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时间:2024-09-22 15:39:25


Will lock into the bottom of my heart, you will complete memory.


In your eyes, is my eternal life won't again meet sea.


Promise more, can't do, is just a lie.


You must know, in my world, you are my king.


You never understand me, just like the day don't understand the night's black.


Slowly discovered that love a person is destroyed the original own.


Is I love too hard, and you can't stand it.


Love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love.


Just as sweet love, always forget one day, believe that love.


Was a hoax, he let we all hurt very deep.


Time is not let a person forget pain, but let a person accustomed to pain.


Looked up at the sky, the blue is not mixed any stain.


A person's happiness is happy, two people's happiness is happiness.


If can choose, don't use hate to end a love.


Maybe love always, earlier red in the face and then red eye.


In fact: you like a person gives him of his right to hurt you.


Heart is broken, I touched day touched is touched not you.


I stubborn reluctance to yield, but return is scarred.


Eyes for the rain, his heart is his umbrella for him, this is love.


What is happiness? Is to hide their grief for everyone smile.


Distance, is not beautiful, but fragile love.


Violet black color for the cloud, and I find you in the morning star was picked up wet with weeping.


I would like to work with you drown in the sea is buried in my and your dribs and drabs.


Everyone who said don't want to fall in love, the in the mind is filled with an impossible person.


I will still because moved by your words, for one thing.


Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with a person's that moment start.


First love is the mist, you are the rose in the mist, through the green yarn to see you, call me memories!


This year, is not lack of love, but a lack of willingness to pay for love.


Love, until into after injury is forever, I'm sorry, even if you don't feel me.


All the fixation, the parties feel great, onlookers only think silly.


Love of wine, two people drink dew is! Three people drink vinegar! Casually drinks to poisoning!


This is your sooner or later, is yours, if it is not your even if can't stop.


Blame it on yourself. Have skill to like others, have no skill let people like you.


That a good v from the wounds of love, actually also is worth but a stray.


Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him. Afraid to lose him.


Sometimes, forgotten is the best relief; Sometimes, silence is the best say.


Already go to not go to sleep, dead of love is not love, love can leave, there would be no today.


Alone, is your heart no one. Lonely, is your heart someone but not around.


Biggest happiness in love woman is, she admitted that she is a part of his beloved man.


Helpless on the bridge, you figure, weather-beaten, he who sees through life and death, never look back at the past.


But, what is a person alone, or with a wrong person more lonely.


Why there are so many women sad cry every day. Why can't see the men's complaining.


If can't forget him, don't forget. The real forget, is not need to work on.


When all can't go back, when I decided to go, you just understand ignored me, I will not much.


And who will take care of the rest of my life today, that is what a heavy burden, so must stand on its own.


Love such as the zipper, only together through the story, just can have deep-rooted, just can have.


Love is a need to constantly be proof of vain, like fireworks need to be lit to see brilliant.


Accustomed to the weak, the heart will gradually weak up, used to rely on, will gradually forget how to depend on ourselves.


Even if everything in the world has changed, I will be waiting for you here, in order to love you, let you know, whenever I love your heart.


Can't meet, they miss each other. But once able to meet, once again walk together, they will torture each other again.

第1条 爱情不是索取,而是给予。

第2条 The furthest distance in the world is that I am in front of you, you do not know that I love you.

第3条 When you have no feeling to a person, you will find many reasons not to love him.

第4条 Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.

第5条 爱情不过是一种疯。

第6条 人并不是美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。

第7条 Love is free and free, and free love is the most true.

第8条 Love is the process of marriage; marriage is the purpose of love.

第9条 Sex is, in its nature, exclusive.

第10条 People are not because they are beautiful and lovely, but because they are lovely and beautiful.

第11条 聪明的爱人珍惜的是爱人的爱,而不是爱人的礼物。

第12条 A pair of shoes, less one is not worth the money, so, the other half is very important.

第13条 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

第14条 Love and marriage are two streams running.

第15条 爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。

第16条 爱情像衣服,虽然很多,但适合的只有一件。

第17条 爱情是最奢侈的享乐,但结局往往悲伤。

第18条 Do not say love easily, the promise is the debt!

第19条 At that time, love had not yet come to light, but the heart was old.

第20条 Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened。

第21条 原来等待也可以如此的美丽,因为爱你。

第22条 人生下来就是为了爱;爱是人生的原则和唯一的目的。

第23条 Love can’t be measured by common sense.

第24条 水会流失,火会熄灭,而爱情却能和命运抗衡。

第25条 贞操是从丰富的爱情中生出来的资产。

第26条 It is impossible to give orders to love.

第27条 In every night with your voice, no more lonely and cold.

第28条 失恋失去的只是爱的`对象,而不是爱情本身。

第29条 The earth is still heavy, the world is still changing, and I will love you forever.

第30条 一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。

第31条 If we love you, you feel tired, you can, you and I say, I let you go.

第32条 曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。

第33条 人必须生活着,爱才有所附丽。

第34条 If you get it, you can lose it all the time; if you don’t get it, you will want to have it.

第35条 爱情是一个平台,上面聚集着形形色色的人。

第36条 恋人的秘密不可叫对方全部探了去。

第37条 任何时候为爱情付出的一切都不会白白浪费。

第38条 The steamed bread is sincere and expensive, and the price of the bun is higher. If there is a burning sparerib, both of them can be thrown.

第39条 Whoever goes to love according to the rules can’t get love.

第40条 White is like an uncovered wound, naked, so it hurts.

第41条 爱情是不讲法律的。

第42条 哪里有没有爱情的婚姻,哪里就有不结婚的爱情。

第43条 Cai Feng Shuangfei body without wings, heart to heart.

第44条 白色像没有遮掩的伤口,赤裸裸的,所以很疼。

第45条 不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债!

第46条 Love dragged me to this side, and reason pulled me over there.

第47条 People are not beautiful and lovely, but beautiful because they are lovely.

第48条 People must live, love can depend on.

第49条 Two love for me, to be in every morning and evening.

第50条 不安定的感觉,有时让我们的灵魂,保持灵敏的状态。

第51条 In love, without mutual loyalty, there is no mutual trust.

第52条 爱情的意义在于帮助对方提高,同时也提高自己。

第53条 I do not believe in love, but I will accept it because it is a comfort.

第54条 要善待爱情,因为它不会一辈子跟着你!

第55条 与被爱的人长期相处的秘诀是:放弃改变对象的念头。

第56条 Be good to love, because it won’t follow you all your life!

第57条 性爱按其本性来说就是排他的。

第58条 爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。

第59条 培育爱情必须用和声细语。

第60条 My love for you makes waiting romantic。

第61条 女人结不成婚不是男人的错,有时是另一个女人的错。

第62条 只有你知我的情绪,也只有你能带给我情绪。

第63条 Love will find a way out.

第64条 地球仍然转重,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。

第65条 没有阳光花儿不香,没有爱情生活不甜。

第66条 Love lost is only the object of love, not love itself.

第67条 Love makes all people an absolute right to become an eloquent.

第68条 女人总是先被说中要害,最先倒下的却是男人!

第69条 我们的爱情,之所以寂寞,只是因为找不到对手。

第70条 深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。

第71条 人并不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。

第72条 Love is always in a gentle heart.

第73条 Without a family, you can regard any place as home.

第74条 You should not be too fussy to see, because love is not made under a magnifying glass.

第75条 真正的爱,就是愿为对方付出一切,而不求任何回报。

第76条 Love is just a kind of crazy.

第77条 谁按规定去爱,谁就得不到爱。

第78条 Love is the most extravagant pleasure, but the end is often sad.

第79条 不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。

第80条 爱情,一只脆弱华丽的蝴蝶。

1、Love is not geting but giving.


2、If i cried a tear of painful sorrow,if i lost all hope for a new tomorrow,Would you dry my tear and ease my pain,Would you make me smile once again?


3、If you love the life you live,you will live a life of love.


4、how do i say i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you ive missed you, and let you know im here?


5、Love cures people both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.


6、Her gesture, motion, and her smiles,Her wit, her voice my heart beguiles,Beguiles my heart, i know not why,And yet, ill love her till i die. Thomas Ford.


7、For years i had been searching,For that perfect fantasy, But, i find it in my arms, right now,You are all to me.


8、Where there is great love. there are great miracles.


9、I just wish someday and somehow,We can be back together, Together well stay,Always and forever.


10、A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.


11、Love and you will be loved.


12、Dont worry about looking handsome,Or being strong and brave.Just as you love me unconditionally,i love you just the same.


13、I have searched a thousand years,And i have cried a thousand tears.i found everything i need,You are everything to me. Barry Fitzpatrick.


14、Love makes the world go around.


15、Thoughts of you dance through my mind. Knowing, it is just a matter of time.Wondering… will u ever be mine?You are in my dreams, night… and sometimes… day.The thoughts seem to never fade away. Corwin Corey Amber.


16、Every beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, i want so much to be with you, oh, please, please, feel the same.


17、If you were a teardrop,in my eye,For fear of losing you,i would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. Hannah Jo Kee.


18、Love, so soft and warm beside me, if i were to give my heart, it would have to be to you. Ed Walter.


19、Without you? I willbe a soul without a purpose. Without you?id be an emotion without a heart. im a face,without expression, A heart with no beat. Without you by my side, im just a flame without the heat. Elle Kimberly Schmick.

没有你? 我将是一个没有目的的灵魂;没有你?我的情感将没有了根基;我将是一张没有表情的脸,一颗停止跳动的心。没有你在我身边,我只是一束没有热量的火焰。

20、You make me feel so happy;Whenever im with you.You make me feel so special This love is too good to be true. Rosemary Anne Nash.


21、There is a lady sweet and kind, Was never a face so pleased my mind;i did but see her passing by, And yet, ill love her till i die. Thomas Ford.


22、Love is the beauty of soul.


23、When you need someone to listen, ill be there. When you need a hug, ill be there. When you need someone to hold your hand, ill be there. When you need someone to wipe your tears, guess what? ill be there. William Shakespeare.


24、When i wake up in the morning,You are all i see;When i think about you,And how happy you make me.Youre everything i wanted;Youre everything i need;i look at you and know;That you are all to me. Barry Fitzpatrick.


25、Ive dicided to stick to love.Hates is too great a burden to bear.


26、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.


27、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.


28、I need him like i need the air to breathe.


29、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.


30、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


31、If i know what love is, it is because of you.


32、Love is the greatest refreshment in life.


33、Love never dies.


34、The darkneis no darknewith thee.


35、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.



The dream is dead, the heart has been broken, leaving only to prepare for departure.


People are not afraid of death, but most do not know how to live.


Love is a touch of love, love is deep love.


The past no longer come back, come back no longer perfect.


Step back is lonely, step forward is happiness.


Perfect story, but the tears for the end.


The taste of heartache as long as i tasted once, do not let me heartache.


i love you all the time.


There is always a heart in the world, waiting for the call to greet another heart.


We hand in hand, together to the end of the world.


i am the boiling water, you are the tea, prepare a cup, i want to soak you!


The one who truly loves you is the one who is willing to endure you all the time.


The world will not fall for anyone, anything.


When the tears across the corners of the mouth, only to know the kind of bitter taste.


Would like to have a heart, without any separation!