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时间:2025-03-07 02:55:31

Tagore's sayings article 1: love is bound, the world of if immediately suspend journey. If love ZangRu grave, grave traveler is fall in the tombstone. As the characteristics of the ship is sailing drive, love is not permitted to YouJin, only allowed to be before. The power of love bond, enough to smash all the fetters.


Tagore's sayings article 2: if the love does not allow the differences between each other, so why the world is filled with differences?


Tagore's sayings article 3: chastity is rich in love living out of assets.


Tagore's sayings article 4: love is everlasting long out of the lighthouse, which looked at the storm will clear up [tr] [td] move, love is life in its fullness like filled the wine cup of wine.


Tagore's sayings article 5: love is the byname of understanding and care.


Article 6 tagore's sayings: believe in love even if it brings you also want to believe in love. Sorrow


Tagore's sayings article 7: wrong cannot afford defeat but right can.


Tagore's sayings article 8: women, the evil you stripped naked, curse you to wash, you into perfect life sublimate.


Tagore's sayings article 9: if you love her, let you of the love like sunshine, surrounded by her and gave her freedom.


Tagore's sayings article 10: indeed the light of ideal bar/soul star! The light flow injection/the future of evening.


Article 11 tagore's sayings: we only have sacrifice the life, can obtain the life.


Article 12 tagore's sayings: in the poverty, we will have their own wealth, and have the wealth, but we will lose heart, how much how much beauty and how much power!!!!!


Tagore's sayings article 13: static is death, only the sport to open the door of eternal life.


Article 14 tagore's sayings: always consider how to do good people, there is no time to do good things.


Tagore's sayings article 15: those bound twist to the family, the command to always closed to lie in the world without soul of stiff life.


Article 16 tagore's sayings: I hope you according to their own meaning to understand yourself, don't look down on yourself, be the opinions of others astray


Tagore's sayings article 17: compromise on any friendship are not strong foundation.


Tagore's sayings article 18: the stream of truth from his mistake in the ditch the pebbles.


Article 19 tagore's sayings: in the light is lifted up, in the shadow of death it down. And your star in the night together, in the morning, let it box in the week in the open XianHuaCong sound find it yourself.


Article 20 tagore's sayings: if close all mistakes at the door, then truth will be shut out.


Tagore's sayings article 21: the stream of truth from his channels of mistakes through


Article 22 tagore's sayings: eternal devotion is the life of truth. It is the perfect of our life perfect.


Tagore's sayings article 23: life is not limited to pursue their actual human target of daily act, but shows the human to participate in a cosmic rhythm, this kind of rhythm in all kinds of ways to prove its own existence.


Article 24 tagore's sayings: the sky is never leave traces, but I have already flown.


Tagore's sayings article 25: when you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


Article 26 the tagore's sayings: everything in the world with a great movement on great ideal.


Article 27 tagore's sayings: have the vitality of ideal never a clock accurate calculation of it, as every second.


Tagore's sayings article 28: life is eternal ceaseless creation and because in its interior contains excess of energy, it constantly flush, the more out of space and time limits, it kept pursue, by all kinds of personal expression form expression comes out.


Article 29 tagore's sayings: world that society has become great, it is those who have the courage to try and solve in life new problems of the life!!!!!


Tagore's sayings article 30: bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave. The The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers grandiose should be thanks to him.


Tagore's sayings article 31: don't from your own pocket medal your friend by lending insulted him.


Article 32 tagore's sayings: I wish I could across the road in children parade, freed the bondage of all; ...... There, with its legal reason for ZhiYuan and fly made put, the truth also sets fact free from its fetters.


Article 33 tagore's sayings: truth is harsh, I love this harsh, it never cheat.


Article 34 tagore's sayings: when we are great in humility, is our great in recent time.


Article 35 tagore's sayings: friendship and love is the difference between the two men and friendship means a world, but love means two people is the world. In one plus one equals two friendship; In one plus one or a love.


Article 36 tagore's sayings: we love the world, to live in this world.


Article 37 tagore's sayings: examination the truth of work has also been past a certain an era of a group of scholars once and a complete; The truth must pass it in all times by opposition and hit new development.


Article 38 tagore's sayings: rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes of the relationship.


Article 39 tagore's sayings: life is only a few tens of spring and autumn period, but it is not the end, but the dream general has an admirable economic meaningful; Echoing the truth, and the life will get eternal life.


Article 40 tagore's sayings: youth, don't you always imprisoned in narrow circle? You have to tear older sensational nets.


Article 41 tagore's sayings: youth is not experience and capricious.


Article 42 tagore's sayings: when the youth brilliance slowly faded, and never grows old inner personality but in a man's face and eyes more clearly show, it seems, in the same place long live the results.


Tagore's sayings article 43: youth period, there will be a name like autumn the same beautiful mature period, at this time, the fruit of life as well as rice in the beautiful quiet atmosphere to wait for harvest.


Article 44 tagore's sayings: some things are not waiting for. If you have to fight or in the market the most advantageous position has, you will have to charge, run and marching step.


Article 45 tagore's sayings: creator to people like you to send to the human world is to you, the responsibility for certain, so you should never look down on her body.


Article 46 tagore's sayings: when I was young, my life is like a flower


Article 47 tagore's sayings: life is given to us, we earn it life, can obtain the life.


Article 48 tagore's sayings: only the human spirit that can limit, want to believe all contempt of the final success, it's the searchlight as to the darkness of the distance.


Article 49 tagore's sayings: buried in the root of the underground makes the tree branch produce fruit, but does not require any reward.


Tagore's sayings article 50: the flowers opening night, but let the quietly the daytime accept the thank-you speech actually.


Tagore's sayings article 51: the moon has her light all over the sky, her dark spots to but keep it himself.


Article 52 tagore's sayings: I'm more need is to give, not accepting. Because love is a bum he can make his flowers in the wayside in the soil is not easily to shine, and has called them in reception in the crystal bottle and open.


Article 53 of tagore's sayings: I'd rather that although see but show the beauty of inner quality.


Article 54 tagore's sayings: you from the outside of beauty to comment on a flower or a butterfly, but you can not do this to comment on a person.


The article 55 (sayings: in old age, there will be a lot of leisure time, the calculation that in the past days, put our hands lost thing, permanent in the heart caressing.


Article 56 tagore's sayings: people always make mistakes, setbacks, nerve-racking, but must not be stalled; Should the task, even for it sacrifice life, also want to complete. The river water is the society because of a torrent of ever-changing push forward was able to keep clean. This means that the bank would occasionally be washed out, the short time loss, but if be afraid; river bank, then tried to change forever raft, that will only cause stagnation and death.


Article 57 tagore's sayings: time is the wealth of change. The clock in its parody makes it mere change and no wealth.


Tagore's sayings article 58: nothing can't resist swallowed the time. All


Article 59 tagore's sayings: if my childhood can to be back, I will not waste time, and I will make good use of every minute reading!!!!!


1. “我只怕人不如书好对付。他们会看不起你,欺负你,或者就嫉妒你,或者又欺负又嫉妒。…” ——杨绛 《洗澡》

2. 我常奇怪,为什么有人得了我父亲的帮助,感激得向我母亲叩头,终身不忘。为什么有人由我父亲的帮助得了一千多亩好田,二十年后居然没忘记她所得的便宜;不顾我父亲老病穷困,还来剥削他的脑力,然后用两个汤团来表达她的谢意。为什么人与人之间的差异竟这么大? ——杨绛 《将饮茶》

3. “假如说,人事有灵性有良知的动物,那么,人生一世,无非是认识自己,洗练自己,自觉自愿地改造自己,除非甘心于禽兽无异。但是这又谈何容易呢。” ——杨绛 《洗澡》

4. 据说,朋友的友情往往建立在互相误解的基础上。恋爱大概也是如此。 ——杨绛 《洗澡》

5. 上苍不会让所有幸福集中到某个人身上,得到爱情未必得到金钱,拥有金钱未必拥有快乐,得到快乐未必拥有健康,拥有健康未必一切都如愿以偿 ——杨绛 《百岁感言》

6. 围在城里的人想逃出来,站在城外的人想冲进去,婚姻也罢事业也罢,人生的欲望大都如此。 ——杨绛

7. 他发愿说:“从今以后,咱们只有死别,不再生离。” ——杨绛

8. 父亲说,没什么该不该,最喜欢什么,就学什么。我却不放心。只问自己的喜爱,对吗?我喜欢文学,就学文学?爱读小说,就学小说?父亲说,喜欢的就是性之所近,就是自己最相宜的。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》

9. 世态人情,比明月清风更饶有滋味;可作书读,可当戏看。书上的描摹,戏里的扮演,即使栩栩如生,究竟只是文艺作品;人情世态,都是天真自然的流露,往往超出情理之外,新奇得令人震惊,令人骇怪,给人以更深刻的效益,更奇妙的娱乐。惟有身处卑微的人,最有机缘看到世态人情的真相,而不是面对观众的艺术表演。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》

10. 惟有身处卑微的人,最有机缘看到世态人情的真相。一个人不想攀高就不怕下跌,也不用倾轧排挤,可以保其天真,成其自然,潜心一志完成自己能做的事。 ——杨绛

11. 少年贪玩,青年迷恋爱情,壮年汲汲于成名成家,暮年自安于自欺欺人。人寿几何,顽铁能炼成的精金,能有多少?我们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现:人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容;我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道:世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系。 ——杨绛 《一百岁感言》

12. 上苍不会让所有幸福集中到某个人身上,得到了爱情未必拥有金钱;拥有金钱未必得到快乐;得到快乐未必拥有健康;拥有健康未必一切都会如愿以偿。知足常乐的心态才是淬炼心智净化心灵的最佳途径。一切快乐的享受都属于精神,这种快乐把忍受变为享受,是精神对于物质的胜利。这便是人生哲学。 ——杨绛

13. 我们这个家,很朴素;我们三个人,很单纯。我们于是无求,与人无争,只求相聚在一起,相守在一起,各自做力所能及的事。碰到困难,我们一同承担,困难就不复困难;我们相伴相助,不论什么苦涩艰辛的事,都能变得甜润。我们稍有一点快乐,也会变得非常快乐。 ——杨绛 《我们仨》

14. 我甘心当个“零”,人家不把我当个东西,我正好可以把看不起我的人看个透 ——杨绛

15. 唯有身处卑微的人,最有机缘看到世态人情的真相 ——杨绛

16. 世间好物不坚牢,彩云易散琉璃脆 。 ——杨绛 《我们仨》

17. 你的问题主要在于读书不多而想得太多 ——杨绛

18. 一个人经过不同程度的锻炼,就获得不同程度的修养不同程度的效益。好比香料,捣得愈碎,磨得愈细,香得愈浓烈。我们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现:人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容……我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道:世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系! ——杨绛 《岁感言》

19. 故人笑比中庭树,一日秋风一日疏。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》

20. 我曾做过一个小梦,怪他一声不响地忽然走了。他现在故意慢慢走,让我一程一程送,尽量多聚聚,把一个小梦拉成一个万里长梦。这我愿意。送一程,说一声再见,又能见到一面。离别拉得长,是增加痛苦还是减少痛苦呢?我算不清。但是我陪他走的愈远,愈怕从此不见。 ——杨绛 《我们仨》

21. 我在融洽而优裕的环境里生长,全不知世事。可是我很严肃认真地考虑自己“该”学什么。所谓“该”,指最有益于人,而我自己就不是白活了一辈子。我知道这个“该”是很夸大的,所以羞于解释。父亲说,没有什么该不该,最喜欢什么,就学什么。我却不放心。只问自己的喜爱,对吗?我喜欢文学,就学文学?爱读小说, 就学小说? 父亲说,喜欢的就是性之所近,就是自己最相宜的。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》

22. 假如“心如明镜台”的.比喻可以借用,她就要勤加拂拭,抹去一切尘埃。 ——杨绛 《洗澡》

23. ”见她之前,从未想结婚;娶她之后,从未后悔娶她” 钱钟书与杨绛的一世情缘 我第一次和钟书见面是在年月,他身着青布大褂,脚踏毛底布鞋,戴一副老式眼镜,眉宇间蔚然而深秀。见面后老钱开始给我写信,约我到工字厅相会。见面时,他的第一句话就是:“我没有订婚。”而我则紧张的回答:“我也没有男朋友。 ”于是便 开始鸿雁往来,越写越勤,一天一封,以至于他放假就回家了。我难受了好多时。冷静下来,觉得不好,这是fall in love了。 ——杨绛

24. 姚宓的眼睛亮了一亮,好像雷雨之夕,雷声未响,电光先照透了乌云。 ——杨绛 《洗澡》

25. 成天坐着学习,连“再教育”我们的“工人师父”们也腻味了。有一位二十二三岁的小“师父”嘀咕说:“我天天在炉前炼钢,并不觉得劳累,现在成天坐着,屁股 也痛,脑袋也痛,浑身不得劲儿。”显然炼人比炼钢费事;“坐冷板凳”也是一项苦功夫。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

26. “我没有办法。我看这就是没有办法的事。丑人也许会承认自己丑,笨人也许会承认自己笨,可是,有谁会承认自己不好吗?——我指的不是做错了事‘不好’,我不指’过失和错误‘,我说得’不好‘就是’坏‘。谁都相信自己是好人!尽管有这点那点缺点或错误,本质是好人。认识到自己的不好是个很痛苦的过程。我猜想 圣人苦修苦 练,只从这点做起。一个人刻意修身求好,才会看到自己的不好。然后,出于羞愧,才会悔改。悔了未必就会改过来。要努力不懈,才会改得好一点……“ ——杨绛 《洗澡》

27. 肉体包裹的心灵,也是经不起炎凉,受不得磕碰的 ——杨绛

28. 我想到解放前夕,许多人惶惶然往国外跑,我们俩为什么有好几条路都不肯走呢?思想进步吗?觉悟高吗?默存常引柳永的词:“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。”我们只是舍不得祖国,撇不下“伊”——也就是“咱们”或“我们”。尽管亿万“咱们”或“我们”中人素不相识,终归同属一体,痛痒相关,息息相连,都是 甩不开的自 己的一部分。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

29. 刚开始是假装坚强,后来就真的坚强了。 ——杨绛

30. “她的条件并不苛刻,只是很微妙。比如说,她要丈夫对她一片忠诚,依头顺脑,一切听她驾驭。他却不能是草包饭桶,至少,在台面上要摆得出,够得上资格。他又不能是招人钦慕的才子,也不能太年轻,太漂亮,最好是一般女人看不上的。他又得像精明主妇用的老妈子,最好身无背累,心无挂牵。” ——杨绛 《洗澡》

31. 那是一个幸运的人对不幸者的愧柞 ——杨绛

32. 你的问题在于读的太少而想的太多。 ——杨绛

33. 希望的事,迟早会实现,但实现的希望,总是变了味的。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

34. 我国是国耻重重的弱国,跑出去仰人鼻息,做二等公民,我们不愿意。 ——杨绛

35. 惭愧常使人健忘,亏心和丢脸的事总是不愿记起,因此也很容易在记忆的筛眼里走漏的一干二净。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

36. 一个人经过不同程度的锻炼,就获得不同程度的修养不同程度的效益。 ——杨绛

37. 补了一条裤子,坐处象个布满经线纬线 的地球仪,而且厚如龟壳。默存倒很欣赏,说好极了,穿上好比随身带着个座儿, 随处都可以坐下。他说,不用筹备得太周全,只需等我也下去,就可以照看他。至 于家人团聚,等几时阿圆和得一乡间落户,待他们迎养吧。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

38. 我至少还欠一只手,只好用牙齿帮忙。我用细绳缚住粗绳头,用牙咬住,然后 把一只床分三部分捆好,各件重复写上默存的名字。小小一只床分拆了几部,就好 比兵荒马乱中的一家人,只怕一出家门就彼此失散,再聚不到一处去。据默存来信, 那三部分重新团聚一处,确也害他好生寻找。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

39. 彦成摇摇头说:“我只是觉得这种“洗澡”没用——百糟蹋了水。”“认识到自己的不好是个很痛苦的过程。一个人可以修身求好,才会看到自己不好。然后,出于羞愧,才会悔改。悔了未必就会改过来。要努力不懈,才会改得好一点点。现在咱们是在运动的压力下,群众帮助咱们认识自己这样不好,那样不好,没法抵赖了, 只好承认。 所谓自觉自愿是逼出来的。逼出来的是自觉自愿吗?” ——杨绛 《洗澡》

40. 在北京等待上干校的人,当然关心干校生活,常叫我讲些给他们听。大家最爱 听的是何其芳同志吃鱼的故事。当地竭泽而渔,食堂改善伙食,有红烧鱼。其芳同 志忙拿了自己的大漱口杯去买了一份;可是吃来味道很怪,愈吃愈怪。他捞起最大 的一块想尝个究竟,一看原来是还未泡烂的药肥皂,落在漱口杯里没有拿掉。大家 听完大笑, 带着无限同情。他们也告诉我一个笑话,说钱钟书和丁××两位一级研 究员,半天烧不开一锅炉水! ——杨绛 《干校六记》

41. 几年过去了,我渐渐明白:那是一个幸运的人对一个不幸者的愧怍。 ——杨绛 《老王》

42. 消失于众人之中,如水珠包孕于海水之内,如细小的野花隐藏在草丛里,不求“勿忘我”,不求“赛牡丹

43. 可惜能用粗绳子缠捆保护的,只不过是木箱铁箱等粗重行 李;这些木箱铁箱,确也不如血肉之躯经得起折磨。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

44. 再过几天 是默存虚岁六十生辰,我们商量好:到那天两人要吃一顿寿面庆祝。再等着过七十 岁的生日,只怕轮不到我们了。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

45. 彦成忙说;”罗厚是个能干人,大有作为的。他有胆量,有识见,待人顶憨厚,我很喜欢他。“姚太太说:”他野头野脑,反正他自有主张。他可崇拜你呢!他想来不要人家做媒,总说他要娶个能和他打架的粗婆娘。最近,他舅妈来拜访以后,我问他粗婆娘找到没有,他说不找了,将来请许先生给他找个对象。“ ——杨绛 《 洗澡》

46. 我国有句老话:”写字是出面宝”。凭你的字写得怎样,人家就断定你是何等人。在新中国,”发言”是”出面宝”。人家听了你的发言,就断定你是何等人。 ——杨绛 《洗澡》

47. 我记得从前看见坐海船出洋的旅客,登上摆渡的小火轮,送行者就把许多彩色 的纸带抛向小轮船;小船慢馒向大船开去,那一条条彩色的纸带先后迸断,岸上就 拍手欢呼。也有人在欢呼声中落泪;迸断的彩带好似迸断的离情。这番送人上干校, 车上的先遣队和车下送行的亲人,彼此间的离情假如看得见,就决不是彩色的,也 不能一迸 就断。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》

48. 所谓穷,无非是指不置办家产,自食其力,自食其力是没有保障的,不仅病不得,老不得,也没有自由支配自己的时间,干自己喜欢或专长的事。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》

49. 离别拉得长,是增加痛苦还是减少痛苦呢?我算不清,但是我陪他走得愈远,愈怕从此不见。 ——杨绛 《我们仨》

50. 我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道:世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系。 ——杨绛 《一百岁感言》

In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain.


We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.


Man barricades against himself.


Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.


I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and love and death and are forgotten, and I feel thefreedom of passing away.


Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on,for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way.


Thoughts pass in my mind like flocks of lucks in the sky.I hear the voice of their wings.


Who drives me forward like fate?The Myself striding on my back.


Our desire lends the colours of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapours of life.

Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.

夏天的飞鸟,飞到我窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,他们没有什麼可唱的,只是叹息一声,飞落在那里。

The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.


The sands in you way beg for your song and your movement,dancing water.Will you carry the burden of their lameness?

跳著舞的流水啊!当你途中的泥沙为你的歌声和流动哀求时, 你可愿意担起他们跛足的一次,我们梦见我们是不相识的。我们醒了才发现我们爱着对方.

Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.


My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes.


It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.


If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.


The waterfall sing, "I find my song, when I find my freedom."


You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


Man does not reveal himself in his history, he struggles up through it.


Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.


We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.


Never be afraid of the moments--thus sings the voice of the everlasting.


The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect.

tagore's sayings: some things are not waiting for. If you have to fight or in the market the most advantageous position has, you will have to charge, run and marching step.


tagore's sayings: creator to people like you to send to the human world is to you, the responsibility for certain, so you should never look down on her body.


tagore's sayings: when I was young, my life is like a flower


tagore's sayings: life is given to us, we earn it life, can obtain the life.


tagore's sayings: only the human spirit that can limit, want to believe all contempt of the final success, it's the searchlight as to the darkness of the distance.


tagore's sayings: buried in the root of the underground makes the tree branch produce fruit, but does not require any reward.


Tagore's sayings article 50: the flowers opening night, but let the quietly the daytime accept the thank-you speech actually.


the moon has her light all over the sky, her dark spots to but keep it himself.


tagore's sayings: I'm more need is to give, not accepting. Because love is a bum he can make his flowers in the wayside in the soil is not easily to shine, and has called them in reception in the crystal bottle and open.


of tagore's sayings: I'd rather that although see but show the beauty of inner quality.


tagore's sayings: you from the outside of beauty to comment on a flower or a butterfly, but you can not do this to comment on a person.