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时间:2024-09-26 01:23:33





































1, sports is the nourishing agent of life, and fitness is the beautician of youth.

2, a way of keeping good health, often for small labor, but very tired, and not the ear.

3, hone musculo skeletal disease prevention, disease resist.

4, living water is flowing, life is in movement.

5, walking is the best way for mental workers, especially for creative people, to be a kind of physical activity.

6, the effect of sports lies in strong muscles, knowledge, emotion and strong will.

7. It begins. Are you coming? Or go back and continue to be a dead fat man, this is a man's game!

8, everything has its natural, failing to take things calmly, proud when indifferent, frustrated when the calm. The more busy you are, the more you want to practice, practice good health care, confidence and perseverance, to cultivate the mind and mind.

9, the best running, is you in a strange place, found a long violation of the moving. Run alone, unfetter, without restraint. One day, wear running shoes, take yourself, how far, how far.

10, the organ can not get exercise, as well as excessive stress of the organ is extremely harmful.

11, everything has its natural, failing to take things calmly, proud when indifferent, frustrated when the calm. The more busy you are, the more you want to practice, practice good health care, confidence and perseverance, to cultivate the mind and mind.

12, the important problem of sports work is to strengthen the people's physique, which is the symbol of a country's rich and strong and civilized.

13, wide open, relaxed and happy mood, exercise, nutrition, drugs, health recovery kuaizai!

14, the national fitness, the country, in the contemporary era, will benefit future generations.

15. People who do not manage their own bodies are not qualified to manage others; they do not manage their own health, and how to manage his career.

16, one more exercise, less one point.

17, a person who works with brain work, if not constantly moving limbs, that is a very painful thing.

18. Exercise is the source of health and the secret of longevity.

19, to be a happy person, reading, running, working hard, caring about the body and keeping a good mood, become the best.

20, if you quit, do not come back, because the footprints we left on the road to success have been soaked in sweat.

21, movement is the source of all life.

22, no one can easily succeed, it comes from a thorough self - management and perseverance.

23, health is not everything, but without health, there is nothing.

24. People who are healthy are often young.

25. Health is the condition of wisdom and the secret of pleasure.

26, the rest is death, only the movement can knock on the eternal gate.

27, fitness can live long, no longer wait.

28, now the flow of mouth water, will be the tears of tomorrow.

29, today do not go, tomorrow to run.

30, life is motion, and human life is motion.

31, only the sweat and blood pouring out is the real man!

32, I knew when I was born, I was a strong man, and the fitness was only part of it.

33, the activities are square, and the five zang organs are from and.

34. An ideal man is a man of morality, health, and talent.

35, only exercise can remove all kinds of doubts.

36. I worked hard, and I didn't regret it, whether it was successful or not.

37, everything has its natural, failing to take things calmly, complacent when indifferent, frustrated when the calm. The more busy you are, the more you want to practice, practice good health care, confidence and perseverance, to cultivate the mind and mind.

38, reading, peeping into the soul of others. Travel, go to the strange environment to feel. Movie, go to the screen to feel the life of others. Meditation, to your heart in exploring uncharted. To run, to enjoy the world that others can't get.

39, life is like a river, and the movement is antiseptic and stinky.

40, I am desolate today, it is the tomorrow that the person of the body of the body prayed for yesterday.

41. From the point of view of exercise, lying is not as good as sitting, sitting as standing as standing, standing as far as walking.

42, there is no more beautiful clothes than strong muscles and fresh skin in the world.

43, exercise is too much and too little, the same damage to physical strength; excessive diet and too little, the same damage to health; only moderate can produce, improve, maintain physical strength and health.

44, wide open, relaxed and happy mood, exercise, nutrition, drugs, health recovery Kuaizai

45, the true meaning of running is to run more and more quickly, run down, let weakness leave the body.

46, fame, movement Jinan, work and moderate.

47, I like to walk, sports bring me a lot of fun.

48, life should take Wan Li Lu, take the first step.

49, keep on practicing day after day. Only a moderate amount of activity can maintain the enthusiasm of training and improve the skills of exercise.

50, even at this moment, the opponent is constantly exercising.

1. “健身没有什么捷径可走。如果你觉得走捷径对你很重要,意味着你就是个弱逼。”——Mark Rippetoe

2. 我荒废的今日,正是昨天殒身之人祈求的明天;

3. 觉得自己为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候;

4. 谁也不可能轻易成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力;

5. 现在流的口水,将成为明天的眼泪;

6. 即使此刻,对手也在不停地锻炼。

7. 给你一两项体育爱好,交给你一把健康的钥匙!

8. 请享受无法回避的痛苦;

9. 做阳光少年,展自我风采!

10. 如果杠铃杆还没弯,你就是在装样子。

11. 留下你的汗水,展现你的风采,演绎一出精彩!

12. 生命在于运动,运动要讲科学!

13. 平日多运动,远离亚健康!

14. 你只需要知道,在某个地方,此时此刻,某个中国小姑娘在用你能负担的最大重量进行热身。”——Jim Conroy

15. 钢 铁永远不会对你撒谎,如果你出去走一圈,听其他人的谈话,你会听到人们口中的你有如天神,或者是个混球。

16. “对健康最好的运动就是举杠铃和交配。”——阿诺德•施瓦辛格

17. “相信我,如果你老老实实进行20天同样的训练,到了一定程度你会听见耶稣和你说话。在20天训练的最后一天里,你会听到他老人家说能不能让他也玩玩。”——Mark Rippetoe

18. “谁都想做健身狂,但是别让所有人都来锻炼,你们用过的器械被调的完全没有重量,没有哪个健身狂喜欢这样。”—— Ronnie Colema

19. 没什么做起来是容易的,但只要你还能呼吸,离梦想实现永远只差那么一口气。让你的每一次呼吸都能够起效。”——Kai Greene

20. 对我来说,生活一直都充满渴望。生活的意义不仅仅是存在,或者生存,而是向前进步,向上奋发,去成就大事业,去征服伟业。”——阿诺德•施瓦辛格

21. 任何对你说你不能这么做的人——让他们滚蛋。”——Guy Cisternino

22. 在人生中,赢家并不是那些有优秀基因的人,或是那些最有天分的人,而是那些最不屈不挠的人!当他们跌倒了,他们总是不断的爬起来,继续做,继续做。”——格雷格、普利特(已逝)

23. “你的理想对你来说永远比对其他人更重要。所以请坚持理想,坚持信念,坚持向前。对所有健身房的勇士们——我为你们鼓劲。”——Kai Greene

24. 如果一个男人对你说,他不想再举了,因为他不想变得块头太大,那么,这家伙的蛋蛋其实已经被摘走了。”——Paul Carter

25. 运动是一切生命的源泉。——达•芬奇

26. 有勇气不一定总要大声吼出来。有时候勇气仅仅是一天结束后静静地说‘明天我再试试。’”——Mary Anne Radmacher

27. 想着要赢得比赛不会给你力量,在锻炼中挣扎力量才会增长,当你克服困难不想放弃时,这就是力量。”——阿诺德•施瓦辛格

28. “强壮的人比弱小的人更难杀死,总体上也更有用。”——Mark Rippetoe

29. “我不相信那些用类固醇练出肌肉来的人,如果一个男人身体产生的雄性荷尔蒙不足以塑造一身完美坚硬肌肉扎实的身形,他应该去打乒乓球。”——Steve Reeves

30. “我过去的兴趣一直在如何保持完美的身体比例上。有一次,15岁的我脱光衣服站在镜子前看自己。看着镜中裸体的自己,我发现要达到完美的身体比例,我得有一对20英寸粗的臂膀,才配得上身体的其它地方。”——阿诺德•施瓦辛格

31. 努力发展体育事业,把我们的'国民锻炼成为身体健康精神愉快的人。——朱德

32. 一个民族,老当益壮的人多,那个民族一定强;一个民族,未老先衰的人多,那个民族一定弱。——皮埃尔•顾拜旦

33. 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。——法国医学家蒂素

34. 身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。——德国诗人卢梭

35. 人生的本质就在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。——帕斯卡

36. 我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。——爱因斯坦

37. 世上没有比结实的肌肉和新鲜的皮肤更美丽的衣裳。——马雅可夫斯基

38. 静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。——泰戈尔

39. 身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持。——苏格拉底

40. 运动太多和太少,同样的损伤体力;饮食过多与过少,同样的损伤健康;唯有适度可以产生、增进、保持体力和健康。——亚里士多德

41. 锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才不能生锈。——朱德

42. 走路是极好的运动,人应该养成走长路的习惯。

43. 生命在于运动,也在于静养。养生宜动,养心宜静,动静适当,形神共养,培元固本,才能使身心健康。

44. 运动的好处除了强身之外,更是使一个人精神保持清新的最佳途径。

45. 运动的要义不在趣味而在继续持久,养成习惯。

46. 人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。

47. 健康是幸福的主要因素,锻炼是健康的重要保证。

48. 不靠医,不靠药,天天锻炼最见效。——谚语

49. 运动好比灵芝草,何必苦把仙方找。——谚语