励志一生网 > 优美句子 > 冰河世纪的优美英文句子 正文


时间:2025-03-16 10:57:01




我觉得猛犸象真是富有爱心、一一团一一结合作、舍己为人啊!不管在家庭里,还   是社会上,我们都应该向猛犸象学一习一。这让我想到了《一次成功的实验》这篇课文。小女孩说:“你第一,你第二,我第三!”三个小铅锤就依次从瓶中拉出来了,然后水才灌满。小女孩和猛犸象一样富有爱心、一一团一一结合作、舍己为人。


《冰河世纪》这部电一影,还   让我想到了远古时代冰川的巨大,与现在的气候变暖。如果人类没有出现,没有破坏环境,这个世界的冰川也不会慢慢地融化。





冰河时期,大地一片雪白,没有任何事物存在,动物们为了生存纷纷迁徙,人类也不例外,一天一群剑齿虎闯进人类的村子,他们的目标是一户人家的婴儿。一陰一差一陽一错的是,这个婴儿被善良的长一毛一象与嗜食的树獭捡到了。长一毛一象一开始并不愿招惹麻烦,但又被孩子的天真可爱吸引。就在这时剑齿虎迪亚哥也加入了这个帮助婴儿重返家园的队伍,它们一起踏上了漫漫寻亲路。一路上,三只性格迥异的动物矛盾重重,剑齿虎还   准备把它们引导族类设下的陷阱中。但经历了雪崩、饥饿、火山爆发等灾难后,望着毫不畏惧自己且天真可爱的婴儿,剑齿虎改变了主意,族类很快发现迪亚哥的“背叛”,开始对他们实行惩罚……











1.What would it take to make you happy?

2.Make me, sir. It's all about respect.

3.Congratulations. You're now an idiot in two languages.

4.What do qualifications have to do with child care?

5.You guys never think I can do any thing, but I'm an equal member of this herd.

6.I made this herd, so you need to start treating me with some respect.

7.Why does the burro go home? Why doesn't he stay with the rabbits?

8.He should go with the girl burro. That's a better love story.

9.They lived happily ever after. You can't get more satisfying than that.

10.Are you making an offer? I mean, no, I would not.

11.Be that a sit may, when's the last time you saw another mammoth?

12.The only respect you'll get is respect for the dead.

13.Because we saw what's up there. The dam's gonna break.

14.I don't know, but in a few days, this place is gonna be under water.

15.Sid, I'm going to fall on you again and this time I will kill you.

16.Everyone falls out of the tree now and then. They just don't admit it.

17.Everywhere. Under rocks. In holes in the ground.

18.Why do I gotta be the platypus? Make him the platypus.

19.These guys can protect us out in the open. What do you say?

20.My brothers and I would be delighted to come with you.

21.Now, let's move it before the ground falls out from under our feet.

22.If you weren't here, that hawk would have swooped down and snatched me for dinner.

23.Diego, there are whole continents moving faster than you.

24.From now on, land-safe, water-not safe.

25.No brakes. Gotta roll. Meet you at the other end.

26.Why are you trying to convince her she's a mammoth?

27.What can I say? They're boys. They make my life a little adventure.

28.Crazy and confused, but sweet.

29.I think I'm starting to get through to him.

30.It may surprise you to know that I, too, have experienced fear.

31.I was just saying that it's our responsibility.

32.Making friend servery where you go. Just making friends.

33.Not another word or I'll come down there and push you over myself.

34.Tomorrow's the day the vulture said we're all going to die.

35.Wow. What a night. You'll never guess what happened.

36.There's only one way to go. Straight through.

37.I am not your prey. I am not your prey.

38.Calm down. I saved you, little buddy. Remember?



hy not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era?

Im just saying, how do we know its an Ice age?

Because of all the ice.

Well, things just got a little chillier.

Help. Help.

Come on, kids, lets go.

The traffics moving.

But, but, but, Dad.

No buts. You can play extinction later.

OK. Come on, guys.

So, wheres Eddie?

He said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough.


Im flying.

Some breakthrough.

- Look out.

- Youre going the wrong way.

Crazy mammoth.

Do the world a favor.

Move your issues off the road.

If my trunk was that small,

I wouldnt draw attention to myself, pal.

Give me a break.

Weve been waddling all day.

Go ahead.

Follow the crowd.

Itll be quieter when youre gone.

Come on.

If he wants to freeze to death, let him.

Im up.

Im up.

Rise and shine, everybody.





Uncle Fungus?

Where is everybody?

Come on, guys,

were gonna miss the migration.

They left without me.

They do this every year.


Doesnt anyone love me?

Isnt there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth?

All right, Ill just go by myself.

Wide body, kerb it next time.

Oh, jeez. Yuck.

I cant believe it.

Fresh wild greens.

Frank, where did you ever...?

- Go ahead. Dig in.

- A dandelion.

- I thought the frost wiped em all out.

- All but one.

It makes me so... I wanna... Yuck.

This has definitely not been my day.

You know what Im saying, buddy?

What a mess.

You rhinos have tiny brains.

Did you know that?

Its just a fact.

No offence.

You probably didnt even know what Im talking about.

A dandelion. Must be the last one of the season.

- Carl.

- Easy, Frank.

He ruined our salad.

My mistake.

That was my mistake.

Let me...

No, no, seriously, let me take care of this.

What is this?

Pine cones.

Oh, my goodness.

Theyre my favorite.

Thats good eating.

But dont let me hog them all up.

Here, you have some.

Tasty, isnt it?

Bon appetit.


- Just pretend that Im not here.

- I wanted to hit him at full speed.

- Thats OK. Well have some fun with him.

- Dont let them impale me.

I wanna live.

- Get off me.

- Come on, youre making a scene.

Well just take our furry pineta and go.

If its not them today, its someone else tomorrow.

Well, Id rather it not be today. OK?

Well break your neck so you dont feel a thing.

Wait a minute. I thought rhinos were vegetarians.

- An excellent point.

- Shut up.

Who says were gonna eat him after we kill him?

I dont like animals that kill for pleasure.

- Save it for a mammal that cares.

- Im a mammal that cares.

OK, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of ya, you get the sloth.

Thats right, you losers.

You take one step and youre dead.

- You were bluffing, huh?

- Yeah. Yeah, that was a bluff.

Get him.

A dandelion?

We did it.

- You have beautiful eyes.

- Get off my face.

Whoa, we make a great team.

What do you say we head south together?

Great. Jump on my back and relax the whole way.

- Wow, really?

- No.

Wait, arent you going south?

The change of seasons, migration instincts.

- Any of this a-ringing a bell?

- I guess not. Bye.

OK, then.

Thanks for the help.

I can take it from here.

You overgrown weasel.

Wait till we get down there.