励志一生网 > 名言警句 > 摄影艺术名言英文 正文


时间:2024-09-20 12:30:15


There is no doubt that the arts festival enriches our college life an extracurricular activity. However when it comes to what should be included in the arts festival different people have different views. Some insists on performing arts such as dances and dramas. Still others argue for the work of art like paintings and calligraphy. Personally I agree with the latter and I strongly recommend that photographic works should be counted as an important aspect of the arts festival.

My suggestion lies in the following two reasons. On the one hand for he students who take photos the photographic exhibition can stimulate them to discover the beauty that permeates our surroundings. As the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder; such an activity will definitely foster sharp eyes of photographers to-be. On the other hand for the students who appreciate the photos they are given a shortcut to the beauty of the nature and the society. Maybe by this way they find the sense of the life and enjoy the life more in the future.

In short the photographic exhibition can get the students to discover and appreciate beauty. I believe that it is wise to involve the photographic works into the university arts festival.





My after school life is very rich drawing swimming... Say my favorite is the photography. My home have a digital camera in the school art festival photography contest last year I use it to take photo also won the prize. This year in order to support me to learn photography dad bought a nikon DSLR I feel very fresh suddenly fell in love with photography.

Rest day dad took me to the pictures. I learn the scenery I find a beautiful place with the lens amplification a press the shutter press play button again you can see the photos. I have a look ah using SLR is clear! But when in the movement of objects is blurry. "Why is this?" I asked my father. Father said: "with a pattern of the movement." I quickly transferred to the movement pattern let dad running I put the pictures down so clear! Back home I took photos and appreciate again flattered.

Although I do not understand the many functions of the camera the camera but in his free time photography became my favorite thing to do. Wait until the next photo contest held in school I would seize the wonderful moment captured the beautiful campus dear teacher lovely classmates; Leave the green grass colorful flowers lush branches.





I like to take pictures so much when I go to the different place I will ask my parents to take picture for me. Taking picture helps me record my life. I want to see what has happened to me when I look back at my life when I grow up.

I want to record the beautiful moment. When I see these pictures in the future I will be smiling. All of these wonderful memories will fulfill my life. My mother has bought me a camera so that I can take pictures any time. I am so thankful to her I hope I can use this camera to record the happy time of my family.




Portrait photography is a personal advantages of amplification.


Sometimes the simplest picture are the hardest.


Now you can take anything.


Taken to find the most suitable is the hardest.


The weight of the words and pictures.


Live in the light of photography, story.


Pat a cake can be art.


The photographer must be a part of the picture.


Specimens of each picture, it is time.


Photography is both objective and subjective.


Film is cheaper than opportunity.


Photography is my second language.


The truth is the best of the best photos, propaganda.


Luck is the attentive photographer's best teacher.


Only good photos, no rules for good photographs.


The imagination run, and eyesight is unreliable.


Studio is full of cool and fresh goods.


A good photo is the success of the synthetic technology and art.


The painter aims to create; The photographer to disclosure.


Me I don't want to paint, I can't shoot.


Photography, the hard part is to adhere to in the weathered rain and snow.


Great photography is the instantaneous fixation has become eternal.


Camera is smoothly meet the means of another reality.


People say photographs don't lie to my photos.


Is photography skills acquired by spending power rather than by spending it.


In addition to seize the beauty of photography, also need to break the routine.


A photographer is beautiful, is the artist of the mind.


Every photographer, have a love of beauty and kind heart.


I was like a photographer, because you don't ask questions.


Good photography first is how to think, then how to shoot.


I take pictures to see things being filmed.


New forms of art is the Canon of edge form creation.


Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.


Photographer's eyes no preference, the foot of the traveler no return.


I have always taken in mind everything, as a practice.


Because I love you a person quietly in the distance, I fell in love with photography.


Learn photography is to allow yourself to look at this wonderful world.


Real people who love photography, their eyes can always several more glorious.


If I can use language to tell the story, I don't have to bring a camera.


If your pictures is not good enough, that's because you're not close.


First is everyone in photography photography style your favorite expression.


For great photography works, the important thing is deep, not depth of field.


Photographer's eyes real is their photos of those things.


If I could tell a story in words, I don't have to drag a camera.


Photographer is visionaries, traveller, with the visual world view.


I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them.


Photography, attaches great importance to the casual surprise for you, this is one of her charm!


The camera is a tool for me. Through it, I things around for a reason.


In my opinion, something you don't take it down and will not be able to say that you have met.


If your pictures aren't good enough, that's because you're near enough.


Like a real photographer as rare true poet or a true painter.


Don't tell me you didn't take the photo, let me see pictures of you.


Believe in others, give up on yourself, this is the beginning of many photographers failed!


Good actors in life is not a beauty, just is good in the camera.


If I know how to take good photos, I always take a good photo.


I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.


Light gives me the creative shape and scripts, is also the reason why I become a photographer.


My best work is often unconscious, and beyond my comprehension.

art is long, and time is fleeting. (longfellow, american poet)

艺术是永恒的,时间则是瞬息即逝的。(美国诗人 朗费罗)

art is much less important than life, but what a poor life without it ! (robert motherwell, american painter)

艺术远没有生活重要,但是没有艺术生活是多么乏味呀!(美国画家 马赦韦尔 r)

art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling theorist has experienced. (len tolstoy, russian writer)


art is the mold of feeling as language is the mold of thought. (susanne langer, american philosopher)

艺术是感情的模制品,犹如语言是思想的模制品。(美国哲学家 兰格 s)

art is the object of feeling, and the subject of nature. (s.k.langer, american philosopher and educator)

艺术是情感的客观表现。也是本性的主观反映。(美国哲学家、教育家 兰格 s k)

art is the right hand of nature. the latter only gave us being, but the former made us men. (friedrich schiller, german poet)

艺术是自然的右手。自然只让我们存在,而艺术创造我们的`人类。(德国诗人 席勒 f)

art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travel. (theocore dreser, american novelist

great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight (p.b.shelley, british poet)

伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱 p b)

a novel is a mirror walking along a main road. (stendhcl,french writer)

一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。(法国作家 司汤达)

a picture is a poem without words. (horace, ancient roman poet)

一幅画是一首没有文字的诗歌。(古罗马诗人 贺拉斯)

a poet is a man who puts up a ladder to a star and climbs it while playing a violin. (e.de goncourt, french writer)

诗人是这样的人,他架起通向星星的梯子——一边爬梯子一边拉提琴。(法国作家 龚古尔 e)

a poet is born, not made. (l.a.florus, ancient roman poet)

诗人靠天分,不是靠培养。(古罗马诗人 弗洛鲁 l a)