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时间:2024-12-22 22:41:50

1. 祸兮福所依,福兮祸所伏.All the Evils to be considered with the Good, that is in them, and with that worse attends them。

2.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。Make your whole year's plan in the spring and the whole day's plan in the morning。

3.细节决定成败.Details is the key to success。

4.满招损,谦受益.Pride hurts,modesty benefits。

5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获.Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty。

6.伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒.Rome was not built in a day。

7.一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴.Lost years are worse than lost dollars。

8.自助者天助.God helps those who help themselves。

9.欲速则不达.More haste,less speed。

10.台上一分钟,台下十年功.One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage。

11.好的开端是成功的一半.Well begun is half done。

12.酒好不怕巷子深.Good wine needs no bush。

13.成功源于勤奋.Industry is the parent of success。

14.英雄所见略同.Great minds think alike。

15.熟能生巧.Practice makes perfect。

16.静水流深.Still waters run deep。

17.滴水穿石.Little stone fell great oaks。

18.前事不忘,后事之师.The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future。

19.君子之交淡如水.A hedge between keeps friendship green。

20.机不可失,时不再来.Take time while time is,for time will away。

21.集思广益.Two heads are better than one。

22.未雨绸缪.Provide for a rainy day。

23.真金不怕火炼.True blue will never strain。

24.必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀.You have to believe in yourself.That's the secret of success。

25.燕雀安知鸿鹄之志.A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan。

26.身正不怕影子歪.A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe。

27.天涯何处无芳草.There is plenty of fish in the sea。

28.大智若愚.Cats hind their paws。

29.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量.Judge not a book by its cover。(Never judge from appearances。)

30.有情人终成眷属.All shall be well,Jack shall have jill。

31.海内存知己,天涯若比邻.The world is but a little place,after all。

32.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾.It is better to be a head of dog than a tail of a lion。

33.良药苦口.A good medicine tastes bitter。

34.知识就是力量.Knowledge is power。

35.金钱不是万能的.Money is not everything。

36.时不我待.Time and tide wait no man。

37.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.A young idler,an old beggar。

38.趁热打铁.Strike while the iron is hot。

39.天生我才必有用.Every man has his price。

40.看破生死的人能成大事.He who sees through life and death will meet with most success。

41.世上无难事,只要肯登攀.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart。

42不入虎穴,焉得虎子.Noting venture,noting gain。

43.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人.It never rains but it pours。

44.胜者为王,败者为寇.Losers are always in the wrong。

45.谋事在人,成事在天.Man proposes,God deposes。

46.众人拾柴火焰高.Many hands make light work。

47.不经风雨,怎能见彩虹. No cross, no crown。

48.没有付出,就没有收获.No pain, no gain。

49.不进则退.Not to advance is to go back。

50.勇者无惧。No way is impossible to courage。

51. 闪光的不一定是黄金.All is not gold that glitters./All that glitters is not gold。

52.雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron,yet with firm strides we are conquring its summit。

53.路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索。My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide。

54.一分价钱一分货.You get what you pay off。

55.眼见为实.Seeing is believing。

56.无风不起浪.Where there's smoke without fire。

57.哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗.Where there's oppression there's resistance。

2、Can accompany you laugh a lot of, can accompany you to go very few people.能陪你笑的人很多,能陪你走的人很少。

3、Many say they don't know what they want.Actually this implies they have no courage to face or have not made enough effort for what they want.很多人都说:我不知道我自己想要什么;其实真正含义是:我没有勇气面对和足够的努力去争取我想要的。

4、In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different。想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。

5、Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.永远面向阳光,这样你就看不见阴影了。

6、The encounter is a beautiful, met a favor, and knowing each other is a blessing.相遇是一种美丽,相识是一种欢心,而相知是一种幸福。

7、Ability is what you’re capable of doing.Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.能力决定了你能做什么。动机决定了你要做什么。态度决定了你会做成什么样。

8、Life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through.生命必须有裂缝,阳光才照得进来。

9、Live your life and forget your age.过你的日子,别去想你过了的日子。

10、Everyday away from you just makes me love you more.与你分开的每一天都只是令我更爱你。


A life is not life, not create is only alive。


Don't work hard future never just a dream。


Don't wait for opportunity, but to create opportunities。


Every failure is the result of poor execution。


Cause vivid idea and practice is unified。


Heart filled with good, in the eyes of the world is beautiful。


To make a big career, we must start small。


Often ask myself, who is kind to me didn't double return。


Paying is not necessarily harvest, effort is worth。


Reduce the indwelling time, close to nature。


To lower the number of used by others, learn to burden。


Many people do bad, because always want to do other people!


Day no matter how high and how, stood on tiptoe is closer to the sun。


The cause of the lack of love, talent is also useless。


Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to smooth the mountain。


A life without a dress rehearsal, every day is broadcast live。


You to think of others too complicated, because you will not be easy。


To a successful career, you must spend their life time。


Don't think you do better than others, even if you very well。


If your heart is like the sea, and how can sea the same cause。


To do a great career, always at the beginning of the youth。


The highest enjoy what others think you finish is。


Happiness is not because of get of many but because caring less!


Good at communicate with people, moderate adopt the Suggestions of others。


Respect for persons don't too dispute, if too dispute have regret!


You can have a lot of personality, but some of the time, please。


A person's biggest bankruptcy is desperation, the greatest assets is hope。


Think about what you really want something, don't continue to think。


We are pride and humility, all depends on the achievement of my career。


There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond。


Most people want to change the world, but few people want to change yourself。


Happiness and luck is need cost, there is no such thing as a free lunch!


The more you leave their retreat, the greater the chance of your failure。


Fate as hand palmprint, no matter how twists and turns, in our own hands。


Life for some people is beautiful, the person's life is a struggle。


The story of the simple, quiet more shallow thin people more impetuous。


Life isn't about waiting for storm in the past, but learn to dance in the rain。


Every successful person has a start。 Start bravely to find a successful way。


Don't look down upon anyone, the more humble person。 Often do something surprising。


When you brokenhearted time, as if suddenly understand the meaning of all love songs。


Life is like a plane, fly high is not important, more important is safe to arrive。


What can a tow, it is not necessary to so try so hard, the slow is round。


From your eyes start, every day you will say to yourself today is a beautiful day。


Have never seen a getting up early diligence cautious honest people complain fate is bad。


Always looking for someone who is more active than they are, the more positive environment than they are。


Sad sad, alone, don't cry in front of anyone, I can't forgive my cowardice。


What makes us forward in has been disappointed after last? Is something called "life"。


Each of the first business success, the most important still is the basic training of all parties。


The significance of labor not only lies in the pursuit of performance, more is to improve the human mind。


We always too much to let a person enchanted lover-like speeches, too little can rely on the shoulder。