励志一生网 > 唯美句子 > 平淡幸福的唯美英文句子 正文


时间:2024-09-30 05:29:41


1. your hand and hold more happiness; see your face, look more beautiful; kiss your lips, kiss more the more sweet hug you; one more hold more! The world is willing to love the people, the year of the rooster flowerd!

2. because a song, like a person, because a person like a city, because a city like a life, and then become a song, miss someone.

3. flowers sweet, romantic lover. Take a bunch of romantic roses, watch a sincere heart, write a paragraph of sweet poetry, a sweet memories of the past, good memories, are in the bottom of my heart.

4. the warm sunshine shines on you, the soft breeze touches you, the drizzle calls you, and the quiet night misses you. Valentine's day to send you sweet words, sweet words ten thousand words in your life, and the romantic rose. Happy holidays, honey.

5. gurgling stream does not go to you my deep change, depressed Cangshan obstruct me on your affectionate, clear day filled with my thoughts of you, Valentine's day, I wish you a happy, happy life.

6. No matter what there are 6. worries; regardless of the spring and summer or winter; no matter what the reason is met; no matter how long the communication; regardless of how many excuses. Today, Valentine's day, I will be waiting for you!

7. Valentine's Day is coming, I wish you love, always romantic, passionate, you always young, true feelings, you always happy, pure love, you always happy, affectionate, you always sweet, spoony you forever happy!

8. Valentine's day this day is short, hand pull a loose, a lover gone. Hand pull not loose, lover become wife. Valentine's Day is the most painful thing, you know, Valentine's day, all the lovers are looking for you holidays.

9. to one it takes a minute to have love, a person in an hour, and a day to love someone, but to forget someone for a lifetime, and you are my health billion million world can not forget the people. Happy Valentine's Day!

10. It is the water flowing into the sea, never to return; love is the cloud, drifting into the sky to chase. Poly is the edge, to retain fate, can gather; love is love, only true love, love is beautiful. Predestined love, pairs in pairs, no love, no flies!

11. the most warm is: have you accompany, happy every day; the most romantic is: with you love, always sweet; the most happy is: spend time with you, Valentine's day. Happy Valentine's day, my little sweetheart!

12. the opportunity to always waste, romantic opportunities for me to no consumption, Valentine's day do not say I love you, my love will be void, so can no longer decadent, Happy Valentine's day, I love you.

13. don't sing love songs when you are lonely. Don't suffer from endless self torture during the winter nights. Don't be sad during the festival. Don't cry when you receive my text. Please remember me!

14. who says single people can only sing a love song? Who says single people can only face loneliness? Who says single people will not receive the blessing of nibbling on Valentine's day? Have you received, you are lucky, you have to smile, Happy Valentine's day!

15. the most warm is: have you accompany, happy every day; the most romantic is: with you love, always sweet; the most happy is: spend time with you, Valentine's day. Happy Valentine's day, my little sweetheart!

16. warm light, soothe your worries. The rainy season, and I miss you. The snow of the winter, freezing your hearts. The brief night sky, gallop your request. Valentine's blessing, send greetings: happy Oh!

17. the world's most stupid people, that is, love a person, love do not know what to do, this person is me. I'll think of you and do anything for you. What do you think about the future?

18. Happy Valentine's day, I wish you a passionate, always romantic, passionate, you always young, true feelings, you always happy, pure love, you always happy, affectionate, you always sweet, spoony you forever happy!

19. lovely smile, every heartbeat, though still, but better than the truth of the collision, exchange solemn vows and pledges; the soul of the guardian, may not be romantic, but better than weak commitment. Valentine's day, I would like to join hands with you to the old.

20. Valentine's Day is coming, if there is a heartbeat, and if there is a smile, if there is my text messages harassment, love or not love is not important. Although I can't be with you heart, but with your hearts. Happy Valentine's Day!


1. 握你的手,越握越喜;看你的脸,越看越美;亲你的嘴,越亲越甜;抱你的人,越抱越亲!愿天下相爱的人,鸡年爱意绵绵!

2. 会因为一首歌喜欢上一个人,因为一个人喜欢一个城市,因为一个城市喜欢上一种生活,然后成为一首歌,想念某个人。

3. 花香伊人,浪漫情人。携一束浪漫的玫瑰,表一片诚挚的真心,写一段温馨的小诗,品一回甜甜的往事,美好记忆,都在心底。

4. 暖暖的阳光照耀你,柔柔的清风抚摸你,阵阵的细雨呼唤你,静静的夜里思念你。情人节送你甜言千字,蜜语万句,还有浪漫你一生的玫瑰。宝贝,节日快乐。

5. 潺潺流水流不走我对你深情不变,郁郁苍山隔不断我对你深情款款,朗朗晴天写满了我对你的思念,情人节到了,祝你心情愉悦,生活美满。

6. 不管世间有什么烦忧;不管春夏还是秋冬;不管结识是什么缘由;不管交往的多久;不管吵架有多少借口。今天情人节,我会全心为你守候!

7. 情人节快到了,预祝有情的你永远浪漫热情的你永远青春真情的你永远开心纯情的你永远快乐深情的你永远甜蜜痴情的你永远幸福!

8. 情人节这一天可短暂了,手一拉一松,一个情人没了。手一拉不松,情人变老婆了。情人节最痛苦的事儿是啥,你知道嘛?情人节所有的情人都找你过节。

9. 对一个人有感觉需要一分钟,喜欢一个人需要一小时,爱上一个人需要一天,但是,忘记一个人却要用上一辈子,而你,是我亿生亿世都忘不掉的人。情人节快乐!

10. 缘本是水,东流入海不复回;爱本是云,飘向天际无法追。聚本是缘,留住缘分方能聚;情本是爱,只有真爱情才美。有缘有爱成双对,无爱无缘各自飞!

11. 最最温馨的是:有你相伴,天天快乐;最最浪漫的是:与你相恋,时时甜蜜;最最幸福的是:与你共度,情人佳节。情人节快乐,我的小甜心!


13. 不要在寂寞的时候唱情歌,不要在冬夜无尽的自我折磨,不要在节日里伤心难过,不要在收到我的短信后感动的泪落,记得请我就哦了!

14. 谁说单身的人只能唱情歌?谁说单身的人只能面对寂寞?谁说单身的人不会在情人节里收到祝福嗑?你收到了,你是幸运的,你要笑笑的,情人节一样要快乐!

15. 最最温馨的是:有你相伴,天天快乐;最最浪漫的是:与你相恋,时时甜蜜;最最幸福的是:与你共度,情人佳节。情人节快乐,我的小甜心!

16. 温暖的光照,抚慰你的烦忧。下雨的季节,想念你的优柔。飘雪的冬夜,冷冻你的心愁。简明的夜空,驰骋你的所求。情人的祝福,送去问候:快乐哦!

17. 世界上最笨的人,就是爱一个人爱得都不知道如何是好,这个人就是我。我会时时想着你,为你做任何事情。你对今后有什么想法呢?

18. 情人节快乐,预祝有情的你永远浪漫热情的你永远青春真情的你永远开心纯情的你永远快乐深情的你永远甜蜜痴情的你永远幸福!

19. 醉人的微笑,每一次心跳,虽然寂然无声,却胜过海誓山盟;真情的碰撞,灵魂的守护,或许不够浪漫,却胜过无力的承诺。情人节,我只愿与你携手到老。

20. 情人节快到了,如果还有心跳,如果还有微笑,如果还有我的短信骚扰,爱或不爱都已不重要。我虽不能和你心心相印,但可和你心心相惜。预祝情人节快乐!



Please allow me to congratulate you graduate, hope for your future future, happy life!


Off the old, off a year of gloom, usher in the New Year, also usher in a new hope。


A lot of words want to say to you and had to be parting emotions swallow down only: you want to malicious happy forget me not!


In the morning every day, my best wishes will accompany you slowly wake up, slowly, slowly。 Wish you have a good mood every day!


The morning, the alarm clock rang, reluctantly got up, my regards to arrive in time, happy, smile。 Good morning, good mood!


Weekend comes, a great gift to the door, let your body health, career, family harmony, happiness, this is my wish, I wish you a happy weekend!


The worst event, problem, couldn't measure the talents; The worst in prosperity and adversity, not out of tolerance; Worst weekends, holidays, I care for you。


Off a busy day, forget a day of trouble, remember the goodness of the day, back to a day of happiness, then close your eyes, and a good night's sleep, good night! A dream!


Rejoice, recording the once the intravenous drip; Clear sky, over the heart missing; Mountain stream, do not let my blessing to cheat; Weekend, I wish you a happy mood!


Friday comes again, keep good mood; Work to your side, be happy like the fairy; Three to five friends get together, together is not easy。 Wish you have a nice weekend!


A smile, include how much deep feeling; A blessing, and how much care, A greeting, show how much care; Sent a message, infinite warmth! I wish friends every day happy!

12、再次伫立在窗前,却发现岁月匆匆,昔日那闪动的梦境竟如同暮秋里的残叶,在心中的湖泊中孤独地飘零。Stand at the window again, only to find the time in a hurry, the flashing past unexpectedly like leaf residue in the run, the dreams of the lake in the heart of the lonely wandering。


A seven step of happiness, the five steps in front of the hard and busy for two steps behind the carefree and happy, then jump after two step, wish you can have a good mood!


Sunday is the end of the pain, Monday is the continuation of happiness, a new week we want to meet with a smile, a relaxed notes to play。 Wish friends happy, health and happiness。


The wind season away, but not the fruit。 Cloud and take away the sunshine, but not cool。 Time to take days away, but don't go with you my happiness! I wish you a weekend good mood!


Miss don't need an excuse to recall in my mind wander, nostalgic don't need a reason, touch in my mind wandering, words may be old, love never deviate from, success, wish you peace!


There's a rainbow, don't appear in after the rain, do not appear in the sky, it often appear in my mind。 When I miss you, to you always use it to the end, with its side to me。


The bath in winter, prevent water cooled fast, can put a little salt in the bath, salt has temporarily blocked khan line effect, body heat will not send out。 Don't take too much!


There are always some things will leave some scratches in your life, may be very deep impressions, met a few years later left them。 Wish you good night I have profound love!


You today's achievements, is your strength to testify, congratulations on your victory again, I look forward to once again to send this message to you, wish everything is going well with your promotion!


In the long life, there are you happier; Night long dream, with you more warmth。 Good memories, you are more sweet; Is inside of the heart, you are more steadfast。 May you my friendship last forever!


If from Monday to Friday as the jet stream in the past, then I wish you a weekend like a gentle stream flow slowly with happiness and joy! Another weekend, wish you have a new start!


Work is a journey, don't put the pressure as the scenery, don't use tired walking more happy, the smile make bookmarks, stop on the page, a friend, easily over the weekend, have a rest。


Liberation road fence, let my blessing turned through the auspicious street barbecue, swimming across the vast east lake, climbed up the majestic guishan, any corners to your crazy shout: happy weekend!


Early in the morning opened his eyes, is another day, to the mirror smile, happy and ran on his face, add fuel to the mirror, a day's work along the walk。 She washed the work, good morning!


Birds have wings to fly, the ship had the power to wanli, people have a rest can better work, the weekend, with my blessing hope you would be more happy; I wish a happy weekend!


Fuck broken heart, worn out mouth, was almost destroyed not tired。 Yesterday you have hard, weekend comes, put all the task first, appreciate the scenery outside, charming sunset。


Weekend is coming, I on behalf of the republic of China, province, city of the Milky Way, the sun in outer space town, from the most sincere blessing, the global village to wish you a happy happy every day!


Whether the tea thick is weak, let the fragrance etched in heart; Regardless of the interval is nearly is far, make the memory connected to each other; No matter how is contact is less, let not the wish!


Don't work too tired, don't be so depressed mood, have no matter to drink lots of water, party a lot over the weekend, the most precious friendship, friends, hearts life more interesting, your happy day!


My happiness is and you warm for life.


Finally we can use the relationship of strangers, together with the rest of my life.


The greatest happiness is three things: someone believe you, someone to accompany you, someone waiting for you.


The passage of time, just let me more attachment to you.


Can't frankly crying aloud, from the bottom of my heart away a person is very difficult to pain.


I think that everything has changed, then time is long, I was left at the origin.


Why stand in the memory would not go out, the sunshine is waiting for you outside.


When love is not pure, countdown timer is inferior to end.


To release the past with a smile, this is the best memory for me to yourself.


Began to doubt my decision again, what I can do?


Like a person on the road, no direction, no destination, just want to find a suitable place to stay.


Always cling to is not suitable for their own things, or people or things.


In sad looking for light, but the world is too cold, cold heart is frozen.


We experienced the sweet, but can't afford to insipid.


Dream to be broken, the heart is still there, once all uncertain.


I don't need to pledge of eternal love, only need you to accompany me through each spring, summer, autumn and winter.


If you give me and to others, that I'd rather not.


May to your thoughts into the rain, wet your shoulders.


Drench the air after the rain, tired of sadness, my memory of the fairy tale has slowly melting.


Just right, see you happy appearance, so happiness with your happiness.


One occasion, perhaps because of his bad memory.


Baby, as long as you happy, I happiness, no matter who you in the side.


Plain and unadorned life, to love the one who is, won't because a break up and over.


People who love each other, not can together forever and ever, as long as the heart is enough.


Memory can be warm from the bottom of my heart, let the song only sad.


I just like to play the fool fully distracted while heart such as mirror know all the truth to see you act.


Love in the end, is not better than who, but to see who can finally stay right beside you.


If one day you no longer love me, I will quietly leave.


Once you were I all, was once accompany around me.


I love the person I want to personally give her happiness, others I don't trust.


Live without your love, the goal will be hard again.


Loathe to give up more and more sad, I am hard to say more.


Rain wash not to drop my missing for you, the wind can't walk away my love for you.


Is it because of heartache numb, I just laugh the most beautiful.


We are all the lost children, see clearly the way others, but can't see his own way.


I firmly believe that nothing can stand in the way of love.


Never to betray a second chance to betray his friends.


To believe that this sentence. To partner with a bang, is no match for the flatly light parents.


Love the first man out along with the gender; Love the second man because of inertia; Love the last person because of laziness.


If can't forget him, don't forget. The real forget, is not need to work on.


I'm not greedy. I only have a small wish: life always have you.


For years you don't rush, I don't push. Years you don't rush, I walk away don't chase.


Happiness is wake up, still outside the sun is shining.


Who said, let not happy people don't want to, like happiness by choice.


Cannot see through the picture, always behind my back.


Sometimes rely on will become in love, then maybe I already Lai Ding you, isn't it.


Your story, words without me, I how can again.


Everyone has a hidden secret in heart, for example, I still love you.


Don't want to promise, only in the lonely time, will think of the most familiar to you.


If you see my poems, you will find my missing for you.


The world really small, like a turn, let we met.


I am not strong, can be all wrong committed to fight.


All the people who love, love, are doing the same thing, make mean.


Love is sentimental, frustrated people can't afford to play.


Broken strings, playing the domain before, all the way through the line ending.


Accompany you to dress uniform, shrine, marry a favorite person.


Some people is doomed to be waiting for someone else, some people are doomed to people, etc.


Love, until into after injury is forever, I'm sorry, even if you don't feel me.


I know all you say, poor I also get stuck here.


You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans.


Who gave you a rose who make you smile, who knelt to wear a wedding ring for you put on the dress.


If one day you don't love me, I won't haunt you, but you have to love a person!


I stop brake, tried to forget, memories can die I will never stop.


You give my love, until the end of the world are still exist.


I just want to take with you, don't break up with me.


Not getting what you love, love you.


Get married, if even the standard of living are not before marriage, it is better to don't married!


I no longer love you, maybe not I do not love you, just, I can't love you anymore.


If you really like me, please don't let me down a piece of infatuation.


Turn over our pictures, miss is like concealed, last year's winter, we laugh very sweet.



You of a roll, you are a casual, I was torn.


Brave the pursuit of happiness, this is sunflower says.


The most strong affection, always changes in temperature and; The most understand people, is the most warm companion.


Since I met you, I just know he keep heart.


I want you to hold my hand and take me to, I want to go to the place.


Don't be too perfect love, is you is enough!


The whole world, my solo little song of love for you.


You are in my heart warm ocean, even if you're not by my side.


The world's most precious and not get and has lost, but now I am happy in the hand.


Every night before going to bed to listen to you say good night, belongs to me, the most simple and lasting happiness.


Are you in her arms, I feel very proud.


Keep your face to the sun, the shadow behind.


You say I am your half, the other half of the happiness.


Smoke or don't quit, as some people still remember.


I will protect their beloved person, love for a lifetime!


I met you, how I wish, one hand is a lifetime.


Love, is not a day or two, he needs time to run.


You are my only heart, I am your only lung. We are born to be a pair.


Time has changed you my appearance, but left a shadow when you love me.


She is more than I now of the person you like, also will be my people for life in the future.


Hand in hand, side by side, towards the end of the end of the world, happiness around us around.


What is happiness, happiness is the cat eating fish dog meat ultraman dozen small monster.


Those beautiful memories, don't let the tears dye to fuzzy. Stood on tiptoe, we will be near a good point.


Who lost time, let the dream hibernation.


Don't talk so loud with me, I be frightened by a dog when he was a little boy.


Don't be mad in front of me, who will have temper, why should show out.


Miss together hand in hand together to see the sea, back to back, have you, true happiness.


For me, my world is all you, nothing is more important than you.


Love is in a hurry to determine the relationship, love is his ability to give her a house.


Please allow me to small proud, because have you so let me rely on.


Undivided attention to write a love story, life a person worthy of love.


My only life, why not good?


The most understand people, the most warm companion.


Close your eyes, we see the world, but you can see the in the mind miss the most people.


Your name is very short, but to carry out my whole youth.


There is only one wrong, you like me than anyone.


The man lived in his heart, not myself forget it, time will cure it.


To meet you, great big bloom, like a gentle float on the night of a fairy tale.


Sometimes STH over and over again, only to prove the importance of their own.


With this time of life, for you to find all moved.


I won't sweet nothings, I will only be steadfast love a person.


Can you take me, from the wife to the old woman.


Sunny and warm, haven't you come to how dare I old.


You hold me, I take you, go hand to pull the small hand.


Looking for a person, go to see the spring flowers, see sunrise and sunset.


Have your companions days, even ordinary also romantic!


Thank you for the gentle, when I need you most.


Waiting for your answer, looking forward to your love.


Put you tightly in her arms. How much I miss you with my heart.


The most clear voice, says love your voice, and your heart have resonance.


There is no completely right two people, only two hearts accommodate each other.