励志一生网 > 优美句子 > 关于雨的优美句子英语 正文


时间:2025-01-18 20:14:13


It sounds reasonable that when someone runs up and down, the body is exposed to more drops of water.


But several studies have put this saying to the test and found it not to be true. One such test was carried out in 1987 and was published in European Journal of Physics magazine. The Italian physicist who did the experiment said that if the distance is short enough, running gets a person less wet than walking. But running only keeps you about 10 per cent drier. That is to say, running isn‘t worth the effort.


Another study, published in 1995 by a British researcher, found that it made no difference whether a person walked or ran.


Perhaps the final word came from two American scientists at the National Climatic Data Centre in North Carolina recently. They thought that earlier studies overestimated the average walking pace. So, they did a much more careful experiment than any of the previous ones.


They noticed that the direction of the wind really matters to the results of the experiment. They also found that runners like to lean forward, hiding the front of their bodies from rain, but exposing the back.


The researchers used themselves as guinea pigs in the test. Over a distance of 100 metres, they found that running in heavy rain kept them drier by as much as 40 per cent.


The bottom line is running in the rain probably keeps you drier than walking. But do remember to take an umbrella with you! For long distances, without an umbrella, the results are the same, no matter you run or walk.



Rain, like 10 million Silver Heaven floating down.


The weather outside the window is like your changeable expression.


The rain is still falling, but not the last one sweet.


Spring rain like 10 million silver, a leisurely landing in the south.


The spring rain, like a flower pin, like filaments, thick oblique weave.


Like the fog like rain, like rain like fog, Cecil strands of tangled constantly.


Spring, like hairs, like a flower pin, like filaments densely twill weave.


The heavy rain crazy black sky drop from the clouds, like the collapse of.


Rain kept underground, like a curtain hanging outside the window.


Wind storm rolled up like a whip, blasted windows pumping.


Waiting for rain, is the fate of the life of an umbrella; waiting for you, is the pursuit of my life.


The thunder rang, and the rain was falling like a broken wire.


The sky while rolling the clouds of dark clouds, an instant downpour, drop from the clouds.


Two or three months, the breeze blowing gently, drizzle floating down from the sky.


In the spring rain, the grass is a good time to wash a bath, become more green.


The heavy rain pounded on the roof and hit the glass, playing the exciting music.


The rain fell, all kinds of flowers and leaves on the condensation of a crystal drops.


The rain can destroy Sakura, but also can not Chongfengmaoyu, Sakura Shukai smile?


The rain is getting bigger and bigger, more and more fierce. Looking out, I saw a world many misty.


At the moment, the rain is like the sky the Milky Way flood, slumped down from the sky!


The wind blowing in the air, non-stop rain, misty under a common remit a natural picture.


The wind blowing like a play, rain go along the side side to create a mood.


March rain like countless small hand, hit the leaves on key, played a hymn of spring.


High in the gathering, play, babbling, dance and skip with joy to rush into the embrace of mother earth.


Downpour the next stop, from the eaves of rainwater from the streets in a brook.


I saw the Beihai rolling, roaring. Rain lashed the ground, the water splashing rain fly, a fan ying.


At this time, the thunder rain wind mix together, is really terrible, as if the sky is falling down.


Rain water along the eaves slowly down, began to drop a drop, and gradually formed a thin line.


Big drops of rain like a shot shot, hit the tree leaves brawl, falling on the human body has some pain.


Rain down the grass stems roll down, a drop of drill into the earth, and a drop into the grass mouth, can not find.


Rain, the more the greater the water on the ground to sink into a stream, Luo laughing singing and dancing, running forward.


A rainwater from the roof creeps, slowly crawling, leaving the crooked footprint on the ceiling.


A drizzly rain, mountain, water, mountain that bubbling a stream, rushing up more beautiful.


Silky rain had fallen from the sky, the rain is so small that the rain is so dense, hills covered with white yarn chanyi.


Suddenly the rain into a roar, like countless days cracked hole, rain sinks into the waterfall pouring down towards the earth.


The wind chasing the rain, rain to catch the wind, wind and rain together to catch up with the clouds of the sky, the whole world is in the rain.


Out of the window under the drizzle, the drops of rain, as if accompanied with a little dance, I couldn't help but be tempted out of the window of the world.


Rain quietly underground, accompanied by the warm spring breeze to drive away the winter residual marks to spring girl put on the dress, to people brings hope.


More rain under the greater the more, looked in the distance like a grey curtain to cover the line of sight, grey, a tree, and house ah, what also can not see.


Spring is like silk, light and thin, like a wet smoke, no shape, is not to make a sound, gently moisten the earth.


Flooding of rivers to diffuse out of the world of mortals, slide on the desolate plateau, along the spirituality of water rolling down, through the music of the pupil of the eye, rain drops.


The rain like thousands of paratroopers jumped down from the sky and landed safely on the ground. The rain is like a big net, hanging in front of my eyes.


When the rain fell on time in the water, rain on the surface of the water to draw a note. These notes are raindrops on the surface of the water hit the ring.


The rain began to flow down along the eaves, like a broken string of beads, gradually into a line. More and more water on the ground, the sink into a stream.


The rain off the line like a string of beads, drop out into the sink in the rain puddles above. Rain in succession, dyed green mountain, dyed green water, dyed green stone road.


A gentle breeze, Yulian oblique, as a root of the filaments towards the trees and the walls. The rain fell, all kinds of flowers and leaves on the condensation of a crystal drops.


Summer, the rain crashed. The raindrops in the sky like a sieve beans like down straight away, break as a mirror of the lake, away originally wanted to jump in the water to see rain in the small fish.


Drizzle, quietly and silently falling, like countless silkworm mother out of silver. Tens of thousands of filaments, rippling in the air, fan fan long veil, covered with a black field.


Rain fell on my head, body, and my upturned face upward, eyes closed, mouth goods the little raindrop. Suddenly, I feel as though he were under the rain watering long and a lot of.


After a while, the sky began to hail, and the raindrops fell down, the students can not help loudly called up, the sky like to hear our cheers, rain under the greater.


Like the fog like rain, like rain like fog, Cecil strands of tangled constantly. The twinkling of an eye, the raindrop joined the line, wow sound, like heavy rain falling from the sky like blots out the sky from the sky rained down.


It was raining harder and harder, from afar, the earth like hanging out with a tremendous bead curtain, across the roof on the splash splash like strands of white smoke. The rain on the ground sinks into a stream, flows in a joyful way.


One night, the thunder clouds, one after another, the lightning flashed in the sky. The wind was blowing hard, branches blown snapping sound, suddenly fell downpour.


If the rain million silver floating down from the sky, falling roof rows of water, like a beautiful curtain. Out of the window under the drizzle, the drops of rain, as if accompanied with a little dance, I couldn't help but be tempted out of the window of the world.


More rain, the roof, the streets, splashing a layer of white misty rain and fog, like the misty white yarn. When a gust of wind blows over, the white yarn curl around, the deviation on the street water, stir spray.

NO.1  听,雨淅淅沥沥的下着,看,人间多少真情在?

NO.2  天空爱上大地,但却离大地太远。于是,每当天空想大地的时候,就会下起倾盆大雨。

NO.3  我不知道死亡的时候,凝望苍穹竟然回那么凄凉,一声一声霰雪鸟的悲鸣,斜斜地掠天而去,我看到你的面容浮现在苍蓝色的天空之上,大雨淋湿了你的发,于是我笑了,因为我看到你,快乐得像个长不大的孩子。

NO.4  天和地浑浑沌沌一片,雨夹着雪,雪带着雨,噼噼啪啪,纷纷扬扬,好象在比赛谁有长处似的。

NO.5  天空下起了绵绵细雨,不知是否太过悲伤,连上帝也忍不住哭泣。

NO.6  雨水顺着屋檐流下来,开始象断了线的珠子向下坠落,后来连成一条线,直冲击下。

NO.7  雨中的风景更是让人留恋。蒙蒙的湿气蕴染了每个角落,像一幅丹青,浓抹淡描,勾画着大千世界。匆匆的时间放缓了脚步,人们活动的节奏由快四变成了慢三。你再耐心一些,会看到生长的万物,悄悄然,绽放了一抹新绿。生命是倔强的,无论经历过多重的创伤,只要不放弃,就会是雨后的春笋,没有什么能够阻挡住生命的高度。

NO.8  雨,于寂静的夜里,敲打出一夜的思念。她站在厚实的玻璃窗前,静默地凝望那一片深邃的夜幕,听雨水轻轻地,叩打着窗子。

NO.9  灰蒙蒙的天空飘洒着细柔柔的雨,送来了秋天的凉意,于是蝉不再鸣叫,木麻黄则流着泪哀哭它的衰老。

NO.10  雨下得很安静,没有一丝声响,玻璃窗上也缀满了水珠,那不是整合的珍珠,而是散落的精灵。带点泡沫一般的情怀,静静地划落。悬浮却有着透过窗的朦胧,不甚清昕,不曾整齐划一,只是在不经意之间撩动心绪。或静密,或温暖。

NO.11  沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风。

NO.12  天上人间,潇潇共雨。曼珠红遍,流水忘川。

NO.13  等待雨,是伞一生的宿命。

NO.14  倾听窗外雨的吟唱,同样让人愉悦。拿一本书放在胸前,想象着陶渊明手拂无弦琴时的迷醉,隐隐约约就有只属于自己的天籁轻轻地、随着经络游走。

NO.15  春天的雨细的像牛毛,象花针,象细丝,缠绵悱恻。它也许在送别心上人,瞧它把风都哭柔了,小河也微微涨起来了,盛满了它的相思泪。远处的碧野也为它动容,穿上了绿色纱裙来逗它开心,还戴着鲜艳的小花。但是它还是一直在哭,哭得“路上的行人欲断魂”。

NO.16  七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。

NO.17  雨过天晴,一条彩虹出现在碧蓝的天空,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫七种颜色,一层层重迭着,相映生辉,它像一座金桥,横卧天空,气势雄伟,光彩夺目。

NO.18  毛毛的细雨从天上飞下,象绰约的雾,湿了春天的绿色的早晨,润了柳枝吐出的小芽。

NO.19 雨点像断了线的珠子,一滴一串地掉在雨水汇成的水洼上面。春雨纷纷,染绿了山,染绿了水,染绿了石板小路。

NO.20 夏天,雨点哗啦啦!天上的雨点像筛豆子似的往下直掉,打碎了如镜的湖面,吓跑了原本想跳上水面看看雨景的小鱼儿。

NO.21 你听!雨掉在屋面上“嘀塔嘀嗒”,就像奏着打击乐。雨下到水塘里“丁丁丁”地唱起来,水面上还溅起一朵朵小水花,又似水花姑娘在轻盈地舞蹈。

NO.22 窗外下着蒙蒙细雨,滴滴的小雨点,好像伴奏着一支小舞曲,我不禁被窗外的世界所诱惑。

NO.23 雨点儿落在我的头上、身上,我仰面向上,闭着眼,张着口品着那点点雨珠,顿时,我觉得自己仿佛在细雨的浇灌下又长了许多。

NO.24 雨珠顺着小草的茎滚下来,一滴钻到土里,又一滴钻到了小草的.嘴里,找不到了。

NO.25 当雨点落到池水中的时候,雨点就在水面上画出了一个一个的音符,这些音符是雨点在水面上击出的圈。

NO.26 下雨了,雨点“劈劈啪啪”地敲打着玻璃窗。朝外一面的窗玻璃上立刻聚集起了无数大大小小的水珠。

NO.27 雨水洒下来,各种花草的叶子上都凝结着一颗颗晶莹的水珠。

NO.28 雨点哗啦啦。天上的雨点像筛豆子似的往下直掉,打碎了如镜的湖面,吓跑了原本想跳上水面看看雨景的小鱼儿。

NO.29 调皮的雨点儿像谁扔下来的钢珠一样砸在河面上,溅起高高的水花;粗大的雨点打在人家的窗户上,咚咚作响。

NO.30 天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。

NO.31 一会儿,粗大的雨点儿落下来了,打在玻璃窗上叭叭直响。雨越下越大。我透过玻璃窗向外望去,天地间像挂着无比宽大的珠帘,迷蒙蒙的一片。雨落在对面屋顶的瓦片上,溅起一朵朵水花,像一层薄烟笼罩在屋顶上。雨水顺着房檐流下来,开始像断了线的珠子,渐渐地连成了一条线。地上的水越来越多,汇合成一条条小溪。

NO.32 雨点连在一起像一张大网,挂在我的眼前。

NO.33 细细的雨水像飞絮、像雪花,悄悄的飘下来,落在了我的头发上、脸上和衣服上,像一粒粒小水钻缀满了我的全身。

NO.34 窗外下起了蒙蒙细雨,小雨滴打在窗上,溅出星星水花,两三滴聚在一起,又顺着玻璃窗滑落。吮吸一口冰凉的空气,洗去一身的疲劳。

NO.35 天空中下起了小雨,滴答滴答。落在花坛里,落在草地上,也落在窗子上。我望着窗外,听着雨的歌谣,微闭上双眼。

NO.36 雨确实不大,滴滴答答的,不像是在下雨,倒像是在下雾,眼前的世界被封锁在密如珠网的雨丝中。往远处看去,街道、楼房、行人,都只剩下了一个有些模糊的轮廊。天上又是几阵闷雷响过,雨水好像被催促似的,大了一阵。可是,不一会儿,又小了下来。我走进雨雾中,顿时,一阵清新凉爽的感觉渗透全身。雨滴在身上是冰冷的,可是空气中却不知怎么的,有一股湿润温暖的气息,仿佛报告着春天到来的消息。

NO.37 春雨绵绵,像花针,如细丝,密密的斜织着。

NO.38 细雨朦朦,朦朦细雨,小雨,有山泉的清幽,纯朴。有绵绵的诗意;弥漫天空的小雨,没有阴沉,悲凉。只有清新。翠绿。

NO.39 吹生命一池涟漪,秋风莫逆。千年不渝的梦终化作斑斑殷红的浮萍,不胜风雨。

NO.40 哦,小雨,记不清有多少次,我伫立在小雨中,听着那清婉迷离的雨声,看着一丝一缕的水烟拥着一切,陶醉在这迷蒙的小雨里。

NO.41 转眼间雨声连成一片轰鸣,天像裂开了无数道口子,暴雨汇成瀑布,朝大地倾泻下来。

NO.42 蒙蒙细雨,如烟如雾,飘飘洒洒,缠缠绵绵,染绿了树,染绿了草,染绿了乡间小路。

NO.43 天山上的雨是寻常的,一下就是两三天,像牛毛,像绣花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着,给她穿了一身绿如染、碧似锦的新装。

NO.44 雷声响过,大雨就像断了线的珠子一样不断地往下落。

NO.45 秋雨如同满天发亮的珍珠,飘飘扬扬地挥洒着。

NO.46 细雨四处飞扬着,路上的行人们有的撑着伞、有的穿着雨衣,他们急匆匆地赶着路,想要尽快躲开这飘飘洒洒的细雨。

NO.47 窗外的雨淅淅沥沥,一滴一滴打在我的心上,那些记忆倏地一下涌上心头。江南的雨,总是绵柔情长,带着丝丝儿的凉意,直往心里钻。空气中弥漫着一份压抑,不一会儿倾盆大雨就落了下来,那奔腾的气势,溅起的水花,如同万马齐发豪迈,没有一丁点的拖沓。

NO.48 有一支没有音符的乐曲,只有细心倾听的人,才了解它的歌词,一点一滴,奏出欢快的旋律,它不需要五线谱上的“豆芽“,这就是雨。

NO.49 如丝的小雨从空中降落,雨点是那样小,雨帘是那样密,给群山披上蝉翼般的白纱。

NO.50 当雨点落到池水中的时候,雨点就在水面上画出了一个一个的音符。这些音符是雨点在水面上击出的圈。