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时间:2024-09-27 17:35:55


Only faith make true happiness.


Suffering is the teacher of life.


In adversity, people are saved by hope.


Chest to brave in the face of adversity.


The fire with gold, adversity temper.


One hundred days not empty, the youth will never come again.


Danger is the touchstone of life.


Are you afraid of wolves, don't go in the woods.


The miracle is in bad luck.


Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success.


Fire of gold, adversity makes a hero.


No gratitude, no true virtue.


No more fear than fear itself.


He has no difficulty, and have the courage to dare to.


Self-control is the strongest instinct.


Respect yourself, respect others, can let a person respect.


Walk yourself's road, ask someone else to say.


Fearless spirit to the asylum.


Half the truth that often is a big lie.


Deep night is the prelude to the day.


Timidity is the traitor betray our soul.


False of the sincerity, is worse than the devil.


Winter has come, can spring be far behind?


Life is long, if can use.


Respect others should not talk about yourself.


Comes at a cost to the bold is making progress.


Time down the river, the life stream.


The selfish heart, is the barrier of made people's got talent.


Words can recover, but life can't be so.


Don't give up! Never give up. Never give up!


Don't inverse operation is the touchstone of character?


Don't deviant, amateur life is meaningful.


Life and breath, life is active.


Sincerity is a kind of open mind.


Change themselves, always more difficult than ban on others.


People have faith is invincible.


Life is short, must not hedgehog intolerance.


Life is a precious thing in the world, death is the greatest sin.


Difficulties strengthen the heart, still strengthen the labor does the body.


Active and discontent is the first necessity of progress.


Faith is beneficial, but it doesn't have attributed.


Faith is a great emotion, a kind of creative power.


As long as the sun, will not see the shadow.


Should face life with a smile, no matter what happens.


Man of weak character, will not be honest.


Beautiful stately strong, there is an active life.


Abandoning time person, time also will give up him.


Adversity hardship, is the highest school of temper personality.


Cause vivid idea and practice is unified.


People who do not respect yourself, respect others, others will not respect him.


The more difficult environment, spirit more vigorous efforts.


The ideal of life is for ideal life.


Faith! Have faith can withstand any storm.


It is not difficult to bear the evil, but to endure what is it easy.


Without great difficulty, there would be no great cause.


When credit disappeared, the body, there is no life.


Human is the most immoral subscribers, dishonest and cowardice.


Who experience the suffering of more, who knows what is more also.


Can't see, not afraid of is righteous and not doing.


You must take honestly treats people, others will take honestly are reported.


决定成功的三种性格 Three Personalities Lead to Success

There are no two identical people exist in the world, but most successful people are similar in many ways. Good character is the foundation of success. Most of successful people are modest, diligent and creative etc. In my opinion, being confident, honest, and persevere are the three important keys to the door of success.


There is an old saying that confident is the first step to succeed. Suppose that a person is not confident, how he gets trust from others. A singer singing in the stage without nervous means he is confident. Public speakers express their opinions to others without tension which also means he is confident. Confidence offers people courage to overcome difficulties, what’s more, if people believe themselves, they may meet more opportunities that they had never thought about.


The second key helps people succeed is honesty. There is no denying that most of friendships are based on honesty and most of businesses are based on friendship. Honest people are easy to get others’ respect and people often prefer to cooperate with the honest ones rather than liars. It’s obvious that no one could tolerate a friend always tell lies. China have a famous story which is about a shepherd boy who wants to play farmers and lie to them a wolf is coming. After he lies to them twice, a wolf is really appears, when he asks them for help, no one believe him anymore.

第二个有助于成功的因素是诚实。无法否认大多数的友谊是建立于诚实的基础上,而大多数的事业是基于友谊上的。 诚实的人很容易得到别人的.尊重,人们往往喜欢跟那些老实的人而不是谎话连篇的人合作。很显然,没有人能容忍一个总是说谎的朋友。中国有一个著名的关于一个牧童的故事,说的是他想戏弄农民就向他们撒谎说谎狼来了。他撒了两次谎之后,狼真的出现了,但当他求助的时候,再没有人相信他了。

Beside what I talk about above, I consider that perseverance is an essential personality to people who want to succeed. Everyone will meet problems, but not everyone could insist. In fact, perseverance is another attitude which belongs to optimistic. A famous saying is that difficulty is like a spring which weakens in face of a strong-willed but strengthens in face of a faint-hearted. When people run into problems, as long as they persevere, they will be closed to success.


To conclusion, everyone has his personality. Kindhearted people make others feel warm, and humorous guys bring happiness to people; enthusiastic ones could easy be on good terms with others. Sometimes people’s personality decide who they are, even who they want to be.



性格决定成功 Disposition Decides to Man’s Success

As we all known, the man who wants to be success should have a good disposition. As the saying goes, “disposition decide to everything.” I remember a famous motto: there are no two identical people in the world, but the success people are similar in many ways. Exactly, good disposition is the foundation of success. From my point of view, I deemed it success should also rely on these factors: diligent, confident, humor. It can help us to open the door of success.


There is no denying that diligent is the first step to the success. As the proverb says, no pains, no gains. Absolutely, guess that a person without diligent, how can he get achievements. Many successful people have become famous in the world by their diligent. Therefore we should take diligence as a good habit rather than lazy at every time.


Edison said “confident is the mother of the success. There is no doubt that confidence is important to our daily life .If someone without confident, he will never succeed in the end of his life. If someone trusted himself, he would gained more chance to succeed. How could you get other’s trust if you didn't trust yourself?


In addition, humor plays an important role in our life. It’s obvious that a sense of humor can bring happiness to others and get involved to a group easily. Just like my friend who is an energetic and lovely boy. The boss and staff like him very much. Boss thinks highly of him in the company. Sometimes, we should learn to how express humorously. A sense of humor can create unexpected result.


From what has been mention above, a good disposition is an important factor to our success. Therefore, how to develop a good disposition is essential.


Disposition Decides to Man’s Success

As we all known, the man who wants to be success should have a good disposition. As the saying goes, “disposition decide to everything.” I remember a famous motto: there are no two identical people in the world, but the success people are similar in many ways. Exactly, good disposition is the foundation of success. From my point of view, I deemed it success should also rely on these factors: diligent, confident, humor. It can help us to open the door of success.

There is no denying that diligent is the first step to the success. As the proverb says, no pains, no gains. Absolutely, guess that a person without diligent, how can he get achievements. Many successful people have become famous in the world by their diligent. Therefore we should take diligence as a good habit rather than lazy at every time.

Edison said “confident is the mother of the success. There is no doubt that confidence is important to our daily life .If someone without confident, he will never succeed in the end of his life. If someone trusted himself, he would gained more chance to succeed. How could you get other’s trust if you didn't trust yourself?

In addition, humor plays an important role in our life. It’s obvious that a sense of humor can bring happiness to others and get involved to a group easily. Just like my friend who is an energetic and lovely boy. The boss and staff like him very much. Boss thinks highly of him in the

company. Sometimes, we should learn to how express humorously. A sense of humor can create unexpected result.

From what has been mention above, a good disposition is an important factor to our success. Therefore, how to develop a good disposition is essential.