励志一生网 > 经典语录 > 火山爆发英语语录 正文


时间:2024-10-09 02:29:35

I. Phrases

1. a vlcan erupting 一次火山爆发

2. an active / a live vlcan 活火山

3. cpare…with / t… 把……和……进行比较

cpare…t… 把……比作……

4. iagine ding sth. 设想做某事

5. tae riss / a ris 冒险

at ris 处于危险之中

at the ris f ding sth.…冒……危险

ris ding sth.冒险做某事

6. eet with sb. 碰到、遇到某人

7. excite sb./neself 使某人/自己激动

8. prtect sb. / sth. fr… 保护……免遭……

9. be warned (nt) t d sth. 被警告(不要)去做某事

warn sb. f danger 警告某人有危险

10. ve sth. ut f the wa 把……搬离……

11. burn t the grund 全部焚毁

12. far re (=uch re) 多得多,多很多

13. the first sight f… 第一次看见……

14. be fast asleep 睡得很熟

15. be abut t d sth. … when… 正要做某事……就在这时……

16. as bright as da 亮如白昼

17. in the distance 在远处(大范围的)

at a / se distance (有间隔的)在远处(的具体某地)

18. in the side f the untain 在山的一边

19. have a uch clser l ( at sth.) 近距离的观看(某物)

20. be in a panic 陷入恐慌(状态)

get int a panic 陷入恐慌(动作)

21. ae ne’s wa t … 前往…….

22. clib dwn int… 爬进……

23. be enthusiastic abut… 对……怀着热情

24. be aazed at … 对……感到惊讶

25. tae sb. b surprise 使某人大吃一惊

tae sth. b surprise 突袭

26. ae an effrt t d sth. 努力做某事

27. be ut f wr 失业

28. (the) Lae f Heaven 天上的湖(天池)

29. thic frest 茂密的森林

30. nature reserve 自然保护区

31. var fr … t … 由……到……不等

32. a great diversit f 多种多样

33. tae a bath 沐浴

34. give birth t sb. 生小孩

35. glance thrugh 匆匆看一遍

36. be bred with sb. / sth. 对某人/某物厌烦

37. cancel ne’s appintent with sb. 取消和某人的约会

II. Sentences

1. Have u ever cnsidered hw wea huans are cpared with a vlcan , hurricane r earthquae?


2. Having cllected and evaluated the infratin , I help ther scientists t predict where lava fr the vlcan will flw next and hw fast it will flw .


3. I was abut t g bac t sleep when suddenl bedr becae as bright as da .


4. Having studied vlcanes nw fr re than twent ears , I a still aazed at their beaut as well as their ptential t cause great daage .


5. The height f the land varies fr 700 etres abve sea level t ver 2,000 etres and is he t a great diversit f plants and anials .


6. It is said that the b , wh had a great gift fr language and persuasin , is the father f

the Manchu peple .



Unit 5 The pwer f nature

I. Phrases

1. a vlcan erupting 一次火山爆发 2. an active / a live vlcan 活火山

3. cpare…with / t… 把…和…进行比较 cpare…t… 把……比作……

4. iagine ding sth. 设想做某事

5. tae riss / a ris 冒险 at ris 处于危险之中

at the ris f ding sth冒危险 ris ding sth.冒险做某事

6. eet with sb. 碰到、遇到某人 7. excite sb./neself 使某人/自己激动

8. prtect sb. / sth. fr… 保护…免遭…

9. be warned (nt) t d sth. 被警告(不要)去做某事 warn sb. f danger 警告某人有危险

10. ve sth. ut f the wa 把……搬离……

11. burn t the grund 全部焚毁

12. far re (=uch re) 多得多,多很多

13. At the first sight f… 第一次看见…… 14. be fast asleep 睡得很熟

15. be abut t d sth. … when 正要做某事…就在这时…

16. as bright as da 亮如白昼

17. in the distance 在远处(大范围的); at a/se distanc(有间隔的)在远处(的具体某地)

18. in the side f the untain 在山的一边

19. have a uch clser l ( at sth.) 近距离观看(某物)

20. be in a panic 陷入恐慌 get int a panic 陷入恐慌

21. ae ne’s wa t … 前往……. 22. clib dwn int… 爬进……

23. be enthusiastic abut… 对……怀着热情

24. be aazed at … 对……感到惊讶

25. tae sb. b surprise 使某人大吃一惊

tae sth. b surprise突袭

26. ae an effrt t d sth. 努力做某事

27. be ut f wr 失业

28. var fr … t … 由……到……不等

29. a great diversit f 多种多样

30. tae a bath 沐浴 give birth t sb.生小孩

31. glance thrugh 匆匆看一遍

32. be bred with sb. / sth.对某人/某物厌烦

33. cancel ne’s appintent with sb. 取消和某人的约会

II. Sentences

1. Have u ever cnsidered hw wea huans a vlcan , hurricane r earthquae?


2. the infratin , I help ther scientists t predict where lava fr the vlcan will flw next and hw fast it will flw .


3. I g bac t sleep suddenl bedr becae as bright as da .


4. Having studied vlcanes nw fr re than twent ears , I a still aazed at their beaut as well as their t cause great daage .


5. The height f the land varies fr 700 etres abve sea level t ver 2,000 etres and is he t plants and anials .


6. It is said that the b , wh language and persuasin , is the father f the Manchu peple .


参考答案Unit1:课文填词1. faith 2.wuld 3. bre awa 4. cnvinced that 5. t the place f 6.cncentrated/fcused n

完成句子1. abstract 2. exhibitin 3. attepted 4. cncentrating 5.pssessin 6. predicted 7.realistic

8. ridiculus 9. cnteprar 10. peranent


After 9,000 years of silence, Chile's Chaiten volcano erupted, generating what may have been a "dirty thunderstorm." These little-understood storms may be caused when rock fragments, ash, and ice particles collide to produce static charges--just as ice particles collide to create charges in regular thunderstorms. The eruption, which continued off and on for months, forced the evacuation of thousands of residents and cattle from this corner of Patagonia.



A Volcano Eruption火山爆发

As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database about diverse natural disasters, such as hurricanes, typhoons or thunderstorms. Sometimes I did this by giving out questionnaires to those who went through them. But sometimes I had to go through actual disasters myself. The Musaki Volcano was one of them.

At that time, I lived in a bungalow alongside the volcano with a novelist, who came for the appreciation of its eruption. One day, when I was drawing diagrams on the balcony and he was bathing inside, the volcano erupted unexpectedly. The ash and lava fountains shooting highly in the sky varied from 50 to 100 meters in height. It was absolutely fantastic! I even noticed a rainbow appear in the fog caused by a heat wave.

But, glancing through our surroundings, I foresaw the potential danger and found no guarantee of our safety. The uncomfortable gas almost made us unconscious. Sweats of anxiety began to drop. Managing to stop panicking and trembling, we quickly put on our protective suits, helmets and boots and eventually made our way to a safe place. How lucky we were even though my precious equipment and documents were all burnt to the ground!


Why does Tazieff risk his life like this?

Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volcano for very long. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time. He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later. This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.