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时间:2024-09-26 01:17:25

Without hope, the heart would break. --Camden

没有希望,心灵就会衰竭。 --卡姆登

If life cheats you,don't be disappointed and worried.Calmness is needed in melancholy days.Believe that pleasantness is coming.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories. -〔Russia〕Alesander Pushkin

假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急。阴郁的日子需要镇静。相信吧,那愉快的日子即将来临。心永远憧憬着未来,尽管你现在常常是阴沉的。一切都是瞬息,一切都会过去,而过去了的,将会变成亲切的怀念。 --〔俄〕普希金

Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object. --Hegel

目标有价值,人生才会有价值。 --黑格尔

I'm hopeful and confident, too, that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you.


The century is advanced, but every individual begins afresh. --Goethe


Man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.


An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.--Robert Louis Stevenson

生活中的目标是唯一值得寻找的财富。 --史蒂文森

Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind. --Ostrovsky

人最宝贵的是生命。生命每个人只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过:回忆往事,他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因为生活庸俗而羞愧;临死的时候,他能够说:我的整个生命和全部精力,都献给了世界上最壮丽的事业--为解放全人类而斗争。 --奥斯特洛夫斯基

If I should meet thee,After long years,How should I greet thee? With silence and tears. -〔Britain〕George Gordon Byron

多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。 --〔英〕拜伦


4、Failure is the mother of success.THOMAS.PAINE


5、The good seaman is known is bad weather.


6、Fear not that the lift shall come to an end ,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.J.H.NEWMAN


7、 Nothing seek, nothing find.


8、A thousand -li journey is started by taking the first step.


9、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.THOMAS Addison.


Victory won't come to me unleI go to it.M.Moore


Nothing in the would is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.


A man is not old as long as he is seeking some-thing . A man is not old until Regrets take the place of dreams.


The drop of rain makes a hole in the stone ,not by violence ,but by of falling .Latimer


The darkest hour is that before the dawn.


Life is a profound book.Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding.May you find and create something new in it.


The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. --Goethe

人生最重要的是树立一个远大的目标,并决心实现它。 --歌德

The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless. Graduation only marks a stage of one's education. Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.


Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true.


Goals determine what you're going to be.--Julius Erving



Graduation season weather is very sad, representing the mood of graduates.


It's a fine day today, and it won't be after class tomorrow.


We laugh and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is far away.


This summer, we will be separated, each to their own world.


If you cry for missing the sunset, you will miss the stars.


The college entrance examination is over, the high school entrance examination is over, leaving us poor children.


Next September 1st, we will not be sitting in this classroom anymore.


I really want to remember everyone's face in my mind.


If I hadn't met before, maybe I would not be me now.


In that instant, I seemed to hear the sound of the collapse of the world.


Dear classmates, please don't be sad, after parting, we should cherish each other.


Let today's years remain in the bottom of my heart, without asking for what kind of memories.


A face without sorrow is my youth; eyes without fear wait for years to change.


Laugh and break up with you today, I hope you will be greeted with a smile day after day.


One of the happiest sentences in school is that the head teacher is not here today.


I thought I could take it easy. I thought I could put everything down.


After the clouds were separated, the water flowed for ten years. Laughter is as old as ever, Xiao Shubian has been spotted.


Graduated, can't sing the ending but hard to give up. The unfinished song of this life.


Schools are not allowed to fall in love. Teachers are divorced. We looked at the side effects.


Dear friends, please don't be sad, after parting, cherish each other.


Address and farewell, the difference between a word. One shy, one sad.


After class, the bell sounds more pleasant than the national anthem, and the bell sounds more collapsed than the fear.


I've been brave for too long and decided to live for you alone.


Take good old books, only to tear books to replace our tears on the day of graduation! uuuuuuuuuuu


Looking at other people's writing, looking for their own internal parts were confused.


When the world weighs heavily on grass seeds, it always breaks through the earth in its own way.


You can joke. Don't cross the bottom line, don't poke people in pain.


Just let me take one more look, just one more look, I don't want to lose this memory.


Hardship is the source of happiness, and comfort is the beginning of suffering.


Now why can't we speak English, because the teacher is too speechless.


Finally, nine years of compulsory education have been completed, but I am not happy.


The memory of late summer, I believe, is not the last memory.


Watching my classmates record what you wrote to me, I shed tears happily.


No matter what kind of dog I got, I believe I have a great future.


Many students are crying, boys and girls, there is no difference!


The south wind blew gently again, and the time of gathering was in a hurry.


Leaving is not an end, but a new beginning.


I like you holding my hand, from young to old.


Meet is only accidental, meet will break up immediately.


Luminescence is not the patent of the sun, you can also light.


After graduation, satisfaction is the most real wealth. Greed is the real poverty.


Those who used to say that they would never be separated have long been scattered in the horizon.


Just because I saw you one more time in the crowd, I was asked to answer the question on the blackboard!


Even if the teacher is talking about a wool ball, Xueba can knit it it into a sweater!


In June, please give all the examinees full positive energy.


May Day is over, June 1 is gone, and July is the time for us to break up.


After this summer, it's probably just a dream to see you.


Bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow a better dream.


It is fate that brings us together. It is friendship that binds us together.


At my age, chopsticks are the only thing I can afford to put down.

1, the southern breeze is blowing gently, and the gathering time is hurried.

2, this is probably the only thing a teacher hasn't cheated on us. Three years is really short.

3, we use three years of youth and seven answers to bet tomorrow with the world.

4, we use junior middle school three years to yearn for high school three years, use high school three years to yearn for four years of University, and finally spend the whole life to miss the best junior high school time.

5, three years, in a moment, we just sang and laughed, so we met and even gathered together. We didn't even have enough time to say goodbye.

6, I don't want to say goodbye, but I don't want to say no more. I just want to say you don't forget your friends.

7, life is originally a ladder for dreams. It can extend to the moment when dreams come true, as long as you never give up.

8, beautiful dreams and beautiful poems are all encounters and cannot be asked for. I really like that dream, knowing that you have been trudging for thousands of miles for me, but you feel the fragrant grass is delicious. It seems like you and me have only met for the first time.

9 or three years ago, I wanted to see myself after three years, but now I want to go back to my original self three years ago.

10, a year old youth, once in the hands of refused to put down the book of fairy tales, already missing. I don't want to grow up and hurry up, so I miss the past, but I can't go back to it in the past.

11, the heart is simple, the world is simple, happiness will grow; mind is free, life is free, where to be happy. Have a great weekend!

12, the mountain and sea can block each other, but can not block my thoughts, distance can open you I, but can not open the sincere friendship, time can forget the past, but forget forever friends.

13, in our days of gathering, there is the most cherished friendship. In our youth, we have the most sincere acquaintance, which is worth our treasuring.

14, the teacher is still so long - winded, Xiao Ming is still in the math book in a shameless question, I still can not answer the teacher asked me the math problem, the bell is still so crisp, class bell is still so harsh, the classroom has no shadow of you.

15, I am afraid time will break up our group.

16, I ran along with that light, ran across the playground, ran across the dining hall, and ran across the small pond. At last, I came to a familiar but strange place.

17, believe that the dream is the source of value, believing that the vision decides all the future, believing that the belief of success is more important than the success itself, believing that there is no failure in life, and that the quality of life comes from the uncompromising belief.

18, knowing you is my joy, leaving you is my pain. For the upcoming departure, support for me is the expectation of reunion.

19, every journey, every feeling, we can never tell the true meaning, but those may be sour or sweet memories, but again and again.

20, if you weep for the missing sunset, you will miss all the stars.

21, in the years of growing up, once with you to laugh with your sad friends, is never forgotten all my life, wish each other can cherish this friendship and be a forever friend.

22, I was afraid that we would have nothing except the silly smiling graduation photo.

23, bring the sword that you have been grinding for more than 20 years to fight in the adult world. Dnt: lone star.

24, the vast sea of human beings is like a piece of Gobi. We are the gravel in the beach, but your company makes me feel no longer small and lonely.

25, after graduation, we fly to the distant dream.

26, graduation that often contact, never contact, thank you, give me an apple of sodom.

27, fight or quarrel or happy or gas or, you will always be my best friend.

28, I wish the elder brother to learn every day to have a vigorous passion, strong passion, persistent enthusiasm, sweet love, free and easy expression, bright look, happy mood!

29, after graduation, do not sit in the classroom, listen to the teacher, but start to run for life.

30, the so-called good friends, like us, can talk about the feelings of the heart, care for each other, take care of each other, laugh all the time, and win face red, but not in the heart.

31, six years time flies, gone for ever. Goodbye, time. Gathering is not the beginning, nor is the end.

32, you and I have gone through hardships for our ideals, and then we are on the way to success. I hope you can remember, always remember, a bright day full of struggle and passion.

33, next summer, the classroom is full of people, but no longer is us.

34, the graduation party is that you finish the beer with a smile and say, "we must get together any time later", but it never gets together again.

35, graduated from the youth press.

36, after this summer, we will break up to say goodbye.

37, I graduated from the blink of an eye. If God can give me another chance, I will never graduate.

38, some people will always be engraved in the memory, even if they forget his voice, forget his smile, forget his face, but when thinking of him, it will never change.

39, six years of memory, forget it. Just for tomorrow will laugh, do not take away any implication or miss. Just don't want to cry.

40, several people use the same key to open the same door; several people use the same look to say goodbye to the empty bedroom.

41, thinking, friendship, lost, silent, forgotten, and lost in the process of growth may still be accompanied by an unavoidable growth in the process of growth, but how can you find the perfect answer to the home of growth?

42, who are you accompanying in youth, who is accompanying you in youth? I also wanted to go back to those days, with a lot of homework, to complain to the Party of the school's food, to join the sports meeting, to cry together in class together, and to see how tired it was and to feel that everything was full of hope. But I know that life can only go forward.

43, our faces are full of shy and curious new people. Curious about you today, and tomorrow's self.

44. Let me hold a hug after graduation. I don't want to leave with regrets.

45, many things we think we will never forget in our lifetime are forgotten in the days we never forget.

46, I look at the sky quietly, trying to find the lost touch. Only with a smile, looking forward to the rainbow After rain the sky looks blue.

47. This early summer would like to cry. But we have agreed to graduate every time... You can't cry.

48, people's life is also like the four seasons: spring sowing, summer harvest, autumn harvest and winter taste. Friends, take your youth spirit, to sow the seeds of happiness!

49, the mantra of youth is frozen into obscurity in obscurity.

50, we can't forget that we are treading on the sea and going to the ocean of knowledge. We can't forget to climb the precipice and visit the treasure house of wisdom. Though we fight and face red, our friendship is like the waves of the Yangtze River.