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时间:2024-10-03 00:22:42

Thank you very much.

You know, tonight, we are hearing the voices of people across America, people of all ages, of all colors, all faiths and all walks of life, people on the day shift, the night shift, the late shift, with the crying babies, moms and dads who want a better world for our children, young people who deserve a world of opportunity, all those who aren't in the headlines, but have always written America's story.

After seven years of a president who listens only to the special interests, you're ready for a president who brings your voice, your values and your dreams to your White House.

And tonight, in record numbers, you voted not just to make history, but to remake America. People in American Samoa, Arkansas, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and the great state of New York and on just -- on just one really serious note, we want to keep the people of Arkansas and Tennessee in our prayers. They suffered horrible tornadoes tonight.

We just talked to some of our folks there and people have died in both states, and our thoughts and prayers go out to them in this moment of their need.

You know, tonight, though, is your note. Tonight is America's night. And it's not -- it's not over yet, because the polls are still open in California for a few more minutes.

I hope that all of you will join our campaign at www.hillaryclinton.com, because you know -- you know that politics isn't a game. It's not about who's up or who's down.

It's about your lives, your families, your futures. It's about the people who have shared their problems with me, looking for solutions, the mother whose insurance company won't pay for her child's treatment, the couple so determined to send their daughter to college, they're willing to mortgage their home with a sub-prime second mortgage, the man who asked me what he was supposed to do after training the person who will take his job in another country, the veterans who've come home only to find they don't have the health care, the compensation and the services they need.

It's also about the people who want to seize America's opportunities. It's about the unions and businesses who are training people for green collar jobs.

It's about the auto companies and the auto workers who want higher gas mileage cars so we can compete with the rest of the world.

It's about -- it's about our scientists and researchers who want to be able to do stem cell research right here in the United States of America.

It's about our contractors and our construction workers who want to get to work to rebuild America, from the bridges in Minnesota to the levees in New Orleans.

Now, for seven years, we have seen President Bush's answer. They don't know what's at stake in this election, but we do. We know what we need is someone ready on day one to solve our problems and seize those opportunities.

Because when the bright lights are off and the cameras are gone, who can you count on to listen to you, to stand up for you, to delivery solutions for you?

Well, the Republicans want eight more years of the same. They see tax cuts for the wealthy and they say, "Why not more?" They see $9 trillion in debt and say, "Why not trillions more?" They see five years in Iraq and say, "Why not 100 more?" Well,they've got until January 20th, 2009 and not one day more.

Now, we know the Republicans won't give up the White House without a fight. Well, let me be clear -- I won't let anyone swift vote this country's future.

Together, we're going to take back America, because I see an America where our economy works for everyone, not just those at the top, where prosperity is shared and we create good jobs that stay right here in America.

I see an America where we stand up to the oil companies and the oil-producing countries, where we launch a clean energy revolution and finally confront the climate crisis.

I see an America where we don't just provide health care for some people or most people, but for every single man, woman and child, that no one is left out.

I see -- I see an America where, when a young man or a woman signs up to serve our country, we sign up to serve them, too.

An America with a 21st century GI Bill of Rights to help veterans go to college, buy a home or start their own businesses.

see an America respected around the world again that reaches out to our allies and confronts our shared challenges from global terrorism to global warming to global epidemic.

That's the America I see and that's the America we will build together.

I am so lucky to have the most extraordinary staff, volunteers and supporters across the country.

And I am so grateful for all those long hours and late nights that you've been putting in. And I want to thank the most important people in my life.

First, Bill and Chelsea for their incredible love and support.

They have done so much day in and day out.

And I want to thank all my friends and family, particularly my mother, who was born before women could vote and is watching her daughter on this stage tonight.

I also -- I also -- I also want to congratulate Senator Obama for his victories tonight, and I look forward to continuing our campaign and our debate about how to leave this country better off for the next generation, because that is the work of my life.

That is why I started my career fighting for abused and neglected children, children who had drawn the short straw in life, because this nation gave me every opportunity, and we can do the same for every child.

We must continue to be a nation that strives always to give each of our children a better future, a nation of optimists who believe our best days are yet to come, a nation of idealists, holding fast to our deepest values, that we are all created equal, that we all deserve to fulfill our God given potential, that we are destined for progress together.

It's the ideal inscribed on the base of the Statute of Liberty in this great city that has overlooked our harbor through wars and depression and the dark days of September 11, the words we all know that give voice to America's embrace -- "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free" -- a constant reminder that here in America, we face our challenges and we embrace all of our people.

So today we say with one voice -- give us the child who wants to learn, give us the people in need of work, give us the veterans who need our care. We say give us this economy to rebuild and this war to end. Give us this nation to heal, this world to lead, this moment to seize.

I know we're ready.

Thank you all and God bless you. 










Thank you so much. Thank you all.

Well, this isn’t exactly the party I’d planned, but I sure like the company.

I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you – to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked and sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors, who emailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise, to the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears, “See, you can be anything you want to be.”

To the young people like 13 year-old Ann Riddle from Mayfield, Ohio who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World, and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her Mom and volunteer there as well. To the veterans and the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled across the country and telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.

To all those women in their 80s and their 90s born before women could vote who cast their votes for our campaign. I’ve told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside. Her daughter and a friend put an American flag behind her bed and helped her fill out the ballot. She passed away soon after, and under state law, her ballot didn’t count. But her daughter later told a reporter, “My dad’s an ornery old cowboy, and he didn’t like it when he heard mom’s vote wouldn’t be counted. I don’t think he had voted in 20 years. But he voted in place of my mom.”

To all those who voted for me, and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to the progress we seek is unyielding. You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives and you have humbled me with your commitment to our country.

18 million of you from all walks of life – women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African-American and Caucasian, rich, poor and middle class, gay and straight – you have stood strong with me. And I will continue to stand strong with you, every time, every place, and every way that I can. The dreams we share are worth fighting for.

Remember - we fought for the single mom with a young daughter, juggling work and school, who told me, “I’m doing it all to better myself for her.” We fought for the woman who grabbed my hand, and asked me, “What are you going to do to make

sure I have health care?” and began to cry because even though she works three jobs, she can’t afford insurance. We fought for the young man in the Marine Corps t-shirt who waited months for medical care and said, “Take care of my buddies over there and then, will you please help take care of me?” We fought for all those who’ve lost jobs and health care, who can’t afford gas or groceries or college, who have felt invisible to their president these last seven years.

I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction: that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams. I’ve had every opportunity and blessing in my own life – and I want the same for all Americans. Until that day comes, you will always find me on the front lines of democracy – fighting for the future.

The way to continue our fight now – to accomplish the goals for which we stand – is to take our energy, our passion, our strength and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next President of the United States.

Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run. I endorse him, and throw my full support behind him. And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me.

I have served in the Senate with him for four years. I have been in this campaign with him for 16 months. I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in 22 debates. I have had a front row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit.

In his own life, Barack Obama has lived the American Dream. As a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States Senator - he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized. And in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic process and invested in our common future.

Now when I started this race, I intended to win back the White House, and make sure we have a president who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity, and progress. And that's exactly what we're going to do by ensuring that Barack Obama walks through the doors of the Oval Office on January 20, 2009.

I understand that we all know this has been a tough fight. The Democratic Party is a family, and it’s now time to restore the ties that bind us together and to come together around the ideals we share, the values we cherish, and the country we love.

We may have started on separate journeys – but today, our paths have merged. And we are all heading toward the same destination, united and more ready than ever to win in November and to turn our country around because so much is at stake.

We all want an economy that sustains the American Dream, the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded, to save for college, a home and retirement, to afford that gas and those groceries and still have a little left over at the end of the month. An economy that lifts all of our people and ensures that our prosperity is broadly distributed and shared. 








