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时间:2025-03-10 21:22:55


英语励志小故事1:Worm’s Pressure

This is a wormwhose body is no less than one millimeter. It is called 熊虫(XC) perhaps forthe reason that it looks like a black bear under the microscop. The XC usuallyhabited in the slurry of fresh water, wet soil and the 水膜 of moss plants.Recently, there was an amazing news discovered by 日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久: when 20 littleXC were placed in a sealed container under the 7.5 万个大气压 making inexperiment condition, there were only two died and the other 18 have no troubleat all. 7.5 万个大气压, equal to over 700 kilogram stress per square meter, which is powerfulenough to它足以上淀粉瞬间变性 and the rice ready to eat.




英语励志小故事2:Facing the Reality in Silence

Thetruest and most expressive thought was hardly be expressed.

Weall face it alone in silence to the most important thing in life. We can talkoccasionally about love, loneliness, happiness, miseries, death and so on, butthe true meaning is hard to deliver by words. I cannot tell others how gentlemy love is; how desperate my loneliness is; my enjoyable happiness is; howdepressive my miseries is; how ridiculous my death is. I have no choice but tohide then deeply in my heart. All what I said and wrote but the product ofthinking, while thinking, to some extend, is a kind of escape which from theparticular to general, fate to life and the abyss of silence to the bank oflanguage. If they have not become

pure/solely and abstract idea, it is merelybecause they have newly struggled out from the silence and with something hardto tell in their bodies.

Iam not to deny the possibility of communication between human beings, but

thecondition. It is silence, instead of words. 美特林克had an excellent explanation: the nature of silence tells the nature of one’ssoul. There is no any words may have a possibility to make a communicationbetween their soul if the two cannot share the same silence. To those who havenot solved the same questions in silence, even profound philosophy is only somepolite formulas. In fact, those superficial reader have no ability to identifythe profound philosophy and abstract thoughts, proverb and polite formulas,philosophy and 老生常谈, insipid/prosaic and commonplace,the knowledge of Buddha dharma and deceitful trick. One’s ability in wordscomprehension is based on his understanding to silence and eternally based onhis silence; that is his capacity of soul. Therefore, I insist that the lessonof one who is determined to seek the life philosophy is silence----to face hisimportant problem of sale in silence. Until he has enough accumulation and tootires to bear, all windows opened to him. This is the way that he not onlyunderstands the limited words, but also the unlimited information behind thesilence of words.






Stop struggling, life is stopped.


Intelligent out of diligence, genius is gained by accumulation.


Must be in the struggle to survive, for development.


Genius is the ability to endless work hard.


Form the determinants of genius should be diligent.


I always keep every disaster enough into opportunity.


The secret of success, is the relentless pursuit.


Life do not frown, there should be no teeth.


And handles and people worship, tai in the bear.


Struggle in order to improve life, honorable behavior.


Life is a rich ore, subject to their own to mining.


I wish every time memories, don't feel guilty for life.


The establishment of the great achievement, but can not know, is in the can.


Don't hurt other people's words do not say, adverse own words.


Action is the ladder of success, the more, the higher the.


Struggle this thing is every day since humans began the restless.


Don't climb the mountain, see the ground; Without exercise, not strong.


Everything is very difficult, make sense of, is a hero.


The value of a life, the key still depends on living people.


Long to read long known, reflecting long wisdom, modesty, application skills.


Humans are endowed with a kind of work, that is, the growth of the spirit.


Peace is happiness, contentment is a blessing, the mind is eloth, passionless life.


Do their own emotional slaves to the tyrant more unfortunate bondage.


No matter how head is sky, I'm ready to withstand any storm.


A person's biggest bankruptcy is desperation, the greatest assets is hope.


Life is short, everyone has a life, not more.


According to moral act, should be fervently dedicated to don't talk morals.


Life is a short flowering period, and long flowers wither.


Business without frost is not solid, people without suffering, do not DE hui.


Do not to come out of things don't say, say not to come out of things don't do it.


Information responsible suffering in life, to know the pleasure of responsibility.


Success in life, not in wisdom and opportunity, is to and persistence.


Who do you want to be happy? I hope you learn first to eat up bitter.


Without feeling the quality, no style can impress people's heart.


A trickle once to stop the noise, on the sea has stopped breathing.


No matter what, as long as the work hard struggle, is not successful.


Deserved to tunnel, the good; To the steadfast, walking to solid!


Life is like a story. Important not in how long, but in how well.


The pursuit of truth and knowledge and strive for, is one of the highest quality people.


Fantasy mind only a castle in the air, the doer in skyscrapers.


Street light through the efforts of the night, only clear conscience to receive the comfort of the first morning light.


Things don't work, no work is. Is not feeling, no hatred is German.


Do one thing, when one thing. If you never slack, not a thing.


Life is like music. It must set by hearing, feeling and instinct, not by rule.


People can control the behavior, but can't constraint feelings, because feelings is fickle.


Life is a great treasure, I know that from this treasure the most precious jewelry.


Only emotion, and only a big emotional, can make the soul to great achievements.


Light has knowledge is not enough, should also be applied; Light is not enough to have the desire, should also be action.


No saliva and sweat, no success of tears.


No great desire, no great genius.

Motivational Quote from the CEO


"My view is that the core of Yahoo is incredibly valuable and a great platform to build on."

—Marissa Mayer, 37, is the sixth CEO of the struggling Internet giant Yahoo in the past five years



Motivational Quote from the Politician


"Hope and faith. You have to have hope and faith... Long ways to go. Grateful to survive... I'm trying. Trying so hard to get better. Regain what I've lost... I will get stronger. I will return."

—Gabrielle Giffords, 42, former congresswoman from Arizona and author of, Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope



Motivational Quote from the Principal


"This city is not the 'diamond in the rough'; it is the actual diamond."

—School principal Kenyetta Wilbourn, 36, she started in Detroit's Denby High in 2009. Now, while the neighborhood is still troubled, Wilbourn has transformed Denby into a clean, calm center of learning.



Motivational Quote from the Sports Fan


"No one knows more about optimism than a Cubs fan. After waiting 104 years, it's our optimism, and not the winning, that binds us together. We really do believe the next year will be the year."

—Grant DePorter, 48, a Chicago restaurateur and leading Cubs fan, is sticking by the team, which last won the World Series in 1908



Motivational Quote from the Journalist


"Find the joy. When you feel it, let it wash over you... take a moment to appreciate it. Be grateful for the people in your life, for waking up feeling good and pain free, and for the stretch of road ahead that's so full of possibilities. When you encounter bumps, keep going and don't look back."

—Katie Couric, 55, broadcaster and author



Motivational Quote from the Minister


"If I didn't have spiritual faith, I would be a pessimist. But I'm an optimist. I've read the last page in the Bible. It's going to turn out all right."

—Billy Graham, 94, Christian spiritual advisor
