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时间:2024-10-07 04:36:14









5.You have a warm hand.你的手好暖。











10.We can be anyone, we can do anything. It‘s only a matter of going!







13.Killing keeps things as they were…human nature is my choice of weapon.






Wait a minute... 等一下……


Well what do you suggest? 那么你有什么建议吗?


What? Who's dead? 什么?谁死了?


How many identities do you think Hunt has? How many times has he slipped past customs and in how many counties?你知道亨特有多少个身份?有多少次他蒙混过关?去过多少国家?


They're dead. 他们死了。


My team. My team is dead. They knew we were coming and the disk is gone. 我的小组成员都死了。他们知道我们在这,磁盘已经丢失。


Let's not waste time chasing after him, just make him come to us.我们别再浪费时间追他了,让他来找我们。


Did you hear me? The list is in the open.你听见了吗?名单已经外泄。


What can we do? Barnes... put a guy at the airport? 我们能做什么?巴恩斯……派人到机场?


These guys are trained to be ghosts... we taught them to do it for Christ's sake. 这些家伙被训练得像幽灵一样……是我们把他们训练成这样,看在上帝的`份上。


I see you found it.你找到了。


You're not just a pretty face after all.原来你不只是脸蛋漂亮。


What did you think you were doing?你在想些什么?


What are you doing here?你来干什么?


Think you're the only one who can pick a lock?难道只有你懂得开锁?


We've got 19 hours and 58 minutes!I'll get Bellerophon into your system before then!Just stay alive!I'm not going to lose you!我们还有19小时58分钟,我会给你注射抗体。不要死,我不会放弃你!


I guess I lied.我想我骗了你。


I'm infected with Chimera.You know you don't have a choice.Just do it.Do it now!我感染了金美拉,开枪吧,立刻开枪。


I wasn't thinking!Just trying to stop you from getting hurt,that's all!我没想什么,只是不想让你受到伤害。


You who don't have a conscience.你说自己没有正义感。


Every search for a hero must begin with something that every hero requires a villain.英雄需要坏蛋衬托,英雄出现前,必先有坏蛋出现。


You're not gonna shoot me,Sean.Not this bitch.Because she's worth £37 million.西恩,你不会开枪的,因为这值三千七百万镑。


Not spontaneous enough, adventurous enough, funny enough...


Listen. Talk to me. We can talk, like gentlemen.


A dishonesty that poisons everything.


Groundhog, that's you.


We ran out of ice. I'll be back in 10 minutes.


Wheels up at sunrise if you have a change of heart.


Extremely dangerous and a priority for us.


Be aggressive. Come on. Stay focused.


We've put an explosive charge in your head.


The Rabbit's Foot. Where is it?


But nothing in my mind makes sense.


We have a photo opportunity.


We can't have real relationships.


It is always startling when the Lord takes one of our young so unexpectedly.


I certainly cannot tell you 我绝对不会告诉你。


No diamonds, no codes. 先给钻石 再给密码。


Working on commission. 拿人钱财,替人消灾。


Easy way to remember, blue is glue. 很容易记,蓝色,吸住。


Some natural catastrophe devastates all life on Earth. 总会有大灾难毁灭地球上的所有生物。


But life goes on. 可生命在继续。


- And when it's red?那红色呢?

- Dead.死了。


Well, what are you going to do? 那现怎么办?


I'm not buying. I'm selling. 我不是要买,我是要卖。


Yeah, I got all I need, thank you. 那个我自己有,谢谢。


nd what little remains is made stronger. 存活下来的生命变得强大。


When the meter is blue,that's full adhesion. 当仪器亮起蓝光,就是完全吸住了。


Helping old friends. Making new ones. 援助老友,结交新朋。


Whatever happened, happened. 过去的就让它过去吧。


The plan was for us to stop him together. 原计划是我们一起阻止他。


We still have a chance to clean this up, but we have to do it now. 我们还有机会补救,不过得赶快行动。


No codes, no diamonds. 先给密码 再给钻石。


So, I hear the insurance company's refusing to pay the claim on that car you crashed, Ethan. 我听说你撞坏的那辆车保险公司不肯赔,伊森。


I mean, look,we were unprepared, in the dark. Disavowed. 我们没准备,没情报,也没支援。


Change the plan. 改变原计划。


That you are. Very classy job. 这是份很高尚的工作。



1.Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. 自由是每个生物的权利。

2.Autobots,transform and rollout. 汽车人,变形出发。

3.You may lose your faith in us,but never in yourselves. 你可能对我们失去信心,但永远不要失去自信。

4.From here on, the fight will be your own. 现在, 战斗是你们自己的了。

5.In any war, there are calms between the storms. There will be days when we lose faith, days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come when we forsake this planet and its people. 任何战争,风暴之中总会有停息。有一天,我们会失去信心;有一天,我们的战友会背叛我们……但我们永远不会抛弃这个星球和他的人民。

6.On Cybertron we were gods,and here they call "machines". 在赛博坦我们是神, 而在这他们称我们 ‘机器’。

7.After years of us asking"Where you were you when captured planet? "And we will say: "We just stood side and monitored." 多年之后我们会问,当面对地球朋友时你做了什么?而我们 说:我们只是眼睁睁看着他们被驱逐。

8.Today in the name of freedom, wage battle against them! 今天以自由的名义,向他们宣战!

9.Cybertron, you are safe at last. 赛 博 坦 , 你 安 全 了 。


1、prime did it,he turned the tide.


2、do not grieve.soon i shall beone with the matrix.


3、but one day an autobot shall rise from our ranks and use the power of the matrixto light...our darkest hour.until that day...till all are one...


4、nobody summons megatron. then it pleases me to be the first.


5、first we crack the shell,then we crack the nuts inside!


6、unh! hey, i wasn't worried for a microsecond.


7、constructicons,merge for the kill!


8、me, grimlock, love challenge!


9、megatron must be stopped...no matter the cost


10、one shall stand, one shall fall.


11、absolutely positively definitely. nobody can get the job done faster than i can. nobody! 毫无疑问绝对肯定,没人能比我干这活更快,没人能。新角色罗嗦首次登场,这番话充分显示了他嘴皮子的利索以及——罗嗦,

12、absolutely positively definitely.


13、no more, optimus prime!grant me mercy, i beg of you!

不要,擎天柱,仁慈一点,我求你?? 威震天的诈降,这一句话也成为了擎天柱阵亡的伏笔。

14、i would've waited an eternity for this it's over, prime

我一直在等待这一天,你完了,擎天柱。(经典语录 )威震天阴谋得逞,看到这里,不禁想起曹操在华容道的三笑。

15、how do you feel,mighty megatron?


16、don't leave me, soundwave. as you command, megatron.


17、destiny! you cannot...destroy...my...destiny!

命运,你不能破坏我的命运。 宇宙大帝说完此话,就灰飞烟灭了,也标志着威胁全体变形金刚的灾难的结束。

18、my fellow decepticons,as your new leader, i... who disrupts my coronation?! "coronation", starscream?this is bad comedy. megatron? is that you? here's a hint!

我的霸天虎兄弟们,作为你们的新首领,我?? 谁打断了我的加冕仪式? “加冕仪式”,红蜘蛛,真是一个蹩脚的.喜剧。 是你吗?威震天? 给你个提示。 威震天改造后与红蜘蛛的首次对话,红蜘蛛被毁灭。

19、i, galvatron, will crush you just as megatron crushed prime! and you'll die trying,just like megatron.


20、like it or not, we are allies now against a common foe.



1、My name is the Optimus Prime.


2、Autobots, Transform and Roll Out.


3、One shall stand and one shall fall.


4、More than meets the eye.


5、A driver don't pick the car. The car'll pick the driver.


6、Do not test me.


7、Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at you life,don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?


篇四:变形金刚1 台词摘录

1.Before time began, there was the Cube.


2.We know not where it comes from,only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life.


3.That is how our race was born.


4.For a time, we lived in harmony,but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil.


5.And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space.


6.We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home,


7.Searching every star, every world.


篇五:变形金刚4 台词摘录

1.My name is the Optimus Prime. 我是擎天柱。

2.Autobots, Transform and Roll Out. 汽车人!变形!出发!

3.One shall stand and one shall fall. 不是你死就是我亡。

4.More than meets the eye. 并非徒有其表。

5. Do not test me . 别惹我!

6.I am reborn. 我已然重生。

7. You may lose your faith in us,but never in yourself! 你可以对我们失去信心,但绝不要失去自信。