励志一生网 > 格言大全 > 旅行的格言就是英语 正文


时间:2024-10-12 08:19:29

1、 旅行在我看来还是一种颇为有益的锻炼,心灵在旅行中不断进行探索的未知事物。

2、 通过旅行,我们可以确信,即各民族之间是有国界,而人的愚蠢行为是没有国界的'。

3、 In the boring journey, a character lively partner is better than a sedan chair.

4、 Life is like a journey, the ideal is the route of travel, lost the route, had to stop moving forward.

5、 Once the faint variable climate, landscape water can Qinghui entertainment, Qinghui; tour? Wanggui.

6、 万古东南多壮观,百年豪杰几登临。

7、 从不出门的人,必定是满腹偏见。

8、 A person to go abroad before, should be more understanding of the motherland.

9、 衣上征尘杂酒痕,远游无处不消魂。

10、 The gentleman can not hold the mind of worry, may also not be romantic.

11、 登高壮观天地间,大江茫茫去不还。

12、 俯视大江东去,开拓万里心胸。

13、 Water pillow can make the mountain elevation, the wind boat solution and the moon.

14、 乘兴而行,兴尽而返。

15、 人之所以爱旅行,不是为了抵达目的地,而是为了享受旅途中的种种乐趣。

16、 Look at Napoli and then die.

17、 家贫不是贫,路贫贫煞人。

18、 Hope is a tough stick, patience is a travel bag, carry them, people can go on a journey of eternity.

19、 The more you see in other countries, the more you will love the motherland.

20、 The evening breeze or flower road into xikou. When the night into the Western Valley, at the South hills.

21、 A journey is a lot of money, but it makes you understand the society.

22、 一个没有知识的旅行者等于一只没翅膀的鸟儿

23、 Travel for me, is the source of the recovery of youth.

24、 五岳寻仙不辞远,一生好入名山游。

25、 A traveler without knowledge is a bird without wings.

26、 旅行是真正的知识的伟大源泉。

27、 The clothes dust miscellaneous wine stains, far no ecstasy.

28、 Lotus leaf like cloud incense constantly, the boat swaying into Xiling.

29、 人生是跋涉,也是旅行;是等待,也是重逢;是探险,也是寻宝;是眼泪,也是歌声。

30、 Travel to teach people the virtues of tolerance.

31、 Every walk, Xing and return.

32、 The scenery is so to play, not a few white stem head.

33、 I do not know the day drunk in the water, the boat was full of dream Galaxy press.

34、 世界是一本书,从不旅行的人等于只看了这本书的一页而已。

35、 旅行是真正的知识最伟大的发源地。

36、 To rise late, carrying ten lotus, a crescent moon.

37、 A person holding what kind of purpose to travel, he was traveling, he only know to get the knowledge of the purpose of the same purpose.

38、 Overlooking the The mighty river flows eastward. pioneering miles, mind.

39、 The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page of the book.

40、 Travel is a great source of knowledge.

41、 SHENGRI find Fang Si waterfront, a new scene of boundless.

42、 Travel to youth is a part of education; it is part of the experience of the elderly.

43、 Even a reed like, Ling Wan Qing loss.

44、 If the boat is poor, then it has no occasion.

45、 A person with what purpose to travel, he was traveling, he only know to get the knowledge of the purpose of the same purpose.

46、 归棹晚,载荷花十里,一钩新月。

47、 Good companions can shorten the journey time.

48、 人出门旅行并不是为了到达某地,而是为了旅游。

49、 Certainly, Yunshan, 1000 smoke tree; chosho rinpu, Yichuan Xingyue, Wan Li jiang.

50、 Don’t try to find the gluten mountain, can cold back cloud floor.

51、 旅行靠旅伴,世间靠人情。

52、 真理的旅行,是不用入境证的

53、 晚风吹行舟,花路入溪口。际夜转西壑,隔山望南斗。

54、 不为寻山试筋力,岂能寒上背云楼。

55、 人生是通往死亡的一次旅行。

56、 别的国家看得越多,就越会热爱祖国。

57、 一个人到国外去以前,应该更进一步了解祖国。

58、 一个人抱着什么目的去游历,他在游历中,就只知道获取同他的目的有关的知识。

59、 风光如此须行乐,莫管头颅白几茎。

60、 Life is a journey to death.

61、 旅行在我看来还是一种颇为有益的锻炼,心灵在施行中不断地进行新的未知事物的活动。

62、 By traveling, we can be certain that there is a national boundary between different nationalities, and that man’s foolish behavior has no national boundaries.

63、 Travel can train people’s stamina.

64、 Occasionally, take time out for a walk, is pretty good. Because, no one can guess what you are going to meet in the way.

65、 旅行对青年,是教育的一部分;对于老年人是部分经验。

66、 Gao Liu Yin, old fish blow, leave me to spend a bit. Field number, nine sand occasion to return.

67、 好山好水看不足,马蹄催趁月明归。

68、 生活好比旅行,理想是旅行的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进。

69、 Travel is a part of education for young people, travel is a part of the experience for the elderly.

70、 Mo River early jijue, wild flavor from all sides.

71、 Haoshanhaoshui deficiency, while the moon to push the horseshoe.

72、 满眼风波多闪灼,看山恰似走来迎。仔细看山山不动,是船行。

73、 Such as the famous expert, how long no see?

74、 旅行教给人们宽容之美德。

75、 好旅伴可以缩短旅途时间。

76、 莫河早行奇绝处,四面八方野香味。

77、 Climbing climb, soar is few, sit with one’s legs stretched out, the soil is in a sleeping mat.

78、 The truth is not travel permits, but the truth is still wearing shoes, has been running for more than half of the world.

79、 Travel in my opinion is still a very useful exercise, the mind in the implementation of the new unknown things constantly activities.

80、 旅行虽颇费钱财,却使你懂得社会。


July Italy breeze cool, into the sleeping bag, do not feel cold. Looking up at the sky, the bright Milky way, is the most warm quilt.


Life is a meeting and a meeting, are fate, no good and bad, there is no right and wrong. Fate came, treat each other as well, the fate of the best, since it will be separated.


Pack go Quartet, not day wide, not broad, only to see the wind and see the low grass and sheep.


Healthy is beautiful, the right is the best, often new is charming, ordinary is great, tough is long, real is eternal.


If one day I am missing, there are only two possibilities: the body is on a trip, or the soul is traveling.


1、Nothing brave, nothing have.


2、Short accounts make long friends.


3、One good turn deserves another.


4、Praise is not pudding.


5、A good appetite is a good sauce.


6、Try to think in English whenever possible. When you see something think of the English word of it; then think about the word in a sentence.


7、A little spark kindles a great fire.


8、He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.


9、No man is born wise or learned.


10、A lazy youth, a lousy age.


11、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.


12、Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.


13、A little leak will sink a great ship.


14、A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.


15、Once bitten, twice shy.


16、Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.


17、A good winter brings a good summer.


18、All covet, all lose.


19、A man apt to promise is apt to forget.


20、Relax! Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning foreign languages should be fun.


21、All things are obedient to money.


22、Something is better than nothing.


23、A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world.


24、No smoke without fire.


25、Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.


26、Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But don\'t give up.


27、A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.


28、Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.


29、Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.


30、Promise is debt.


31、None are so deaf as those who won't hear.


32、He is a fool that forgets himself.


33、All is fair in war.


34、Strike the iron while it is hot.


35、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.


36、He knows most who speaks least.


37、Seeing is believing.


38、Hasty love, soon cold.


39、No man is wise at all times.


40、Prefer loss to unjust gain.


41、All roads lead to Rome.


42、Reading enriches the mind.


43、One never loses anything by politeness.


44、A bad workman quarrels with his tools.


45、Saying is one thing and doing another.


46、A hero is known in the time of misfortune.


47、Observation is the best teacher.


48、One swallow does not make a summer.


49、New wine in old bottles.


50、A fair face may hide a foul heart.
