat  羊叫(声)

8.blind  瞎的, 盲的

9.Brazil  巴西

10.brochure  小册子

11.broom  扫帚

12.cabbage  卷心菜, 洋白菜

13.canoe  乘独木舟

14.cap  便帽, 军帽

15.captain  队长

16.channel  海峡;航道;频道;波段

17.chart  图表

18.chimney  烟囱, 烟筒

19.chips  (口语)炸士豆儿条

20.chopsticks  (常用复数)筷子

21.church  教堂, 教会

22.click   咔哒声;发出咔哒声

23.code  密码, 符号

24.competition  比赛;竞争

25.conductor  售票员, 列车员

26.coral  珊瑚,珊瑚礁

27.correct  改正

28.decorate  装饰, 修饰

29.describe  描写;叙述

30.detective  侦探

31.diagram  图表

32.dim  微暗的., 昏暗的

33.dinosaur  恐龙

34.eve  前夕

35.family tree  家谱

36.flight   航班, 飞行

37.fragile  易碎的

38.frustrate  使沮丧, 使失败

39.geography  地理(学)

40.grab  抓取…, 夺取

41.grand   豪华的, 庄重的, 雄伟的

42.grape  葡萄

43.harvest   收获

44.height   高度

45.iceberg  冰山

46.icon   图象符号, 图标

47.injection  注射, 打针

48.invent  发明, 创造

49.invite  邀请, 招待

50.journalist  记者, 新闻工作者

51.licence  执照, 许可证

52.line  线, 绳索

53.loudspeaker  扬声器, 扩音器

54.mark  记号;标记;痕迹

55.mention  提到, 说起

56.midfield   中场

57.modem  调制解调器

58.monitor  显示器

59.multiply  (将…)乘…

60.object  物体

61.physics  物理(学)

62.pleasant  愉快的, 快乐的

63.plus  加, 加上

64.pork  猪肉

65.province  省

66.pumpkin  南瓜

67.quarrel  争吵

68.queue  队,行列

69.queue jumper   不按次序排队的人

70.quite  很, 十分

71.ridge  山脉

72.rough  粗鲁的, 激烈的

73.rubbish   垃圾;废物

74.scenery  风景;景色

75.scissors  (复数)剪刀

76.secondhand   二手的,用过的

77.shepherd  牧羊人

78.shellfish  贝类, 甲壳虫

79.sign  标记, 符号, 痕迹

80.tail  尾巴, 尾部

81.detiail 细节

82.telegraph  电报

83.terrible  可怕的, 感到极不舒服的

84.terrific  很棒的, 极好的

85.thief   贼

86.tomb  坟墓

87.tractor   拖拉机

88.truck  卡车

89.wag  (尾巴)摆动, 摇动

90.yen  日元,渴望


The company has dowered the prospective bride.

我们公司把嫁妆送给了这位前途无量的新娘。I thanked Tim for his present.

我感谢蒂姆送给礼物。Ann sent andy ten hens and andy sent ann ten pens.

安恩送给安迪十只母鸡,安迪送给安恩十支钢笔。After years of quarrelling we at last sent our cousins a Christmas card as an olive-branch.

我们与堂兄弟多年不和,最后我们送给他们一张圣诞卡,算是化干戈为玉帛When main arrives , the gateway will automatically forward it to the misty computer.

当邮件到达时,网间连接装置就会自动地把邮件送给计算机misty。Mom, Dad's birthday is coming up. I don't know what to give him. Do you have any ideas for a gift?

妈妈,爸爸的生日快到了。我不知道送给他点什么好。你有什么建议?The letter was sent to you in error, ie by mistake.

此信误送给你了。BCC Other

密件抄送给别人This just the thing to gift the newlyweds.

这正是送给新婚夫妇的好礼物。Give never the wolf the wether.


v. 发送,寄;派遣;发射;传达

send in an account

开送帐单|报帐 God sends meat and the devil sends cooks

鲜肉由天次,劣厨乃鬼遣God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.

上帝赐给食物,魔鬼派来厨师。Send the memo by express mail.

把这份备忘录用快递寄出。 Send a message by radio

1.On the one hand, on the other, 一方面;另一方面

On the one hand, the plan is pretty good; On the other, it does bring us some bad effects.


2. Last but not least, 最后但同样重要的是...

Last but not least, we should not forget the importance of friendship.


3. make a difference 有影响,很重要

Your attitude towards life and study makes a great difference.


4. benefit a lot from... 从...受益良多

You can benefit a lot from teachers’ advice.


5. look forward to (doing)s.th 期待着做...

I’m always looking forward to giving you a great surprise.


6. have a good knowledge of... 了解.../懂得...

After reading the text, you’ll have a good knowledge of the Chinese history.


7. What matters is not...but... 重要的不是...而是...

What matters is not money but your attitude towards work.


8. It makes sense to do... 做...是合理的/有意义的

It makes sense to set downs your feelings in a diary.


9. prefer to do...rather than do... 宁愿做...而不愿做什么...

We prefer to stay at home rather than go fishing at weekends.


10. grow crazy about... 对...狂热/着迷

Teenagers usually grow crazy about everything to do with sports.


11. persuade s.b to do... 说服某人做...

I couldn’t persuade him to give up smoking.


12. be fond of doing... 喜欢做...

She is really fond of singing and dancing.


13. make up one’s mind to do... 下定决心做...

I have made up my mind to learn a third language.


14. dream about/of doing... 梦想着做...

I used to dream about/of traveling to the moon.


15. feel like doing s.th 想要做...

He felt like taking a walk along the river.


16. can hardly wait to do... 迫不及待地做...

They could hardly wait to open the gifts.


17. think little of... 对...不在意

Everybody thought little of the reason for the illness.


18. offer guidance to s.b 给某人提供指导

Teachers are willing to offer guidance to anyone in trouble.


19. remain to be done 仍然有待于...

A lot of problems remain to be dealt with in the future.


20. An increasing number of people 越来越多的'人...

An increasing number of people are concerned about health.


21. Something must be done. 必须采取措施

Something must be done to help those homeless children.


22. Only by this means/in this way can you... 只有这样...你才能...

Only by this means/in this way can you succeed.


23. It must be admiited that... 必须承认...

It must be admitted that he knows much about education.


24. There is no doubt that... 毫无疑问...

There is no doubt that I will leave you soon.


25. It is one thing to do..., but it’s quite another to do...


It is one thing to listen to teachers’ advice, but it’s quite another to put it into practice.


26. have a bad/good effect on... 对...带来坏的/好的影响

Fresh air has a good effect on our body and health.


27. There was a time when... 曾经有段时间...

There was a time when I grow crazy about movies.


28. It’s no pleasure doing... 做...没有乐趣

It’s no pleasure listening to music all day long.


29. As a matter of fact, 事实上;实际上

As a matter of fact, I have a wonderful dream.


30. It’s no wonder that... 难怪...

It’s no wonder that she got so tired that day.


31. It is /was +被强调内容+that从句

It is her health that I am greatly concerned about.


32. do harm to/be harmful to... 给...带来危害

Eating too much does harm to your health.

Eating too much is harmful to your health.


33. do good to 给...带来好处

Communication face to face with your friends does good to your friendship.


34. make an effort to do.. 努力做...

We should make an effort to do better than ever before.


35. get well prepared for... 为...做好准备

We should get well prepared for the coming final exam.


36. develop one’s own interest 培养兴趣

It does great good to develop your own interest培养你自己的兴趣很有好处。

37. make great progress 取得很大进步

I hope all of you can make great progress in your language learning.


38. be in great need of.. 极其需要...

People who suffered a lot in the earthquake were in great need of food and water.


39. pay special attention to... 特别关注...

People begin to pay special attention to the protection of nature.


40. devote oneself to(doing) s.th 一心一意做...

Great people are those who devote themselves to selflessly helping others.


41. It’s generally accepted that... 大家普遍认为...

It’s generally accepted that the earth is getting warmer and warmer.


42. show respect for 对...尊敬

As students, we should show respect for our teachers.


43. consider s.b (to be/as)+n./adj.... 认为...是...

There is no doubt that we all consider him honest.


44. be concerned about... 关心;挂念

Parents are concerned about their children.


45. be based on... 以...为基础

The film is based on a true story that happened in 1946.


46. have a correct attitude towards... 对...采取一种正确的态度

It’s important for us to have a correct attitude towards life.


47. as far as s.b be concerned, 就...而言

As far as I’m concerned, I prefer to go to Shanghai for a visit.


48. meet one’s needs 满足...的需求

The little food can’t meet our needs in the next week.


49. be likely to do 可能...

As human, we are all likely to make mistakes.


50. not only...but also... 不但...而且...

Not only you but also I am fond of pop music.


51. ask for one’s advice on... 就...寻求某人的意见

She often asks for my advice on learning English.


52. turn to s.b for help 向...求助

He always finds someone to turn to for help.


53. Sb holds the view that... 某人持的观点是/某人认为...

They hold the view that a new school should be built for the local children.


54. I’m of the firm belief that... 我坚信...

I’m of the firm belief that he can get along well with others.


55. The reason why...is that..., ...的原因是...

The reason why I’ll leave you is that I have a family in another place.


56. impress sb deeply 使某人印象深刻

What he said at the meeting impressed me deeply.


57. It turned out that... 结果是...

It turned out that he felt upset about the result of the exam.


58. With the development of... 随着...的发展

With the development of science, nothing is impossible.


59. play an important part in... 在...起着重要的作用

Language plays an important role in our communications.


60. make some suggestions on...


I’d like to make some suggestions on your learning habits.


61. Just as a famous saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.”


62. In a word 总而言之

In a word, we should work hard at our lessons.
