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时间:2024-10-15 16:21:20


1. 你有没有想过去整形?”——同学。“这就是我整形过的样子,我可是拼了命才让自己这么帅。

2. 我的名字叫做奥吉普曼,下礼拜我就要上五年级了,但是我从来没有上过真正的学校。所以我真的超害怕的。

3. 如果要从正确和善良中选择,请选择善良

4. 善良点,人活在世上都不容易。

5. 伟大并非是拥有强大的力量,而是学会如何更好的运用力量。


7. 每件事我们都要看两面,其实我能想象打架的原因是什么,虽然殴打同学是绝对没有理由的,但我知道友情值得捍卫。

8. 正因为我是***妈,所以我的看法才重要,因为我才是最了解你的人。

9. 如果你能看透每一个人的心,就会知道没有人是普通的,每个人都值得大家站起来为他鼓掌一次。

10. 你天生与众不同,不必躲躲藏藏。

11. 你并不丑,奥吉。

12. 其实这才是最重要的吧。也许真相是我没有那么普通,如果我们了解别人的想法,就会知道没有人是普通的。每个人都值得大家站起来为他鼓掌一次。

13. 奥吉,你最好别跟爸妈走在一起,因为那一点也不酷,戴这个头盔更不酷。

14. 我知道,我是挺酷的...但是...大部分的.爸爸都不酷,戴这个头盔更不酷

15. 善良一点,因为每个人都在为人生苦战。如果你想真正了解他人,你只需要用心,去看。

16. 我是***妈才重要,因为我最了解你。

17. 我们每个人的脸上,都会有属于自己的印记。

18. 我知道我不是一个普通的十岁小孩,我动过27次手术,这样我才能呼吸,看见东西,不靠助听器听见声音,不过这一切都让我看起来不普通。

19. 我想要可以控制天气,“那就是你想要的超能力?听起来逊毙了”,“那你想要什么呢”。

20. 如在正确与善良之间选择,必选择善良。

21. 我知道你一定不喜欢,但是我很爱它,因为这是我儿子的脸。

22. 问题不在于比谁的日子更糟糕,而在于我们大家都必须忍受糟糕的日子。

23. 我知道我不是个普通的孩子,我动过27次手术,这样我才能呼吸,才能看见东西,才能不靠着助听器听声音,这一切都让我看起来比别人更加不普通。

24. 因为你是我妈妈,你才这么说。

25. 这世界不是以你为中心的。

26. 我希望每一天都是万圣节。我们可以一直戴着面具,这样就能够四处游历,广交朋友,不用去理会面具下的我们长什么样子。

27. 上帝,拜托让同学们对他好一点。

28. 我最喜欢你了, 你弟弟已经有了一群天使给予的爱,而你是我最喜欢的我,我的爱都是你的。

29. 如果我长成他那个样子……我觉得我会自杀。

30. 你真的是个奇迹。

31. 善良一点,因为每个人都在与人生苦战。如果真正想要了解他们,只需要用心去看。















Wonder boy (one)

If you stick to it, you may be able to create a miracle.

"The miracle boy" tells a story of the growth of a warm and ten million family. The 10 year old ogi born deformities had been at home and mother self-study. When he entered the fifth grade primary school, ogi parents carefully selected for his school. Here, to get along with ogi school principals and teachers and personalities of the students, his unusual appearance makes him become the focus on the students, but also to his campus life has brought a lot of problems. Fortunately, in the growth process, Augie's parents and his sister had been his most strong backing, in their support and love, courage, kindness and wisdom ogi affect their inspired many people around, and gained the friendship, respect and love, and ultimately grow into people's minds the unbelievable "miracle".

Before the view, one of the people thought that the "miracle boy" should be an exciting fantasy. But it is not, even the inside story, ordinary to normal. In spite of this, the film built an extraordinary miracle with these ordinary stories. How hard it is to imagine that a child who is only 10 years old has been ridiculed and satirized by his classmates because of his facial malformation. He has even been subjected to infinite exclusion and betrayal. How can a child bear such a malicious look? He can not the same, he insisted. He has the best family, and he has reaped his friends and won the badge of the college's highest honor. When he stood on the stage to pick up the badge and looked at the people who cheered for him under the stage, I could not help comparing his experience. Those eyes that are full of malice are slowly changing under time, until full of encouragement and praise. Little Augie, created a miracle. With his kindness, simplicity, and justice.

Every child is an angel, without any reason his face, insisting on, may be able to create a miracle.

Wonder boy (two)

Some movies do not need stars, do not need the effect, do not need 3D. But it is the most perfect.

Today, I saw a movie. Originally I hesitated, I planned to see something else, but the name "miracle boy" attracted me deeply. Although the score is not the highest, I also had a slight complaint before watching: why not watch other movies? I began to regret a little.

But, I was wrong, you look at me; mother almost all films this time she is not be sleepy straws, all eyes, looked at, and was touched by the plot line with tears.

Yes, this movie is the best one I've seen from small to large. There are no many special effects. But I think the movie adapted from the novel has sincere feelings and gives people a real feeling.

There are friendships, family ties, and also very warm. It's easy for me to connect my reality: the hero is a seemingly ordinary boy, but why is it a miracle boy? It's puzzled. It turned out that his birth was very special. Because of the genetic relationship, several operations have made him able to breathe and see like a normal person, but his face is very different from ordinary people. But his family never felt this way. Her elder sister had wanted a younger brother. He was very happy ever since he was born, and his father and mother have been around him. They never felt bad about him. His inferiority caused him to put on a space cap. He was taught by his doctor and mother at home from his childhood. He went to school when he was in grade five, so he needed to take off his helmet.

Although we have been down on him, with strange eyes looked at him, but he has talent outstanding performance, or make many good friends, their friendship after many hardships, but eventually the boy still understand him, friendship becomes very tough, when troubles come, big home together spent. When the figures stood by the river, I felt that the power of friendship was great and that everyone understood each other; then, no one would have blamed and dislike who.

In the end, the little boy, who was initially discriminated against, was recognized by all the people and received a prize at the graduation ceremony.

I was moved by this movie. It told me to cherish my friends, learn to understand others, look at everything with a tolerant and loving eye. This reminds me of the story that the teacher told me: a doctor and patient had an appointment operation, but he was late. His family member blamed him. I don't know whether his son was killed in a car accident.

Friends and students should get along well, cherish a few times, there are contradictions and mutual understanding, not to blame each other blindly. The truth that this film teaches me is bound to impress me.