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时间:2024-10-10 12:24:27


Hello, everyone.

Today we will tall about AIDs, More media coverage is being paid to the HIV/AIDS situation in China. So, what is AIDs,or what dose AIDs means? AIDs means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

And it has yet to spread widely in the rest of the nation. And how to get AIDS? You dont actually "get" AIDS. You might get infected with HIV, and later you might develop AIDS. You can get infected with HIV from anyone whos infected, even if they dont look sick and even if they havent tested HIV-positive yet. The blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk of people infected with HIV has enough of the virus in it to infect other people. Most people get the HIV virus by having sex with an infected person.

So, how do I know if I get AIDs? Of course, we should go to hospital to check our blood. HIV disease becomes AIDS when your immune system is seriously damaged. If you have less than 200 CD4 cells or if your CD4 percentage is less than 14%, you have AIDS.

When you know you are infected, you may want to know is there a cure for AIDs? Of course no. So, what we can do is to love ourselves. Stay away from the way that you may be infected. Stay away from AIDs, Love our lives.


Less than three months ago at platform hearings in Salt LakeCity, I asked the Republican Party to lift the shroud of silence which has been draped over the issue of HIV and AIDS. I have come tonight to bring our silence to an end. I bear a message of challenge, not self-congratulation. I want your attention, not your applause.


I would never have asked to be HIV positive, but I believe that in all things there is a purpose; and I stand before you and before the nation gladly. The reality of AIDS is brutally clear. Two hundred thousand Americans are dead or dying. A million more are infected. Worldwide, fortymillion, sixty million, or a hundred million infections will be counted in the coming few years. But despite science and research, White House meetings, and congressional hearings, despite good intentions and bold initiatives, campaign slogans, and hopeful promises, it is -- despite it all -- the epidemic, which is winning tonight.


In the context of an election year, I ask you, here in this great hall, or listening in the quiet of your home, to recognize that AIDS virus is not a political creature. It does not care whether you are Democrat or Republican; it does not ask whether you are black or white, male or female, gay or straight, young or old.


Tonight, I represent an AIDS community whose members have been reluctantly drafted from every segment of American society. Though I am white and a mother, I am one with a black infant struggling with tubes in a Philadelphia hospital. Though I am female and contracted this disease in marriage and enjoy the warm support of my family, I am one with the lonely gay man sheltering a flickering candle from the cold wind of this family’s rejection.


This is not a distant threat. It is a present danger. The rate of infection is increasing fasted among women and children. Largely unknown a decade ago, AIDS is the third leading killer of young adult Americanstoday. But it won’t be third for long. Because unlike other diseases, this one travels. Adolescents don’t give each other cancer or heart disease because they believe they are in love, but HIV is different; and we have helped it along. We have killed each other with our ignorance, our prejudice, and our silence.


We may take refuge in our stereotypes, but we cannot hide there long, because HIV asks only one thing of those it attacks. Are you human?And this is the right question. Are you human? Because people with HIV have not entered some alien state of being. They are human. They have not earned cruelty, and they do not deserve meanness. They don’t benefit from being isolated or treated as outcasts. Each of them is exactly what God made: aperson; not evil, deserving of our judgment; not victims, longing for our pity; people, ready for support and worthy of compassion.


My call to the nation is a plea for awareness. If you believe you are safe, you are in danger. Because I was not hemophiliac, I was not at risk. Because I was not gay, I was not at risk. Because I did not inject drugs, I was not at risk.


My father has devoted much of his lifetime guarding against another holocaust. He is part of the generation who heard Pastor Nemoellor come out of the Nazi death camps to say:

They came after the Jews, and I was not a Jew, so I did not protest. They came after the trade unionists, and I was not a trade unionist, so, I did not protest. Then they came after the Roman Catholics, and I was not a Roman Catholic, so, I did not protest. Then they came after me, and there was no one left to protest.”



The lesson history teaches is this: If you believe you are safe, you are at risk. If you do not see this killer stalking your children,look again. There is no family or community, no race or religion, no place left in America that is safe. Until we genuinely embrace this message, we are a nation at risk.


Someday our children will be grown. My son Max, now four, will take the measure of his mother. My son Zachary, now two, will sort through his memories. I may not be here to hear their judgments, but I know already what I hope they are. I want my children to know that their mother was not a victim. She was a messenger. I do not want them to think, as I once did, that courage is the absence of fear. I want them to know that courage is the strength to act wisely when most we are afraid.


I ask no more of you than I ask of myself or of my children.To the millions of you who are grieving, who are frightened, who have suffered the ravages of AIDS firsthand: Have courage, and you will find support. To the millions who are strong, I issue the plea: Set aside prejudice and politics to make room for compassion and sound policy.


To all within the sound of my voice, I appeal: Learn with me the lessons of history and of grace, so my children will not be afraid to say the word AIDS when I am gone. Then, their children and yours may not need to whisper it at all.


God bless the children, and God bless us all.

Good night.



Good afternoon, my best teacher and my honest friends. Today the title of my speech is AIDS.

Maybe everybody wants to ask what is aids? Well, AIDS stands for ‘Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome’

It is acknowledged that AIDS has three transmissions. At first, the most frequent mode of transmission of AIDS is through sexual contact with an infected person. And the second is via blood and blood products. Most of them used the same needle to take drugs. The last one is Mother to child. AIDS can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or through breast milk.

Many people are afraid of AIDS patients since they think there is a risk of being infected. People with AIDS are normally lonely since many people are not willing to communicate with them.

Actually this is a kind of misunderstanding since it is safe to talk to or shake hands with AIDS patients. People with AIDS need more care and support to help them overcome the difficulties. Therefore if we all set up the correct understanding and try to help the people with AIDS, our society is going to be more caring and beautiful.

That’s all. Thank you!


Many people are afraid of people with AIDS since they think there is a risk of being infected. People with AIDS are normally lonely since many people are not willing to communicate with them.

Actually this is a kind of misunderstanding since it is safe to talk to or shake hands with people with AIDS. People with AIDS need more care and support to help them overcome the difficulties. Therefore if we all set up the correct understanding and try to help the people with AIDS, our society is going to be more caring and beautiful.


World AIDS Day, observed December 1 eachyear, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDSpandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. Itis common to hold memorials to honor persons whohave died from HIV/AIDS on this day. Governmentand health officials also observe the event, oftenwith speeches or forums on the AIDS topics. Since 1995, the President of the United Stateshas made an official proclamation on World AIDS Day. Governments of other nations havefollowed suit and issued similar announcements。

AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and 2007, and an estimated 33.2million people worldwide live with HIV as of 2007, making it one of the most destructiveepidemics in recorded history. Despite recent, improved access to antiretroviral treatment andcare in many regions of the world, the AIDS epidemic claimed an estimated 2 million lives in2007, of which about 270,000 were children。

Started in 1988, World AIDS Day is not just about raising money, but also about raisingawareness, education and fighting prejudice. World AIDS Day is also important in remindingpeople that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.


world aids day is observed every year on december 1st.

do you know aids? aids is a terrible disease. right now, it is a deadly disease and so far, it cannot be cured.there is no pill, no vaccine, no surgery to make you better. hiv and aids has decimated the world we live in, and things are only going to get worse.so it is called "super killer".

at last estimate by unaids, 40 million people have been infected with aids around the world.every minute, five people get infected with aids! it is terrible, isn't?

do you know about this red ribbon?it is called the "aids ribbon".on this day people wear red ribbons to show their support and to raise awareness. this started as a grassroots effort and there is still not one main manufacturer for the ribbons. the red ribbon united people to fight against aids.

you won't get aids if you:

work, eat and drink together with aids patients;

shake hands with them or hug them;

talk face to face with them;

use the same toilet as them;

swim with them.

what do you think about aids? show us your ideas.


last sunday all of our class with our class together with our head teacher went to a hospital to see an aids sufferer. we brought a bound of flowers and a basket of fru

it m send to the patient. the female patient was very glad to see us. she told us that most of the people avoided seeing her since she was told that she carried the hiv virus. the doctor told us that the hiv virus wouldn't be infected through daily communication. people in china are often ignorant of the disease and look down upon those who suffer from aids. it is wrong.

during our stay there, we talked with the woman bout her family and our school life. some students sent her books and their favorite cds. she was greatly touched and said in tears that she would be optimistic and confident of overcming the disease. our teacher hugged her good bye and promised we would come to see her often.

on our way back to school, i was thinking that if everyone of us loves each other more and gives a hand when others are in trouble, the world will become more beautiful.

HIV has been a widespread epidemic for over 30 years now; despite recent setbacks, researchers around the world are still heavily committed to developing a vaccine that will stop the virus in its tracks and help the millions of people who have yet to suffer its wrath. Now, some researchers are looking for answers to help fight the battle in a place where we might not have searched before: the human mind.

The Economic and Social Research Council recently funded a new study that shows human hope might be a very strong and overlooked tool to help in the war with AIDS. In a nutshell, the study determined that people who had goals and definitive plans for their futures (whether that involved careers, relationships, children or the like) were more likely to stay away from any situations that would give them a high risk of contracting a disease like AIDS; on the contrary, those people who did not have many high hopes for their own future were more likely to engage in actions that would put them at a higher risk. One example widely used in the study is of men who do not have any ambitious hopes or goals for their future – when engaging in sexual relations, they are less likely to wear a condom because the instant gratification and pleasure they feel when they do not wear a condom takes precedence over the future risk.

Tony Barnett, a professional from the London School of Economics, agrees with the study, “Current policies to tackle HIV/AIDS in Africa emphasize individual behavior such as the ABC approach to prevention: Abstain, Be faithful, Condomise. However, these measures require that people have hope for the future and goals to aim for. And if wider economic and social circumstances are so poor that people lack hope for the future, then these current policies will have limited success.” A prime example of this can be seen in the global fight against AIDS: while moderate success has been had in Western civilization, there has not been as great a degree of success in African nations. Consider the fact that in the country of Botswana, the life expectancy is 36 years for somebody with AIDS compared to 71 years for somebody who has not contracted the disease. Recent estimates have shown that within the next decade, the life expectancy may plummet even more to 30 years.

Studies like this one are demonstrating that in order to strengthen the fight against AIDS, researchers need to not only focus on a person’s behavior (as many research studies do), but their cultural, economic and social background as well. Researchers in the field of AIDS/HIV studies need to strongly consider that for most people, hope for things like a secure future, a successful adulthood and an ever-growing family tree have an enormous impact on the decisions an individual makes throughout his/her life. Having a disease like HIV/AIDS can literally destroy a person’s chances for any kind of hope which, in turn, can affect the entire society as infection rates soar. In Africa, for instance, where most people have little educational and financial support and, thus, bleak futures, young adults are more susceptible to contracting HIV at some point in their lives. Barnett states, “Hope is quite straightforward to measure via questionnaires and surveys can help to identify high risk environments. Although there is not a great deal of experience in developing programs to increase hope, policies such as cash support for children, microfinance for small businesses, women’s education, reduced discriminations against sexual minorities and health system reform will improve the wider environment. And with more to live for, interventions to encourage individuals to change their behavior are more likely to succeed.”