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时间:2024-10-07 02:23:36


1.this is the book which i like the most.

2.the box which is full of books should be empty as soon as possible.

3. i am the one who wrote to you.

4.the teacher who teaches us maths is a young man.

5.i want to find a place where is quiet and good.

6. the restaurant where we had our lunch last time is in tha 17th street.

7.the book that you borrowed from me yesterday is helen's ,not mine.

8.the dog that is eating over there belongs to the shopkeeper.

9.i like the movie that i watched yesterday.

10.do you think the picture that is taken by john is good?


1. 我是一个16岁的女孩,在日坛中学上学。

I’m a 16-year-old girl, who is studying in Beijing RitanHigh School.

2. 我捡起了游客扔下的垃圾。

I picked up the garbage/rubbish/litter that/which the tourists/visitorsthrew away.

3. 她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。

She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen/met.


This is the factory that/whichI worked in.

This is the factory where I worked.


This is the factory that/which I visited last week.


This is the most interesting novel that I have ever read.


He is going to visit our school in April, when he will give/deliver us a lecture about how tolearn English .


In our school, there is a big library, where we canread the books

that/which we are interested in.


Yesterday I went to Shanghai, where I was born.


He didn’tpass/failed theexam again, which made his parents very angry.


1.this is the book which i like the most.

2.the box which is full of books should be empty as soon as possible.

3. i am the one who wrote to you.

4.the teacher who teaches us maths is a young man.

5.i want to find a place where is quiet and good.

6. the restaurant where we had our lunch last time is in tha 17th street.

7.the book that you borrowed from me yesterday is helen's ,not mine.

8.the dog that is eating over there belongs to the shopkeeper.

9.i like the movie that i watched yesterday.

10.do you think the picture that is taken by john is good?


1. 我是一个16岁的女孩,在日坛中学上学。

I’m a 16-year-old girl, who is studying in Beijing RitanHigh School.

2. 我捡起了游客扔下的垃圾。

I picked up the garbage/rubbish/litter that/which the tourists/visitorsthrew away.

3. 她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。

She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen/met.


This is the factory that/whichI worked in.

This is the factory where I worked.


This is the factory that/which I visited last week.


This is the most interesting novel that I have ever read.


He is going to visit our school in April, when he will give/deliver us a lecture about how tolearn English .


In our school, there is a big library, where we canread the books

that/which we are interested in.


Yesterday I went to Shanghai, where I was born.


He didn’tpass/failed theexam again, which made his parents very angry.


1. He, who knows nothing but Ptends to know everything, is indeed a good-for-nothing. 不懂装懂,永世饭桶。

2. He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody. 人不自爱,焉能爱人?

3. He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后, 谁笑得最好。

4. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 从不犯错误的人一事无成。

5. He that can read and meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious. 会读书思索的人不会感到长夜无聊或生活乏味。

6. He that gains time gains all things. 谁赢得时间,谁就赢得一切。

7. He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes. —Hamilton 错误犯得最少的将军就是最好的将军。——汉密尔顿

8. He who nothing questions, nothing learns. 什么也不问的人什么也学不到。

9. He that is master of himself will soon be master of others. 能自制者方能制人。

10. He that travels far knows much. 行万里者,见多识广。

11. He that cannot ask cannot live. 万事不求人,哪里能生存?

12. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. 朋友就是这样的人——他了解你的一切而仍然喜欢你。

13. All is not gold that glitters. 闪闪发光者,未必皆黄金。


She is the girl who studies math hard.


He is the man whom/that we talked about just now.


This is the girl whose father is a policeman.


They live in a house whose windows face south.


I still remember the day when we first arrived in the city.


This is the house in which/where we used to live.


They arrived at a cottage, in front of which sat a little boy.


I lost the pen that cost me 10 yuan.


The woman lives downstairs, who is a musician.


He passed the exam, which made his parents happy.

11.、众所周知,中国将在2008年举办奥运会As we all know, china host the olympic games in 2008. china host the olympic games in 2008, which we all know.


I will always remember the day when I joined the army.


There are 50 students in our class, 2/3 of whom are girls.


The day (that/which we expect) will come soon.


They are talking about the people and things that they saw in the park.


This is the one of the most famous scripts that was written in the 30s.


This is the very present that I want to buy for her.


The girl who is watching TV is Kate.


She is the nurse that took care of these children.


I met Mr. Smith, who told me the news.21、你认识我们在学校里遇见的老师吗?考试及答案

Do you know the teacher whom we met in the school?


She is the person we are looking for.


The boy is Tom who lost his bag.

The boy is tom whose bag was missing.


The boys whose names are called stand up please.


This is the book you want.


This is the largest map that I have ever seen.


July and august are the months that are very hot.


It happened the day when I was born.


He went to the school where he used to studied.


Do you know the reason why we left early?


1.我们在医院一直照顾take care of的老太太死了.

The old lady whom we had taken care of in the hospital last year died.


The girl whom you want to marry stole your wallet yesterday.


The book that Mt. Sun wrote is the best book in the world.


The girl who you like is the girl who I like.


The man who was bit by my dog was bit by my dog today again.


Do you know the reason for which he is going to marry you?

Do you know the reason why he is going to marry you?


I hate the hotel where I lived.

I hate the hotel in which I lived.

I hate the hotel I lived in.


I will never forget the autumn when I studied and lived with you.

I will never forget the autumn in which I studied and lived with you.


The girl whom he had loved for 20 years married someone yesterday.


She is the beautiful girl that I have ever seen.


Is there anything that I can do for you?


The old lady who died yesterday left one million.


The doctor told me yesterday that there is nothing that he could do for my father.


This is the page ,where you can find the answer.

This is the page ,which you can find the answer on.


As the teacher told me yesterday, he didn’t pass the exam.


As we was discussing just now, it’s easy for us to study English.


As my mother told me yesteray , my girlfriend didn’t love me at all.


As you know, the money is very important.

19. 我们现在学的商务英语非常有用。

We are studying the business English, which is very useful for us In the future.


Do you know the reason why your dog is going to die?

21. 她就是那个到明年年底,会攒一万美圆的那个女孩。

She is the girl who will have made ten thousand dollars by the end of nest year.

22. 你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?

Do you know the thief whom (who) the policeman has been looking for?

23. 昨天他告诉我,是谁吃了我的苹果,那个苹果是我妈妈给我买的。

Yesterday, He told me who had eaten my apple which my mother bought for me.

24. 自从她出生以来她就从未见过她爸爸。

She has never seen her father since he was born.

25. 她昨天告诉我,自从他去年见到她父亲,就再也没有见过了。

Yesterday, she told me that she had never seen her father sine she was born

26. 你知道你们班长喜欢的那个是贼的女孩吗?

Do you know the girl who (whom) your monitor likes?