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时间:2024-10-05 11:22:26

1.I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was too late to tell them.1.我曾听这些子女说过,他们从没有向母亲充分表达过他们的感激之情,而待到要告诉时为时已晚。

2.My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw.2.我的母亲是我见过的最漂亮的女人。

3.As I grow older and wiser, I realize what an extraordinary person she is.3.随着年岁的增长,我越来越懂事了,我意识到她是多么了不起的人。

4.How sad that I am unable to speak these words in her presence, but they flow easily from my pen.4.这些话在她面前我难以启齿,但在笔下却可以轻易地写出来,这令我感到多么难过。

5.He knows that there is room for endless joy in mother's little corner of a heart, and it is sweeter far than liberty to be caught and pressed in her dear arms.5.他知道有无穷的快乐藏在妈妈的`心的小小一隅里,被妈妈亲爱的手臂所拥抱,其甜美远胜过自由。

6.The mother's glass was always filled with dust.6.母亲的酒杯里永远盛满了埃。

1.Nothing can replace a mother's love.1.什么都无法取代母爱。

2.A mother's love is great, is selfless, it is immersed in all things, filling in between heaven and earth.2.母爱是伟大的,也是无私的,它沉浸于万物之中,充盈于天地之间。

3.My personal character and the expectations of their originates from my mother, to my holy requirements.3.我的人品以及对自己的`期望都源自我的母亲,对我圣洁的要求。

4. Mother's love like the sun. No matter how long time,no matter where to go, we can feel her warm and shining.4.母爱就像太阳,无论时间多久,无论走到哪里,都会感受到她的照耀和温暖。

5.A mother's love is like the sunshine, feel the thought is warm!5.母爱就像阳光,感觉到的想到的都是暖暖的!

6.A mother's love is the most holy and most sublime, the most selfless love.6.母爱是人间最圣洁、最崇高、最无私的爱。

1.Love is the most beautiful of human emotions, because emotions have not the heart of doping during Cyril?1.母爱是人类情绪中最美丽的,因为这种情绪没有利禄之心掺杂其间?

2.Home is the kingdom of the father, the mother of the world, the children's paradise. - Emerson, American writer.2.家是父亲的.王国,母亲的世界,儿童的乐园。——美国作家爱默生

3.The sun is shining, but I don't like my mother's love for me.3.阳光是灿烂的,但比不上母亲对我的爱。

4.Love is a warm wind, blowing snow to fly, bring unlimited spring.4.母爱就是一阵和煦的风,吹去朔雪纷飞,带来春光无限。

5.Maternal love is the most sincere love in the world.5.母爱是世间最真挚的爱。

6.Love is a sea, let your soul even in the face of good tolerance is still Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles.6.母爱是一片大海,让你的灵魂即使遇到电闪雷鸣依然仁厚宽容。