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时间:2025-03-13 04:48:59




















礼仪又称教养,其本质不过是在交往中对于任何人不表示任何轻视或侮蔑而已,谁能理解并接受了这点,又能同意以上所谈的规则和准则并努力去实行它们,他一定会成为一个有教养的绅士。 ——洛克

人有礼则安,无礼则危。 ——《札记》

傲不可长,欲不可纵,乐不可极,老不可满。 ————魏微

事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。我在沙漠中曾亲眼看见,匆忙的旅人落在从容者的后边;疾驰的骏马落后,缓步的骆驼却不断前进。 ——萨迪 乐以移风易俗,礼以安上化人。 ——唐·吴兢

存在着一种出自内心的礼貌。它是变换了形式的爱心。由此产生出一种外部表现出来的最适宜的礼貌。 ——歌德

礼节要举动自然才显得高贵。假如表面上过于做作,那就丢失了应有的价值。 、——培根

假如自负,虚荣心或愤怒使儿童失去了恐怖,或者使他不听恐怖心的劝告,这种心理便应该采取适当的方法消除掉,应该使他稍稍考虑一下,降低火气,三思而后行,看看眼前的事值不值得冒险。 ——洛克 一切礼仪,都是为了文饰那些虚应故事的行为,言不由衷的欢迎,出尔反尔的殷勤而设立的;如果有真实的友谊,这些虚伪的形式就该一律摈弃。 ——莎士比亚

不应嫉妒天才人物,就像不应该嫉妒太阳一样。 ————尤里·邦达列夫

总会发生些情愿与不情愿、知道与不知道、清醒与迷误的那种痛苦与幸福的事儿。但如果心里存在虔诚情感,那么在痛苦中也会得到安宁。否则,便只能在愤怒争吵、妒嫉仇恨、唠唠叨叨中讨活了。 ——泰戈尔

涵养为首,致知次之,力行又次之。 ——宋朱熹

一种虽然拙劣的辩词或平凡的观察,如果这样提出来,前面加几句尊重别人的意见的话,他便可以得到更多的荣誉和重视。 ————佚名

年轻人不可中途插嘴,说的时候要用请教的态度,不能像教训别人似的。应该避免固执的态度和傲慢的神情,要谦逊地提出问题。谦逊不会遮住他们的才能,也不会减弱他们的理由的力量。它反而可以使他们得到更好的注意,使他们所说的话宜于让人接受。 ——洛克

浑身刻板死沉、满面阴惨抑郁的.人,不论其生相如何,衣饰如何,都是天上人间最坏的人。 ——狄更斯


父子有亲,君臣有交,夫妇有别,长幼有序,朋友有信。 ——孟子

要做一个襟怀坦白,光明磊落的人,不管是在深藏内心的思想活动中,还是在表露于外的行为举止上都是这样。 ——温塞特

善待那些具有爱心的人。 ——梅特灵克 在风度上和在各种事情上一样,惟一不衰老的东西,是心地。心地善良的人单纯朴实。 ——巴尔扎克

当一个人是一个真正的人的时候,他就应当与大言不惭和骄揉造作之间保持等距离,既不夸夸其谈,也不扭捏取宠。 ——雨果

对于心地善良的人来说,付出代价必然得到报酬这种想法本身就是一种侮辱。美德不是装饰品,而是美好的心灵的表现形式。 ——纪德

Lady Beekman:

You'll find I mean business!

Dorothy Shaw:

Oh, really? Then why are you wearing that hat?

Dorothy Shaw:

I like a man who can run faster than I can.

Dorothy Shaw:

In bed by nine? That's when life just begins!

Dorothy Shaw:

[Dorothy is admiring some athletes]

Gus Esmond:

Dorothy Shaw, you're supposed to be the chaperone on the trip!

Dorothy Shaw:

Now let's get one thing straight, Gus: The chaperone's job is to make sure nobody else has any fun. But nobody chaperone's the chaperone. That's why I'm so right for this job.

Gus Esmond:

Dorothy Shaw. I want you to remember you're supposed to be the chaperone on this trip.

Dorothy Shaw:

Now lets get this straight, Gus. The chaperone's job is to see that nobody else has any fun. Nobody chaperone's the chaperone. That's why I'm so right for this job.

Lorelei Lee:

Dorothy. Mr. Esmond and I are getting married.

Dorothy Shaw:

To each other?

Gus Esmond:

Of course to each other. Who else to?

Dorothy Shaw:

Well, I don't know about you Gus, but I always figured Lorelei would end up with the Secretary of the Treasury.

Dorothy Shaw:

Bye bye baby. Remember you're my baby when they give you the eye.

Dorothy Shaw, Lorelei Lee:

When love goes wrong, nothing goes right.

Dorothy Shaw:

I like a beautiful hunk of man. But I'm no physical culture fan. Ain't there anyone here for love?

Henry Spofford III:

Lorelei Lee:

Oh, Mr Spoffard. Would you please give me a hand? I'm sort of stuck!

Henry Spofford III:

Are you a burglar?

Lorelei Lee:

Heaven's no! The steward locked me in. I was waiting for a friend.

Henry Spofford III:

Why didn't you ring for him?

Lorelei Lee:

I didn't think of it. Isn't that silly?

Henry Spofford III:

If you were a burglar, and I helped you escape...

Lorelei Lee:

Please help me before somebody comes along.

Henry Spofford III:

I'm thinking.

Henry Spofford III

Hey, look someone's coming.

Lorelei Lee:

Oh dear, what'll I do?

Henry Spofford III:

Quick! Hold this around your neck tight!

Dorothy Shaw:

You know I think you're the only girl in the world who can stand on a stage with a spotlight in her eye and still see a diamond inside a man's pocket.

[Staring at Lorelei and Dorothy]


Say, suppose the ship hits an iceberg and sinks. Which one of them do you save from drowning?

William J. Stevens:

Those girls couldn't drown.

Esmond Sr.:

Have you got the nerve to tell me you don't want to marry my son for his money?

Lorelei Lee:

It's true.

Esmond Sr.:

Then what do you want to marry him for?

Lorelei Lee:

I want to marry him for YOUR money.

Lorelei Lee:

Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty, but my goodness, doesn't it help?

Lady Beekman:

It's a tiara.

Lorelei Lee:

You DO wear it on your head. I just LOVE finding new places to wear diamonds.

Dorothy Shaw:

Remember, honey, on your wedding day it's All right to say "yes."

Lorelei Lee:

[singing] We're just two little girls from Little Rock.

Lorelei Lee:

Excuse me, but what is the way to Europe, France?

Dorothy Shaw:

Honey, France is IN Europe.

Lorelei Lee:

Well who said it wasn't?

Dorothy Shaw:

Well... you wouldn't say you wanted to go to North America, Mexico.

Lorelei Lee:

If that's where I wanted to go, I would.

Lorelei Lee:

If you've nothing more to say, then pray, scat!

Lorelei Lee:

[Lorelei is holding a tiara] How do you put it around your neck?

Dorothy Shaw:

You don't, honey, it goes on your head!

Lorelei Lee:

You must think I was born yesterday.

Dorothy Shaw:

Well, sometimes there's just no other possible explanation.

[Lorelei is stuck going through the porthole]

Henry Spofford III:

All right. I'll help you. I'll help you for two reasons.

Lorelei Lee:

Never mind the reasons. Just help me.

Henry Spofford III:

The first reason is I'm too young to be sent to jail. The second reason is you got a lot of animal magnetism.

Dorothy Shaw:

I've been wondering, what's your line, Mr. Malone?

Ernie Malone:

My line? My most effective one is to tell a girl she has hair like a tortured midnight, lips like a red couch in an ivory palace that I'm lonely and starved for affection. Then, I generally burst into tears. It seldom works.

Mr. Esmond Sr.:

Are you out of your mind?

Ernie Malone:

Mm-hmm, but I like it that way.

Dorothy Shaw:

Honey, did it ever occur to you that some people just don't care about money?

Lorelei Lee:

Please, we're talking serious here.

Lorelei Lee:

[sing] A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, / But diamonds are a girl's best friend. / A kiss may be grand, but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat. / Or help you at the automat. / Men grow cold as girls grow old, and we all lose our charm in the end. / But square-cut or pear-shaped, these rocks won't lost their shape. / Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Lorelei Lee:

I always say a kiss on the hand might feel very good, but a diamond tiara lasts forever.

Mr. Esmond Sr.:

Say, they told me you were stupid! You certainly don't seem stupid to me!

Lorelei Lee:

I can be smart when I need to be.

Lorelei Lee:

I want you to find happiness and stop having fun.

Lorelei Lee:

There was an old man named Sidney... Who drank till he ruined a kidney. It shrivelled and shrank, but he drank and he drank... He had his fun doing it, didn't he?