励志一生网 > 格言大全 > 禁止吸烟格言英文 正文


时间:2024-09-24 13:14:04



Nowadays, many school students smoke, and the number is growing increasingly, which makes school and parents worried.


According to a survey, more than two fifths of the students smoke in a school. They often get extra money from their parents to pay for cigarette, but their parents usually do not realize it. Even, some students steal money to buy cigarette, which is really a serious event. For middle school students, smoking do more harm to them than to adults, which is not only harmful to the body, but also detrimental to thinking. Furthermore, smoking is also harmful to others. Experts say that the second-hand smoke do more harm to others than the smoker.


In short, smoking is a bad habit which wastes of money as well as do harm to health.



Smoking is harrnful to health.Medical science has now proved that smoking cancause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema.Your chances of having a heartattack also increase the more you smoke.Smoking is dafinitely a health hazard.Getting rid of the smoking habit is not easy.Many inveterate smokers are never able to quit completely.Those who try to quit often experience depression,severe headaches,and sometimes get a lot of weight as they turn to food as a substitute.In order to protect non-smokers from being affected,measures must be taken to reduce the chances of smoking.Children must be warned about the dangers of smoking.Cigarette companies should not be allowed to advertise on TV or radio,or in newspapers and magazines.Remove cigarette vending machines.Raise cigarette prices by adding higher tobacco taxes and use the money for antismoking campaigns.


Nowadays many countries in the world have passed laws to ban smoking in public places. Some smokers claim that their rights are infringed if smoking is forbidden in public places. However, most non-smokers regard the ban as good news. As far as I’m concerned, smoking should be banned in all the public places such as restaurants, theaters and public squares.

On the one hand, smoking is harmful both for smokers themselves and others. It is reported that every year smoking causes millions of death around the world. On the other hand, smoking pollutes the air. Just imagine that you sit in a restaurant full of smoke, how can you enjoy your meal there? Besides, smoking is bad for the elevation of a country’s image in the world.

I believe if smoking is banned in all the public places, most of us will breathe in more fresh and clean air. And the health condition of all the people will be greatly improved.

1、 境由心生,戒烟之勇自在娇子。

2、 鹤舞白沙,戒烟之心永远飞翔。

3、 戒烟,新时代的精神,大红鹰。

4、 一品黄山,天高云淡。

5、 山高人为峰,戒烟靠自觉。

6、 决心有多大,你就能走多远,红金龙。

7、 吹尽狂沙始得金,戒烟需要坚持。

8、 只有戒烟,才能日出东方!。

9、 永远戒烟,永远利群永远追求。

10、 万人戒烟,红河雄风。

11、 你永远不质疑戒烟的决定。

12、 你不去等待自己变成非吸烟者,因为转变过程已经发生了,等待只会导致恐惧。

13、 你不去等待"启示性的一刻",也不会故意忘记吸烟这回事。否则只会导致恐惧。

14、 你看清所有吸烟者的本质,可怜他们而不是羡慕他们。

15、 每当你想到吸烟这件事时,都会想:耶!我是个非吸烟者!

16、 花钱买死亡的人是吸烟者。

17、 请把火柴留给你的生日蜡烛,而不是香烟。

18、 燃烧的是香烟,消耗的是生命。

19、 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。吞云吐雾中,物物皆湮灭。

20、 不一定烟雾缭绕的地方才是天堂。

21、 尊重他人,珍惜健康,公共场所,禁止吸烟!

22、 珍惜生命,崇尚文明生活;热爱生命,养成良好习惯。

23、 远离烟草,崇尚健康,爱护环境。

24、 有时候相爱是一种无奈,有时候离开是另一种安排。为了爱你和你爱的。

25、 一时的快乐,永恒的伤痛——请勿吸烟。

26、 烟缈缈兮肺心寒,尼古丁一进兮不复还。

27、 烟,盼回“无烟好世界”!

28、 小小一支烟,危害万万千。

29、 想说爱你(吸烟)并不是很容易的事,那需要太大的勇气。

30、 香烟一缕损人害己,街头禁烟文明传递。

31、 香烟是魔鬼的`契约。

32、 现在吞云吐雾,以后病痛缠身。

33、 吸烟有害健康。

34、 吸烟是继战争饥饿和瘟疫之后,对人类生存的最大威胁。

35、 吸烟几时止?美景几时还?青春何能驻?生命何与共?只愿君能禁吸。

36、 吸烟,我们可以选择,那么,生命呢?

37、 无烟世界,清新一片。

38、 为了你和家人的健康,请不要吸烟。

39、 提神不妨清茶;消愁不如朋友;若吸烟,又何苦?

40、 它(吸烟)是你最简单的快乐,也让你最彻底地哭泣。

41、 生命只有一次,怎能断送在香烟上?

42、 如果你想吸烟,定时****在身边!(加油站禁烟)

43、 人,请不要吸烟。

44、 让你的肺清亮一点。

45、 燃烧的是香烟,消耗的是生命。

46、 请不要让你的自私点燃我的大楼——请勿吸因(商场禁烟)

47、 青烟长在,恶梦长随。

48、 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。吞云吐雾中,物物皆湮灭。

49、 你的香烟,我的石油,注定我们不能相爱——吸烟者禁入。

50、 蜡烛---燃烧自己,照亮别人;香烟---燃尽自我,贻害众生。做蜡烛or吸烟?

51、 拒绝烟草,珍爱生命。

52、 进入仙境,勿吸人间“烟火”

53、 街头少一个烟民,城市多一份文明

54、 健康随烟而灭!有多少生命可以重来?

55、 健康,随烟而逝;病痛,伴烟而生!

56、 既有书香,无需香烟。

57、 还人类一片清新,请丢掉手中的香烟。

58、 公共场所无烟扰,健康生活无限好!

59、 公共场所禁烟好,人人健康又环保

60、 公共场所不吸烟,为你为我为明天

61、 公共场所不吸烟,低碳生活空气鲜

62、 公共场所,小!无烟呼吸,好!

63、 都说吸烟的男人够潇洒,可知香烟的危害有多大?

64、 点燃香烟的一刹那,你也点燃了死亡的导火索。

65、 点燃你的烟,污染了空气,害了人性命,良心在哪里!

66、 曾经有一堆烟摆在我面前,我没好好珍惜,现在后悔莫及;如果上天,再给我一次机会,我会对那鬼东西吆一声“getout”。

67、 不一定烟雾缭绕的地方才是天堂。

68、 摒弃吸烟陋习,创造健康新时尚。


Should Smoking In Public Places Be Banned?

We can see such signs as “No Smoking” in some public places, which is a kind of measure taken to ban smoking in public places. However, concerning about this measures, different people hold divergent opinions. The smokers protest against that it is a kind of action to deprive of their free right, while the non-smokers are in favor of banning smoking in public places.

In my opinion, I am inclined to support the latter one—smoking should be banned in public places. There are reasons accounting for my point. For one thing, people will be harmed by the second-hand smoking if someone smokes in public places, especially the infants and children. For another, banning smoking in public places is also beneficial to the smokers. If they are banned to smoke in public places, they will restrain themselves from smoking and smoke less. In the meantime, it is a contribution to reduce the air pollution.

Therefore, I advocate that smoking in public places should be banned so that we can breathe the fresh air and suffer less from the second-hand smoking. Let’s work together to create and sustain out green and fresh environment.




