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时间:2024-10-08 00:32:32

绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇1

Today, I read the story of the wizard of Oz, the protagonist is Dorothy. She is a strong and brave girl. A strong wind blew her to a strange place. In order to return to her hometown of Casas, she met a lot of friends along the way: Scarecrow, lion, Tiepi Jiaofu. They bravely overcame many difficulties along the way.

At last, Dorothy went back to her hometown and separated from her good friend. After reading this story, I understand that we have to learn like Dorothy in the future.

今天我读了《绿野仙踪》故事里的主人公是多罗西,她是一个坚强勇敢的女孩。一场大风把她刮到了一个陌生的地方,她为了回到她的家乡凯萨斯洲,一路上认识了 许多朋友有:稻草人、狮子、铁皮焦夫,她们一路上勇敢地战胜了许多困难。


绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇2

I like watching Wizard of Oz very much. I like Dorothy best. Dorothy is a warm-hearted person. She loves to help her friends. She has helped scarecrow, tin man and lion to realize their wishes.

Originally, the scarecrow lived in a farmers corn field, and was fixed on a pole. Dorothy took him down, so the scarecrow was free.

Because of the heavy rain, the iron Fellers joints were all rusty. It was Dorothy who took the oil tank and applied oil to the joints of the iron man, so that the iron man could be flexible.

On Dorothys first day in Oates, her house smashed the wicked witch of the eastern Kingdom and saved the Munchkins. Help the Munchkins get rid of the plight of being enslaved by evil witches.

I think Dorothy is a brave little girl. I like her very much and will make myself a brave and enthusiastic person like Dorothy.






绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇3

I read a book called "Wizard of Oz", which is very good-looking. There is a girl named Dorothy in the book. She is very brave, intelligent and helpful.

One day, a tornado blew Dorothy and her dog to another country. Dorothy wanted to go home. She started her journey home. On the way home, she met a scarecrow who wanted to be smart, a tin man who wanted to have a heart, and a lion who wanted to be brave. Together, they helped each other, braved difficulties, and finally bravely realized their wishes.

Dorothy, she has courage to face difficulties bravely. Reading this book makes me understand that no matter what difficulties I encounter, I have to face and overcome them. I want to learn from Dorothy, learn her courage, not afraid of suffering, unity partners. I will work hard and study hard in the future.




绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇4

This month our class read the book "Wizard of Oz". The main story is that a little girl named Dorothy was blown to a strange and beautiful place by a tornado.

It was a magical place, but she was very brave, so she decided to go home.

When they arrived at the Emerald City, the scarecrow had a brain, the tin man had a heart, the timid monkey had courage. Under the guidance of the witch, with three good friends, they overcame many difficulties all the way and finally came back home.

Through reading, I know that as long as there is determination, courage, perseverance, many things can succeed!





绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇5

I have read the book "Wizard of Oz" and I understand: when you encounter something, you must insist on it, you must take back a victory, dont give up; I know that helping others is a good thing; I also know that if you want to achieve a wish, you must work hard.

For example, Dorothy in the article wants to go back to Kansas and meet his Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. He has experienced many difficult things and met many good friends. They helped each other to defeat the evil Western witch. They also met the good witch, Grenada, who helped her realize her wish.

Finally, Dorothy succeeded. She went back to Kansas, met her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, and met many of his friends. They all thought of her very much.




绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇6

This week, I finished reading "The Wizard of Oz" in three days. Its really good.

The book is about Dorothys parents died when she was young, so she lived with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. Dorothy and her house were swept away by a tornado.

Then Dorothy met the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion. The Scarecrow wanted brains, the Tin Woodman wanted heart, and the Cowardly Lion wanted courage.

In the end, everyone realized their dreams.

I like this book, because the plot is beautiful and it attracts me.

绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇7

The Wizard of Oz tells the story of a young girl and her three friends who find faith against all odds. This story inspires us to be brave, unite, stick to our beliefs, believe in ourselves in the face of difficulties, and overcome the difficulties with tact. The little girl helped three friends in need, so she got the help from the three friends later.

This fully shows that people need to help others in order to get help from others. Flowers need leaves to help, people need people to help. This makes me realize that I need to help my classmates and make friends with them.

绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇8

I like the Cowardly Lion the most in The Wizard of Oz. It lives in the forest, looks very fierce, in fact, its heart is very afraid, it even a dog are afraid, is a big coward. So it wants a kind of courage, the kind of courage only in Oz can give it, but Oz has a condition: to kill the Witch of the West, with the help of Dorothy the lion melted the Witch of the West, Oz gave it a glass of wine, the lion drank, have courage.

绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇9

Today I read The Wizard of Oz -- The Magic of Oz. King Ozs real face is a little old man. He is a liar. He had been an actor in a circus, and had been blown to Oates by a gust of wind while riding in a hydrogen balloon. The people of Oates thought he was a very good magician, so he pretended to be one, and used the magic he had learned in the circus to deceive the people, and they all thought he was a real magician.

We cant be like King Oates. Cheating gets caught in the end.

绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇10

I read "The Wizard of Oz" today -- the tree that catches people. One day Dorothy and her family came across two catching trees. When the Scarecrow climbed up, he was caught, and fell down into the sky. Then, the dog dragging drag climb up again, fortunately, iron the woodcutter saved it down with an axe. The Iron Woodman climbed up and tried again. Nothing happened. Then they set off again.

I want to say to the Scarecrow and the Iron Woodman, you should try anything, you will not know how to feel until you try.


左右摇动 活动自如 小心翼翼 全神贯注 全心全意 毫不气馁 一劈为二 津津有味 无关紧要

忧心忡忡 庞然大物 并肩而行 笨手笨脚 哈哈大笑 潺潺小溪 纵身一跃 说干就干 熊身虎头

失声惊叫 张牙舞爪 大步流星 芳香四溢 不知疲倦 手脚勤快 精神饱满 充满希望 阳光明媚

毫无用处 全身力气 筋疲力尽 心旷神怡 连声附和 不由自主 随风飘扬 呼呼酣睡









生平 捉弄 追逐 苦恼 气概 效劳 驱使 纷纷 聚集 各自 结实 旷野 爱慕 抽噎

执行 制伏 低沉 示意 粗暴 凶猛 统治 通往 违背 漫延 效劳 自如 高明 虚荣

依依不舍 养尊处优 惟命是从 严严实实 咬牙切齿 无忧无虑 竭尽全力 莫明其妙

































