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时间:2024-10-02 01:37:51


The Naughty Boy

There was a naughty boy, 有一个顽皮的`孩子,

And a naughty boy was he, 顽皮的孩子就是他,

He ran away to Scotland 他离家到苏格兰去

The people for to see--- 去看那边的人们

Then he found 然后他发现

That the ground 那边的地面

Was as hard, 一样的坚硬,

That a yard 那边的尺码

Was as long, 一样的长,

That a song 那里的歌声

Was as merry, 一样的美妙,

That a cherry 那里的樱桃

Was as red, 一样的鲜红

That lead 那里的铅

Was as weighty, 一样的沉重

That fourscore 那里的八十

Was as eighty, 同样也是八十

That a door 那里的门

Was as wooden As in England---和英格兰一样,也是木制的

So he stood in his shoes 因此,他着鞋而立

And he wonder'd; 大感惊奇;

He stood in his shoes 他着鞋而立

And he wonder'd. 大感惊奇。


Good afternoon, teachers! I`m very happy to introduce myself here. I`m Scott. My Chinese name is SunZijing. I`m 13. I`m from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School.

I have many hobbies, such as playing ping-pong, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on. My favourite food is chicken. It`s tasty and yummy. So I`m very strong.

I`m a naughty boy. I always play tricks. And I just like staying in my room and reading books.

But I have a dream, I want to be a car-designer. Because I`m a car fan.This is me. Please remember SunZijing! Thank you very much!


Good afternoon, teachers! I`m very happy to introduce myself here. I`m Scott. My Chinese name is SunZijing. I`m 13. I`m from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School.

I have many hobbies, such as playing ping-pong, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on. My favourite food is chicken. It`s tasty and yummy. So I`m very strong.

I`m a naughty boy. I always play tricks. And I just like staying in my room and reading books.

But I have a dream, I want to be a car-designer. Because I`m a car fan.This is me. Please remember SunZijing! Thank you very much!

An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."


Have you ever done something silly that made you feel so embarrassed? Well, I had a really bad Saturday morning.

I went shopping last week, on my way home, it began to rain. I quickly ran into a nearby phone box because I didn't have an umbrella. It was raining hard and I decided to stay in the phone box until it stopped. A few minutes later, I saw a young man walk up to the phone box, wearing a yellow raincoat and holding a tool box. I didn’t want to go out into the rain, so I picked up the phone and pretended I was talking to someone. I thought he would go away, but he didn't. He just waited in the heavy rain, watching me wave my hands about and act as if I was deep in conversation.

Luckily, the rain stopped after about ten minutes. “OK, Mum,”I said loudly into the phone.

“I'll see you later. Bye!” I put the phone down and went out of the phone box.

“I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long.”I said to the man.

“Oh, I don't want to use the phone,”he replied. “I've just come to repair it. It doesn't work.”

My face turned red and I quickly ran off with my head down. That was certainly the most embarrassing time of my life.


In my dual profession as an educator and health care provider, I have worked with numerous children infected with the virus that causes AIDS. The relationships that I have had with these special kids have been gifts in my life. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great courage can be found in the smallest of packages. Let me tell you about Tyler.

Tyler was born infected with HIV: his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life, he was dependent on medications to enable him to survive. When he was five, he had a tube surgically ed in a vein in his chest. This tube was connected to a pump, which he carried in a small backpack on his back. Medications were hooked up to this pump and were continuously supplied through this tube to his bloodstream. At times, he also needed supplemented oxygen to support his breathing.

Tyler wasn’t willing to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not unusual to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicine-laden backpack and dragging his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon. All of us who knew Tyler marveled at his pure joy in being alive and the energy it gave him. Tyler’s mom often teased him by telling him that he moved so fast she needed to dress him in red. That way, when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard, she could quickly spot him.

This dreaded disease eventually wore down even the likes of a little dynamo like Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately, so did his HIV-infected mother. When it became apparent that he wasn’t going to survive, Tyler’s mom talked to him about death. She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven.

A few days before his death, Tyler beckoned me over to his hospital bed and whispered, “I might die soon. I’m not scared. When I die, please dress me in red. Mom promised she’s coming to heaven, too. I’ll be playing when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me.”

Unit 1:

young 年轻的 funny 滑稽可笑的 tall 高的

strong 强壮的 kind 和蔼的、亲切的;

old 年老的 short矮的 thin 瘦的 Mr 先生

like 像、喜欢 strict 严格的 smart 聪明的

active 积极的、活跃的 quiet 安静的、文静的

very 很、非常 but 但是

Unit 2:

Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三

Thursday星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六

Sunday 星期天 day 天 have 有、吃

on 在…..时候

do homework 做作业 watch TV 看电视 read books 读书

Unit 3:

eggplant 茄子 fish 鱼 green beans 青豆 tofu 豆腐

potato 土豆 tomato 西红柿 for 为 lunch 中餐

we 我们 tasty 好吃的 sweet 甜的 sour 酸的

fresh 新鲜的 salty 咸的 favourite 最喜欢的

they’re=they are 他们是 fruit 水果 grape 葡萄

Unit 4:

cook the meals 做饭 water the flowers 浇花

sweep the floor 扫地

clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 make the bed 铺床

set the table 摆饭桌

wash the clothes 洗衣服 do the dishes洗碗碟

use a computer 使用计算机

Unit 5:

curtain 窗帘 trash bin 垃圾箱 closet 壁橱

mirror 镜子 end table 床头柜 bedroom 卧室

kitchen 厨房 bathroom 卫生间 living room 客厅

in 在…里面 on 在…上面 under 在…下面

near 在..旁边 behind 在…后边 clothes 衣服

Unit 6:

river 河流 flower 花 grass 草 lake 湖泊

forest 森林 path 路 park 公园 picture 照片

house 房子 bridge 桥 tree 树 road 公路

building 建筑物 clean 干净的


Unit 1:

1.谁是你的英语老师?Carter先生。 Who’s your English teacher? Mr Carter.

2.他长得什么样?他(是)高而强壮。 What’s he like ? He’s tall and strong .

3.她很安静吗?不是的。她很活跃的。 Is she quiet ? No, she isn’t. She’s very active.

4.她很严格么?是的,但她很和蔼的。 Is she strict ? Yes, she is , but she’s very kind .

Unit 2:

1. 今天星期几?星期二。 What day is it today ? It’s Tuesday.

2. 星期二你们上什么课? What do you have on Tuesdays ?

我们上数学和科学课。 We have math and science.

3. 星期六你常常干些什么? What do you do on Saturdays ?

我看电视做作业。 I watch TV and do homework.

4. 你怎么样? 我也做作业。 What about you ? I do my homework, too.

Unit 3:

1.星期一你们午饭吃什么? What do you have for lunch on Mondays ?

我们吃西红柿,土豆和鱼. We have tomatoes, potatoes and fish .

2.你(的)最喜欢的水果是什么? What’s your(her她的、his他的)favourite fruit ?

我喜欢苹果. 它们甜甜的. I like apples . They are sweet.

3.我喜欢水果. 但是我不喜欢葡萄. 它们酸酸的。I like fruits. But I don’t like grapes. They’re sour.

4.星期三你午饭吃什么? What do you have for lunch on Wednesday ?

我吃米饭,猪肉和豆腐. I have rice,pork and tofu .

Unit 4:

1.你会干什么? 我会做饭。 What can you do ? I can cook the meals.

2. 你会铺床吗? 不,我不会。 Can you make the bed ? No, I can’t.

3. 你会扫地吗? 是的,我会。 Can you sweep the floor ? Yes, I can.

Unit 5:

1. 衣橱在桌子旁边。 The closet is near the table.

2. 许多衣服在衣橱里。 Many clothes are in the closet.

3. 垃圾箱在门后。 The trash bin is behind the door.

4. 我房间里有一面镜子,两把椅子和一个大衣橱。There is a mirror, two chairs and a big closet.

5. 我家里有两间卧室,一间厨房和一间客厅。There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.

Unit 6:

1. 公园里面有一个森林吗?是的,有。 Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is.

2. 有一条河吗?不,没有。 Is there a river? No, there isn’t.

3. 山里有熊猫吗? 不,没有。 Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there aren’t.

4. 河里有鱼吗? 是的,有。 Are there any fish in the river? Yes, there are. (fish单复数一样)


Unit 1:

1、反义词:tall—short long—short young—old new—old strong—thin fat—thin

kind—strict active—quiet

2、What’s …like?是问某某长得什么样子,它的答语一般用:He/She/ It is…(后面跟描写人的外貌特征的词语),如:What’s your father like?你爸爸长得什么样子?

3、表示“一个”有a, an. a, e, i,o, u开头一般用an,例如an oldactive lady.

Unit 2:


2、on+星期。如on Monday, on Sunday . 表示在几点几分,在具体时间时,用at. 如at 6:30。

3、I like Sundays.是泛指所有的星期日,所以用复数形式。like+复数。

Unit 3:

1、What would you like for lunch? 你午饭想吃什么?“for”:为了。后面要接名词或人称代词的宾格形式。 如:I’d like some tomatoes and mutton.我想吃一些西红柿和羊肉。I’d=I would

一日三餐的英语说法: breakfast 早饭 lunch 午饭 dinner 晚饭

西红柿 tomato 和土豆 potato 复数形式在后面加es tomatoes, potatoes

2、下列单词的形容词形式:salty (咸的) healthy(健康的) tasty(好吃的)

3、What’ s your favorite food? 后面一般都跟集合的名词:food 食物 fruit水果 drink饮料 colour颜色 class 课程 book 书 sport 运动 vegetable 蔬菜 number数字 day天

Unit 5/6:

1.There be包括There is a …后面跟名词单数,表示一个。例如:There is a mirror on the wall. 后面跟名词复数,表示多个。例如: There are two end tables near the bed.

2.on与over的区别: 都是在…上面on:与下面的物体紧挨着。over:与物体没有接触,悬空着。

3. 一些特殊疑问词的意义与用法:

1) what 什么,叫什么,干什么等。例如:What’s this? 这是什么? What’s your name? 你的名字是什么? What’s your father like? 你爸爸长得什么样子?

2)where 哪里,用来问在什么地方,如Where are you from? 你来自哪里?

3)how many 多少。用来问物体的数量。如:How many books do you have? 你有多少本书?

Unit 3 What’s Your Favourite Food?


1.-------- What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner? (你中餐想吃什么)

-------- I’d like (some)…

2.-------- What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner…(时间)? (你… 吃什么)

-------- I have …

3.-------- What does… have …? ( 第三人称 …… 吃什么?)

-------- He/ She has …

4.-------- What’s your favourite food/fruit? (你最喜欢的食物/水果是什么?)

-------- I like …(best). It’s / They’re …

-------- What about you? ( 你呢? ) 初一上册英语手抄报图片大全