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时间:2024-10-01 09:49:51



1.能听、说、认读单词:these, tomatoes, try, carrots并掌握名词复数及其对应的发音。


What are these?

Are they/these…?进行对话练习。



1.掌握单词these, tomatoes, try, carrots。










教师让同学们分角色表演Let's talk部分的对话,创设英语情景,让同学感受英语的语言氛围。



What are these?

Are these apples?

Are these tomatoes? Yes.



Step 1: Warm-up

1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,做简单的Free talk。

2.播放歌曲Mary has a little lamb。


教师展示图片(已经学过的动物名词),说:What's this in English?It's a/an… How do you spell it?让学生一个接一个地快速说出对应的单词及其拼写。


5.Main Scene

(1)学生看书36、37 页,说一说:What can you see in the picture?Where are the children?

(2)找一找下列单词的意思:horses, potatoes, carrots, sheep。


There are seventeen sheep on the farm.(对画线部分提问)

are there on the farm?

Step 2: Presentation

Let's talk

1.教师先将已经学过的动物、蔬菜、水果的图片展示给学生,和学生一起复习,问:What are these?Are they…?教师注意指导学生使用名词的单复数形式。

2.教师出示胡萝卜的图片,问学生:What are they?学生回答:They are胡萝卜.教师接着自问自答:What are these?They are carrots.教读单词 these和carrots并板书,让学生认读。同时,学生看图片并跟读句子,理解句子的意思。

3.教师出示西红柿的图片,问学生:Are these carrots?学生回答:No.教师肯定学生的回答并说:These are tomatoes.教读单词tomatoes,强调名词复数形式;板书,让学生认读。

4.教师利用实物问学生:Are these carrots/tomatoes?学生根据实物回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren't.

5.把图片或实物分发给学生,让他们分组提问:What are these?Are these tomatoes/carrots?学生回答,教师给予指导和帮助。

6.让学生听Let's talk的录音,跟读课文。


Let's play


What are these?

Are they tomatoes?

Yes, they are./No, they aren't.

2.教师拿出apples, tomatoes, grapes, bananas, strawberries等水果和蔬菜,学生进行对话练习:

—What are these?

—They are tomatoes.

—Try some! They are good.

—Thanks. Yum.

Step 3: Practice


将学生分成若干组,教师把单词的汉语写在黑板上,然后学生依次说出单词的拼写,如果有学生出错,那么这组学生从头开始(例如:西红柿tomatoes,第一名学生说t, 第二名说o,第三名说m……最后一名学生读出单词并说出汉语)。在单词字母数量一致的情况下,哪组用时最少,哪组就是获胜者。

2.同桌之间分角色利用实物表演Let's talk 的对话。筛选出几组上台表演,教师及时予以鼓励性评价。


教师把水果和蔬菜放在一个不透明的袋子里,一名学生自愿到前面来,通过摸里面的东西猜一猜是什么。下面的学生问:What's this?/What are these?这名学生闭着眼睛摸出来并回答:It's a tomato. They are tomatoes.但注意,如果他/她睁眼睛看了,即使答对了,也得不到奖励。


Step 4: Consolidation


学生以小组为单位开展游戏。前一名学生根据图片或实物问后一名学生,如:学生A问学生B:What are these?学生B回答:They are tomatoes.学生B问学生C:What are these?依次进行,要求学生的训练速度要不断加快。


—What are these?

—They are tomatoes.

—How do you spell it?




教师利用自己的实物,问:Are they tomatoes?学生回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren't.They are carrots.通过师生之间及学生之间的互动,加深对新知识的理解,培养学生在生活中运用语言的能力及分析问题并解决问题的能力。

Step 5: Sum-up


单词: these, tomatoes, try, carrots

句型: What are these?Are they/these…?

Step 6: Homework

1.回家给父母大声朗读Let's talk的对话。




Unit 4 At the farm

What are these?

—They are carrots.

—Try some! They are good.

—Are these carrots?

—No, they aren't.They are tomatoes.



好处1 纤维质对人体有益。 蔬菜中的纤维质不能被人体的肠胃所吸收,但本身会吸收大量的水分,来增加粪便形成的软度,有益排便。多吃纤维质可以促进身体的'代谢功能,达到控制体重的目的。

好处2 维生素的最佳来源。 蔬菜含有丰富的维生素,其中以维生素C和维生素A最为重要。不过维生素C在烹煮时会大量流失,蔬菜颜色越深绿或深黄,含有的维生素A和维生素C就越多。另外,有一些蔬菜含有丰富的钾、钙、钠、铁质等碱性矿物质,不仅能平稳血液中的酸碱值,也是小朋友生长需要的营养素的重要来源。

好处3 增加饱食感。 蔬菜中的纤维质能增加咀嚼,使饱食感增加,从而减少食物的摄取量,并进而减少热量的摄取。

好处4 整肠健胃,调整体质。 蔬菜中的纤维质能有效促进肠与胃的蠕动,减少食物在肠道停留的时间,减少营养素的吸收并及早协助排出对人体无益的废物。现代人的饮食,摄取加工制品太多,因此更应该多吃蔬菜,健胃整肠,调整血液品质及身体素质。


(1)these A.西红柿

(2)tomatoes B.试一试

(3)carrots C.胡萝卜

(4)try D.这些



本课主要学习问答句型:What are these?Are they tomatoes?为了让学生能将所学的语言知识运用好,我设计了“摸一摸”“全班总动员”等活动。在明确的任务目标的驱动下,学生主动参与,对本课的重点句型的理解不断加深,运用起来也越来越得心应手。通过这种活动,学生合作学习的能力与综合运用所学语言知识的能力都得到了提高。此外,学生经过了一段时间的学习,英语有了一定的基础,而且口语也有所提高,这是值得欣慰的地方。不足的地方是,有的学生仍然不能很好地进入学习的状态,对单词和句型掌握得不准确,在今后的教学中,对他们要特别关注。



1.能听、说、认读单词及短语green beans, potatoes, onions, so long, make me cry。

2.会运用句子Look at these green beans.They are so long! Yes, and the potatoes are big.和同伴进行对话。


4.能说唱Let's chant的内容。


1.掌握单词和词组green beans, potatoes, onions, so long。










教师利用实物tomato, bean, potato, onion进行单词教学。


教师和同学进行“猜一猜”“萨姆说”等游戏,一起巩固本课时的句子:What are these? Are these bananas?同时提高学生的英语口语能力。


Step 1: Warm-up

1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,做简单的Free talk。

2.男女生对唱歌曲Mary has a little lamb。



教师手背到后面,然后迅速地伸到前面说:What's in my hand?学生问:Are they tomatoes?Are they carrots?教师用微笑和动作表示,学生会意并回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren't.让学生在紧张而欢乐的氛围中复习上节课内容。

Step 2: Presentation

Let's learn

1.教师拿出几个西红柿(实物),问:What are these?Are these tomatoes?学生回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren't.They are…

2.教师出示豆角图片并问:Are they long?学生回答:Yes, they are.教师板书green beans。

3.教师出示土豆:Are they big?学生回答:Yes, they are.教师板书potato,强调它的复数potatoes并领读。


问:What are they? Can you guess?学生积极回答,教师给予肯定:They are onions.(拿出洋葱)板书onions,并领读。


教师把东西藏在身后,让学生问:Are these/they…?教师回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren't.不但提高了学生的口语表达能力,而且巩固了单词和句型。


以每一纵排为一组进行竞赛,教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,再从中抽出一张放在身后,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:Are these books/green beans/tomatoes?回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren't.哪个组猜对了就奖励小贴画,然后继续往下猜,最后得分最多的组为胜。做游戏时,还可以找一名学生来主持。

Step 3: Practice


活动方式:学生分五组,每组找出一名学生,面对大家站好,教师在他们每人的后背上粘上一个名词(单数或复数)的标签(先让他们记住自己的标签),然后,这五名学生手拉手,围成一个圈圈,并且在前面蹦圈(由慢到快,时间由教师掌握),最后,这五名学生面向大家,分别提问:What are they?Are they bananas?看看哪一组的学生记忆力最好,能回答他们的问题,教师要给予奖励贴画。


学生准备实物或图片,教师找一名学生到前面做指挥说:Sam says these are tomatoes.然后,学生迅速把西红柿举起来,摇晃着说:Tomatoes, tomatoes, I like tomatoes.其中,速度最快的那名学生到前面来做指挥。


一. 听录音, 圈出所听到的.图片的序号. (10分)

1.             2.

A    B         A     B

3.             4.

A     B          A     B

二. 听录音, 判断图片的对错, 用“√”或“×”表示. (10分)

1.       2.       3.

(  )      (  )      (  )

4.       5.

(  )       (  )

三. 听录音, 填上所缺的单词或数字.(20分)

1. A: Look! I have a new __________.

B: It’s very nice.

2. A: How many ___________ can you see?

B: I can see _________.

3. A: What’s in your ___________?

B: There are 4 ___________.

4. A: What color is your __________?

B: It’s yellow.

5. A: What’s in your ____________?

B: ______ crayons, _______ erasers and _________ picture books.

四. 听录音, 选择最佳的答语. (10分)

( ) 1. A. It’s blue and white.  B. The door is green.

C. It’s under the desk.

( ) 2. A. Thank you.    B. Sure. Here you are.

C. Great!

( ) 3. A. I can see 28 desks.  B. I can see 5 pens.

C. I have 30 chairs.

( ) 4. A. My pen is very long. B. My seat is near the door.

C. My pen is on the chair.

( ) 5. A. My schoolbag is under the chair.

B. My schoolbag is blue.

C. Look! 1 English book and many notebooks.

五. 听录音, 用阿拉伯数字完成下面的表格. (10分)

name English

book Chinese

book math

book note-

book story-

book picture-


六. 根据图片, 填上所缺的字母. (10分)

1.    __acket  2.    __oke 3.     __ouse

4. ,    __abbit  5.     __eep6.     __ock

7.     s__uirrel 8.    __ice9.    __amp

10.    __oodles

七. 将下列单词填入空格, 把对话补充完整. (10分)

Sarah: Mike, we have a new __________.

Mike: Really? Let’s go and _______ a look.

Sarah: OK.

Mike: Wow! It’s so ______!

Sarah: We have ______ lights.

Mike: Look! The ______ is white. The floor is _______.

Sarah: Look at the picture.

Mike: It’s very _______. Where is my seat?

Sarah: It’s ______ the door.

Mike: I ______ our new classroom.

Sarah: Me ______.

八. 选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横线上. (10分)

A. How many picture books do you have?

B. What color is it?

C. How nice!

D. What’s in it?

E. May I have a look?

Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.

Chen Jie: Really? ________________________

Amy: It’s black and white. Look! It’ s so heavy.

Chen Jie: _____________________

Amy: Some English books, some story-books, and many picture books.

Chen Jie: __________________________

Amy: Let me count. 1, 2, 3, 4…15. I have 15 picture books.

Chen Jie: _______________________________

Amy: Sure. Here you are.

Chen Jie: Wow! A fat panda! ___________

九 阅读短文, 判断对错.`(10分)

Amy: Look at our new classroom.

John: Wow! So many books.

Amy: How many Chinese books can you see?

John: I can see twelve.

Amy: How many desks and chairs can you see?

John: I can see thirty-five.

Amy: Oh, my schoolbag is heavy.

John: What’s in it?

Amy: Ten story-books and fifty picture books.

John: Oh, so many.

(  ) 1. There are many books in the classroom.

(  ) 2. I can see twenty Chinese books.

(  ) 3. I can see thirty-five desks.

(  ) 4. Amy’s schoolbag is heavy.

(  ) 5. There are ten story-books and fifty picture books in the schoolbag.

一、Listen and choose(听录音,将所读的`字母写在括号中)

( )   ( )    ( )   ( )   ( )

二、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出您所听到的单词)

( ) 1. A. where   B. who    C. what

( ) 2. A. forty    B. fifty    C. thirty

( ) 3. A. nose    B. nurse   C. noodles

( ) 4. A. wall    B. ball   C. floor

( ) 5. A. bathroom  B. bedroom   C. classroom

三、Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的答语)

( ) 1. A.It’s near the door.    B. There is a picture.

( ) 2. A. I can see 9.      B. I have 9.

( ) 3. A. It’s black and white.   B. It’s yellow

( ) 4. A. Her name is Amy.   B. His name is Zhang Peng.

( ) 5. A. I’d like some fish and bread. B. I like fish.

四、Listen and number(根据录音顺序用1. 2. 3…, 给下列活动标序号)

( ) 1. Watch TV.

( ) 2. Listen to music.

( ) 3. Open the door.

( ) 4. Act like a driver.

( ) 5. Put your pencil in your desk.

五、Listen and circle(听一听, 圈一圈)

1. —How many story-books do you have?

—I have (twenty thirty).

2. She has (long hair short hair) and big eyes.

3. Go to the (living room bathroom). Watch TV.

4. —What’s your mother?

—She is (farmer driver).

5. —What would like for breakfast?

—I’d like two eggs and some (milkwater).

六、Listen and write(听一听, 写一写)

1. I’d like some    and chicken for dinner.

2. My father is a   . He’s tall. He likes sports.

3. Welcome to my   . It’s nice.

4. Mike is a   . Amy is a girl.

5. Mr Lin is my English   .

Writing part

七、Look and write(根据大写字母提示,按字母表顺序写出其对应的小写字母)

八、Read and choose the right answer(找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词)

( ) 1. A. study     B. kitchen   C. sofa

( ) 2. A. sister     B. brother   C. fish

( ) 3. A. vegetable    B. noodles    C. shelf

( ) 4. A. strong     B. sports   C. quiet

( ) 5. A.window    B. wall     C. water

九、choose and write(用所给单词填空,每个单词只用一次)

1.    is she?

2.    is his name?

3.    are you?

4.    people are there in your family?

5.    is your seat?

十、Read and choose the right answer(单项选择)

( ) 1. —We have a new computer.  —Really?   .

A. Let’s go and have a look.   B. Let’s go to school.

C. Let’s go to the classroom.

( ) 2. —Where is my schoolbag?  —   .

A. It’s a panda.B.It’s yellow. C. It’s a panda. It’s on the desk.

( ) 3. —How many notebook do you have?  — I have   (52).

A. fifteen   B.fifty-two  C. fifty

( ) 4. —What is your pen?  —It’s red.

A.do    B. nice   C. colour

( ) 5. She  long hair, big eyes and ears.

A.has   B. have   C. is

( ) 6. —Who are they?  —They are my   .

A. mother B. father  C. parents

( ) 7. What would you like  dinner?

A. to   B.on   C. for

( ) 8. What   you like for dinner?

A. are  B. do  C. would

( ) 9. Everything  ready.

A.at    B.is   C. are

( ) 10. Are they near the phone?

A. No, they aren’t.  B. Yes,there is.  C. No, there isn’t.

十一、Read and find(读一读, 找答语)

() 1. Let’s sweep the floor.

() 2.May I have a look?

() 3.Where is my book?

() 4. Who’s this girl?

() 5. How old is your father? A.36.

B.She’s my friend, Amy.

C.It’s in the schoolbag.

D. OK.

E.Sure. Here you are.

十二、Read and Write “T” or “F”(读短文, 判断正“T”误“F”)

Hello! Come and meet my family. This is my father. He is a doctor. He likes painting. This is my mother. She is a doctor, too. She has long red hair. That woman is my aunt. She has short hair and big eyes. The big boy is my brother. He likes music.

( ) 1. There are four people in my family.

( ) 2. My aunt has long red hair.

( ) 3. My mother is a doctor.

( ) 4. My father likes painting.

( ) 5. My brother is a driver.


一、Listen and choose


二、Listen and choose

1. who  2. thirty 3. nurse 4. floor 5. classroom

三、Listen and choose

1. Where is my seat?

2. How many books do you have?

3.What colour is it?

4.What’s his name?

5.What would you like for lunch?

四、Listen and number

1. Open the door.

2. Put your pencil in your desk.

3. Listen to music.

4. Watch TV.

5. Act like a driver

五、Listen and circle

1. —How many story-books do you have?

—I have twenty.

2. She has long hairand big eyes.

3. Go to the living room. Watch TV.

4. —What’s your mother?

—She is driver.

5. —What would like for breakfast?

—I’d like two eggs and some milk.

六、Listen and write(听一听, 写一写)

1. I’d like some rice and chicken for dinner.

2. My father is a doctor. He’s tall. He likes sports.

3. Welcome to my home. It’s nice.

4. Mike is a boy. Amy is a girl.

5. Mr Lin is my English teacher.