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时间:2024-10-13 10:30:54


Latika:You came back for me.


Jamal:Of course.


Latika:I thought you'd forgotten.


Jamal:I never forgot.Not for one moment.I knew I'd find you in the end.It's our destiny.



Jamal:I knew you'd be watching.


Latika:I thought we'd be together only in death.


Jamal:This our destiny.


Latika:Kiss me.



Jamal Malik is one question away

from winning 20 million rupees.How did he do it?

(杰玛 马利克还有一个问题就可以赢得2000万卢比.他是怎么做到的?)

A.He's cheated


B.He's lucky.


C.He's a genius.


D.It's written.


host:Welcome to .Are your ready?

Jamal Malik:yes,I'm nervous.



Jamal Malik:Because I thought she would be watching.She's my destiny.


live on what?

I owe Latika 我欠拉提卡的

拜托,拜托。我们接下来要游览哪儿?我们时间很紧张。你知道的`,下午我们还要游览Red Fort。

Woman: Please, please. What time is the next tour? We are on tight schedule. You see, we have to see the Red Fort this afternoon.


Jamal Malik: No, I...


Woman: Please, would it be possible to show us around now? Obviously we understand that it costs more for just the two of us.

当然可以,夫人!请跟我来。泰姬陵是Khurrama 皇帝为他的妻子Mumtaz建造的,她可是世界上最漂亮的女人。

Jamal Malik: But of course madam! Please follow me. The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Khurrama for his wife Mumtaz, who was the maximum beautiful woman in the world.


Then when she died, the emperor decided to build this five-star hotel, for everyone who would like to visit her tomb. But he died in 1587 before any of the rooms were built, or any of the lifts.


But this swimming pool as you can see was completed on schedule in top class fashion.


Woman: It says nothing of this in the guide book.


Jamal Malik: The guide book was written by a bunch of lazy good-for-nothing Indian beggars. And this lady and gentlemen is the burial place of Mumtaz.


Woman: How did she die?

Jamal Malik: A road traffic accident


Woman: Really?


Jamal Malik: Maximum pile-up.


Man: I thought she died in childbirth


Jamal Malik: Exactly sir. She was on the way to hospital when it happened

1. 一位百万富翁说:我一直让自己的收入来满足自己的需要,相反,许多人喜欢调整自己的需要来适应自己的收入。

2. 名人名言_做生意第一要大胆,第二要大胆,第三还是要大胆。

3. 便宜没好货,好货不便宜,因为成本在那摆着呢。

4. 商业本质是不公正的。利润就是最大的`不公正,真正的公正应该是没有利润。

5. 洛克菲勒曾经说过这样一句话:即使把我的衣服脱光,再放到杳无人烟的沙漠中,只要有一个商队经过,我又会成为百万富翁。

6. 一个人如果赚得比你多10倍,而在工作上花的时间又不比你多,那么他一定是做了与你大不相同的事。 人们所拥有最伟大的事物,就是自由。钱财能带来自由。

7. 人们过分忙碌于应付生活,而无法停下来思索如何解决他们的金钱问题。大多数人甚至无法花1小时的时间来想想他们应如何致富,以及他们为何从来不这么做。

8. 写下你想要的金钱数目,以及你给自己多少时间去赚到这笔钱。这就是神秘的致富秘密。

9. 整天工作的人,没有时间挣钱。

10. 一个人有100万并不能称为“百万富翁”,只有那些拥有100万但又能连续投资使100万再增值100万的人,才可以称得上“百万富翁”。前者充其量只是个“存款额”很高的人,他们不能荣获“百万富翁”的称号。

11. 凡是用金钱买不到的东西用金钱买到了,它原有的价值便不存在了。

12. 1角硬币和20美元的金币沉在海底是毫无区别的。只有当你将他们拾起并投入流通时,它们的价值区别才显现出来。

13. 富人舍钱,穷人舍力。富人思来年,穷人思眼前。



Latika:You came back for me.


Jamal:Of course.


Latika:I thought you‘d forgotten.



Jamal:I never forgot.Not for one moment.I knew I‘d find you in the end.It‘s our destiny.



Jamal:I knew you‘d be watching.


Latika:I thought we‘d be together only in death.


Jamal:This our destiny.


Latika:Kiss me.



Jamal Malik is one question away

from winning 20 million rupees.How did he do it?

(杰玛 马利克还有一个问题就可以赢得2000万卢比.他是怎么做到的?)

A.He‘s cheated


B.He‘s lucky.


C.He‘s a genius.


D.It‘s written.


host:Welcome to .Are your ready?

Jamal Malik:yes,I‘m nervous.



Jamal Malik:Because I thought she would be watching.She‘s my destiny.


live on what?


I owe Latika 我欠拉提卡的

拜托,拜托。我们接下来要游览哪儿?我们时间很紧张。你知道的,下午我们还要游览Red Fort。

Woman: Please, please. What time is the next tour? We are on tight schedule. You see, we have to see the Red Fort this afternoon.


Jamal Malik: No, I...


Woman: Please, would it be possible to show us around now? Obviously we understand that it costs more for just the two of us.

当然可以,夫人!请跟我来。泰姬陵是Khurrama 皇帝为他的妻子Mumtaz建造的,她可是世界上最漂亮的女人。

Jamal Malik: But of course madam! Please follow me. The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Khurrama for his wife Mumtaz, who was the maximum beautiful woman in the world.


Then when she died, the emperor decided to build this five-star hotel, for everyone who would like to visit her tomb. But he died in 1587 before any of the rooms were built, or any of the lifts.


But this swimming pool as you can see was completed on schedule in top class fashion.


Woman: It says nothing of this in the guide book.


Jamal Malik: The guide book was written by a bunch of lazy good-for-nothing Indian beggars. And this lady and gentlemen is the burial place of Mumtaz.


Woman: How did she die?


Jamal Malik: A road traffic accident


Woman: Really?


Jamal Malik: Maximum pile-up.


Man: I thought she died in childbirth


Jamal Malik: Exactly sir. She was on the way to hospital when it happened