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时间:2024-10-15 18:24:42

1 Christmas is here, I want to make a wish for you. But I did not find the magic lamp, but also did not find God, I only hope this message and send it to you, I wish you a merry Christmas, good luck!

2 clean snow, crystal tree, hanging on the gift of joy one night; Christmas, Christmas Eve, send an apple happy night; greetings, greetings, Christmas message to you. Christmas, may you be happy every second!

3 there is an old man who wants to know you, although he is old, but his temper, as well as private cars, I put your address to him, do not blame me, he will come to see you tonight. Remember, he's called Santa Claus!

4 nights of love, every day, my lover, Christmas Eve, Christmas, although you are lonely, but so beautiful......

5 many Christmas wishes, that friendship, thick accumulation of happy memories, the world's family, the warmth of heaven, and finally brought to us all.

6 what is Christmas, not the happy time, not the song of the birds, but the happy thought and happy smile!

7 tell him not to tell him, because he told me not to tell you, now I tell you, do not tell him I told you, if he asked you, I have not told you, you say I do not tell you: Merry christmas!

8 some people say that if you can receive a blessing in the first three months of the year, then in the next three weeks, you will be able to achieve, and now I wish you: no amount of money, career and love.

9 I want to become a tree, a tree for your existing Christmas tree, the star on top of the largest and brightest is my heart, the following is linked to my love, wrapped in the ribbon is my infatuation. Merry christmas!

10 when the snowflakes will fill the sight that I miss you, when the snow white robe wrapped in the earth I miss you. The snow of the winter, the distance you, a message to my long blessing, go out and take good care of yourself! Merry Christmas

11 clouds are drifting scenery, flowers are beautiful crystal, the wind is free incarnation, snow is pure spirit. You are my closest friend, I met you is the greatest pleasure, my love for you, but not very much! Wish you a merry christmas!

12 Christmas, for you planted a Christmas tree, with friendship irrigation, can give birth to the root of the root of a sincere care of the bud grow a grateful Ye Liqi of the health of the crown to bear fruit, out of happiness!

13 bells, jingle; the Christmas Song Qingyang Santa drop from the clouds. The neon lights, light; flash; Christmas tree, Christmas wonderful auspicious romantic Christmas! Good luck with me, ruixiang!

14 Christmas is coming, new year's day will be far away, Santa Claus is coming, will be far from the end of the year award, action, action as soon as you start, I am now with you Jordan, inviting you to join me and I.

15 Merry Christmas, watching the message get gifts from you, this Christmas Eve on tenterhooks, hear no, don't laugh, fool!

16 Christmas Eve warm atmosphere: halo ring light and I this little card; convey a message of the day: Holy harmony and peace.

17 you are happy I am happy, happy, merry christmas. Oh! My Christmas gift? Look fast!! received? I bring you the joy! The snowflakes fluttering, Lu Ling knock, sweet christmas eve soon! Dancing son swing, wish children soar, happy Christmas is much better! SMS blessing quietly, early, wish you merry christmas happy happy!

18 take a sincere blessing, in this romantic night, the stars gently bless us, snow quietly admire us, Santa Claus quietly looking for us, happiness and happiness in the scenery, we have a happy night!

19 of your infinite blessings, I have the pleasure to buy; greetings to you, a period of ten thousand years. In a warm and peaceful night, with the moon to the happiness, let you surprise. Christmas eve.

20 Christmas blessings! Solemn statement: without permission of the blessing discount, if not reply no group etc.. Once found illegal acts, I will be forced to send blessings, until your phone power off.

21 snow snow dream, far late autumn; close to Christmas Reindeer tage. The neon lights, the breeze send greetings and sincere friendship warm heart, a moment to beg, I wish you happy and happy Christmas Eve together, no end!

22 bursts of cool cool to your side, beautiful charming and beautiful; a lot of blessings to come to your side, the health of the cause of the flourishing; some thoughts handed to you, the friends of the friends of the school Christmas broadcast three

23 snowflakes fluttering decoration beautiful pure world, I gave you the most beautiful scenery; the long bell of the night of quiet, is my deep affection for you; Christmas Eve is approaching, with text messages will be sent to my mind, I wish you happiness!

24 a sunset glow, as night falls, the lights on the snow, with pine, together, as in western, is fashion, fashion is not Santa, exposing the emperor, has high school champion Lang, I wish you a merry christmas!

25 may be the brightest star in the sky, with you all night, when you feel tired and look up at the starry sky, the sky is my blessing, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy Christmas!

26 the debauch Christmas is coming, I wish you love more and more like Christmas atmosphere. Christmas My dear Merry

27 Santa Claus said that this year he wants to put the gift in our two people's socks. So, Christmas Eve you want to accompany in my side.

28 remembering with warm wishes, wish you a merry christmas.

29 may the blessings of Christmas, wish you happy!

30 looking forward to this moment, looking forward to a happy landing, a silent sweet surrounded by you and me; embrace this moment, the hearts of the most beautiful fireworks lit. Christmas Eve of the bell rings, and that is my prayer for you: peace and happiness!

31 music card is my concern, bell is my greetings, singing is my blessing, snowflake is my card, wine is my kiss, the breeze is I embrace, happiness is my Christmas gift!

32 Christmas tree snow falling, silent and soundless, melodious bell, open you my heart, let the world is full of love.

33 let us spread the bell of Christmas to the Quartet, and let us sprinkle love and praise to the world.

34 quietly waiting for the arrival of the midnight hour; for a long time no change, for your deep thoughts; silently make a wish, take care to send to your side. Christmas is approaching, I wish you peace and happiness!

35 even if the snow did not dance, even stop Christmas reindeer, still patronize; a blessing, although the winter is cold, warm still as before. Christmas, I made a wish. Happy with you every happiness and your company!

36 house prices have dropped, but I am on your blessing, but in the rise. This blessing, is not a bubble, will not burst, no inflection point, will not fall, the future has been rising, will never crash. Merry christmas!

37 peace and blessings, peace and peace in the night. Peace and safety to always, an ordinary dream is long. Send an apple to bless you, will be your life safe. Christmas on Christmas Eve, blessing string drifting!

38 days of snow, festive, industrious reindeer, kindly old man, silly you sleep. The most precious gift is a warm message, send the most sincere wishes to you: I wish you a merry christmas!

39 happiness is often with a thankful heart, there is a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a deep love of your people, and a group of trusted friends, you will have all of this! I wish you a merry christmas!

40 If the melody and harmony tonight flows in your dream, so if you think, this is my dream you came across the numerous hills and streams.

41 A Christmas greeting to my warm spring greetings, I wish you a happy new year.

42 in advance to send you a Christmas tree, hanging on top of peace, happiness, happiness, health, happiness, wealth, to store it down, you will be happy, to forward it, the people will be happy forever.

1. 圣诞节到了,我要为你许下祝福。可是我没有找到神灯,也没有找到上帝,我只有寄托这条短信了,把它发送给你,祝你圣诞快乐,好运一生!

2. 洁白雪,晶莹树,挂上礼物欢乐一夜;圣诞节,平安夜,送个苹果开心一夜;问候语,祝福话,圣诞短信涌向你。圣诞节,愿你快乐每一秒!

3. 有个老男人想要认识你,他虽然年龄大了点,但脾气好,还有私家车,我就把你的地址给了他,不要怪我啊,今晚他会来找你。记住啊,他叫圣诞老人!哈哈!

4. 夜夜的相思,天天的思念,我的爱人,平安夜,圣诞节你虽然寂寞,却如此美丽!因为有我真心的祝福……

5. 无数个圣诞的祝福,那友谊,厚厚积累的愉快记忆,人间的亲情,天堂的温馨,终于带给了我们大家。

6. 什么是圣诞快乐?不是那快乐的时光,不是那鸟儿的歌唱,而是那愉快的念头和幸福的笑容!

7. 跟你讲不要跟他讲,因为他跟我讲叫我不要跟你讲,现在我跟你讲,不要跟他讲我跟你讲过,如果他问你,我有没有跟你讲,你就讲我没跟你讲:圣诞快乐!

8. 有人说,如果你能在圣诞前三个月接到祝福,那么在来年的前三个礼拜,对你的祝福就能实现,现在我几祝福你:钱途无量,事业爱情一帆风顺。

9. 我想变成一棵树,一棵只为你存在的圣诞树,顶上最大最亮的那颗星是我的真心,下面挂的是我的爱心,缠绕在丝带里的是我的痴心。圣诞快乐!

10. 当漫天的雪花将视线填满我在想念你,当银白的雪袍将大地裹起我在牵挂你。飘雪的冬季,远方的你,短信传去我长长的祝福,出门在外照顾好自己!圣诞快乐

11. 云是飘动的风景,花是美丽的结晶,风是自由的化身,雪是纯洁的精灵。你是我最亲密的知音,我遇见你是一生最大的荣幸,我对你的爱,不是十分而是万分! 祝你圣诞快乐!

12. 圣诞节,为你种下一棵圣诞树,用友谊灌溉,能生出真诚之根发出关怀之芽长出感恩之叶立起健康之冠结出快乐之果,开出幸福之花!

13. 铃声儿,叮当;圣诞歌,清扬;圣诞老人从天而降。霓虹灯,点亮;圣诞树,闪光;圣诞节祝福美妙吉祥!浪漫美好圣诞节,瑞祥好运伴身旁!

14. 圣诞都来了,元旦还会远么?圣诞老人都来了,年终奖还会远么?心动不如行动,行动不如立马开动,我现在跟你约旦,邀请你一起和我狂欢。

15. 圣诞节快乐,看短信的快把礼物送来,不然你这个圣诞夜会坐立不安的,听到没有,别笑,大傻瓜!

16. 圣诞之夜温馨的氛围:月晕钟声灯影以及我这张小小贺卡;传达着节日的讯息:圣洁和谐平安。

17. 你快乐我快乐大家快乐,快乐圣诞节。哦!我的圣诞礼物呢?快找找!哦!收到了吧?我带给你的是——快乐!雪花儿飘飘,鹿铃儿敲敲,甜蜜的平安夜快来到!舞姿儿摆摆,心愿儿翱翔,快乐的圣诞多美好!短信悄悄,祝福早早,愿你圣诞开心乐陶陶!

18. 带上诚挚的祝福,在这个浪漫之夜,星星温柔地祝福我们,雪花静静地羡慕我们,圣诞老人在悄悄地寻找我们,快乐和幸福在风光大追寻我们,平安夜快乐!

19. 对你的祝福无限,我把快乐买断;对你的问候有限,期限一万年。在一个温馨的平安之夜,用月辉把幸福载到,让你惊喜不断。平安夜快乐。

20. 圣诞送祝福!严正申明:未经许可不得对该祝福打折,如不回复不群发等。一经发现有违规行为,我将强行不间断送祝福,直到你手机断电为止。

21. 雪落冰清梦,远了深秋;驯鹿踏歌来,近了圣诞。霓虹闪烁处,轻风送问候,真挚情谊暖心头,弹指一瞬欲何求,唯愿你平安夜与快乐相守,幸福无尽头!

22. 阵阵清凉送到你身旁,美丽迷人又漂亮;很多祝福来到你身旁,身体健康事业旺;一些思念递到你身旁,朋友问候时时不忘!校园圣诞节广播稿三篇

23. 雪花飘飘装饰美丽纯净世界,是我送给你最美丽的风景;悠悠钟声点缀夜的宁静,是我对你深情的祝福;平安夜将至,用短信将我的心意发送,愿你幸福快乐!

24. 一抹夕阳染霞光,夜幕降,华灯上,白雪镶青松,欢声嵌盛装,西洋为中用,说是时尚,已不时尚,圣诞老人揭皇榜,也曾高中状元郎,谨祝诸君圣诞乐!

25. 愿作夜空中最亮的一颗星星,夜夜陪伴在你身旁,当你感觉疲惫仰望星空时,空中点点星光是我洒向你的无尽祝福,祝你圣诞快乐,幸福平安!

26. 风花雪月的圣诞即将来临,愿你我的爱情如圣诞节般越来越有气氛。Merry Christmas My dear

27. 圣诞老人说,今年他要把礼物放在我们两个人的袜子里。所以,平安夜你要陪在我身边。

28. 带着盈盈相思,带着温馨祈愿,祝福你圣诞快乐。

29. 愿我千丝万缕的思念化作万般祝福,祝愿你圣诞快乐!

30. 期待这一刻,期待幸福降落,无声的甜蜜包围着你我;拥抱这一刻,心中燃起了最美的焰火。平安夜的钟声响起,那是我为你祈祷:平安快乐!

31. 音乐卡是我的挂念,钟声是我的问候,歌声是我的祝福,雪花是我的贺卡,美酒是我的飞吻,清风是我的拥抱,快乐是我的礼物!圣诞快乐!

32. 圣诞树上的雪花,悄然无声地飘落,远处悠扬的钟声,开启着你我的心扉,让爱酒满人间。

33. 让我们把圣诞的钟声传播四方,也让我们把友爱和赞美洒向人间。

34. 静静地等待,午夜时刻的到来;久久地不曾改变,对你的深深思念;默默地许下心愿,把关心送达到你身边。圣诞节来临之际,祝你幸福平安!

35. 即使雪花未舞,即使驯鹿停驻,圣诞依然光顾;有了祝福,虽是寒冬冷酷,温暖依旧如故。圣诞节,我许愿:愿快乐和你相依,幸福与你作伴!

36. 房价降了,可我对你的祝福却在上涨。这份祝福,绝对不是泡沫,不会破灭,没有拐点,不会下降,未来一直上涨,永远不会崩塌。圣诞快乐!

37. 平安日子道祝福,平安夜里道平安。平平安安到永远,安安平平梦也长。送个苹果保佑你,愿你一生都平安。圣诞日平安夜,祝福串串飘过来!

38. 雪飘的日子,欢乐的节日,勤劳的驯鹿,慈祥的老人,傻睡的你。最珍贵的礼物,是温馨短信,传送最真心的祝福给你:祝圣诞快乐!

39. 幸福是常怀一颗感恩的心,有一个健康的身体,一份称心的工作,一位深爱你的人,和一帮信赖的朋友,你会拥有这一切!在今天我祝你圣诞快乐!

40. 如果今夜祥和的旋律从你的梦中流过,那么你是否想到,这是我跨越了千山万水来到你的梦中。

41. 圣诞小贺卡捎去我温暖如春的问候,祝您拥有幸福甜美的新年。

42. 提前送你一棵圣诞树,上面挂满平安,如意,快乐,健康,幸运,财富,把它储存下来,你就会一生幸福,把它转发,收到的人也会幸福永远。

1、Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions ofour childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of hisyouth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside andquiet home!——Charles Dickens

2、Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality inthe hall, the genial flame ofcharity in the heart。——Washington Irving

3、The earth has grown old with its burden of care But at Christmasit always is young, The heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fairAnd its soul full of music breaks the air, When the song of angelsis sung。——Phillips Brooks

4、There are some people who want to throw their arms round you justbecause it’s Christmas,there are other people who want to strangleyou just because its Christmas。——Robert Lynd

5、Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold,everything is softer and morebeautiful。——Norman Vincent Peale

6、We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, thehistorical encounter, thedecisive encounter, between God andmankind. He who has faith knows this truly; let himrejoice。——Pope Paul VI

7、Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder. The capacityfor wonder has been calledour most pregnant human faculty, for init are born our art, our science, our religion。——Ralph W. Sockman

8、The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in theblackness of space. As wegot farther and farther away it diminishedin size. Finally it shrank to the size of amarble, the mostbeautiful marble you can imagine。——James Irwin

9、A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like athunderstorm, and we all gothrough it together。——Garrison Keillor

10、The endangered species list has grown this year to include bothreligious and secular symbols cherished by Americans including the nativity, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, candycanes, and Christmas carols。——John Doolittle

1、Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions ofour childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of hisyouth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside andquiet home!——Charles Dickens

2、Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality inthe hall, the genial flame ofcharity in the heart。——Washington Irving

3、The earth has grown old with its burden of care But at Christmasit always is young, The heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fairAnd its soul full of music breaks the air, When the song of angelsis sung。——Phillips Brooks

4、Christmas is the day that holds all time together。——Alexander Smith

5、Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold,everything is softer and morebeautiful。——Norman Vincent Peale

6、We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, thehistorical encounter, thedecisive encounter, between God andmankind. He who has faith knows this truly; let himrejoice。——Pope Paul VI

7、Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder. The capacityfor wonder has been calledour most pregnant human faculty, for init are born our art, our science, our religion。——Ralph W. Sockman

8、The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in theblackness of space. As wegot farther and farther away it diminishedin size. Finally it shrank to the size of amarble, the mostbeautiful marble you can imagine。——James Irwin

9、A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like athunderstorm, and we all gothrough it together。——Garrison Keillor

10、The endangered species list has grown this year to include bothreligious and secular symbols cherished by Americans including the nativity, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, candycanes, and Christmas carols。——John Doolittle

11、There are some people who want to throw their arms round you justbecause it’s Christmas,there are other people who want to strangleyou just because its Christmas。()——Robert Lynd

12、I don't think Christmas is necessarily about things. It's about being good to one another, it's about the Christian ethic, it's about kindness.!——Carrie Fisher

13、Christmas is, of course, the time to be home - in heart as wellas body。——Garry Moore

14、The spirit of Christmas is-and hopefully always will be-aboutgoodwill and generosity toothers and peace on earth。——Nick Rahall

15、Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.——Dale Evans

16、When we were children we were grateful to those who filled ourstockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God forfilling our stockings with legs?——Gilbert K. Chesterton

17、Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want andadults pay for it. Deficits arewhen adults tell the government whatthey want - and their kids pay for it。——Richard Lamm

18、Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. Tocherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to havethe real spirit of Christmas。——Calvin Coolidge

19、Christmas… is not an eternal event at all, but a piece of one’shome that one carries inone’s heart。——Freya Stark

20、Tis blessed to bestow, and yet, Could we bestow the gifts weget, And keep the ones we giveaway, How happy were our Christmasday!——Carolyn Wells

21、Christmas to a child is the first terrible proof that to travelhopefully is better than to arrive。——Stephen Fry

22、That’s the true spiritof Christmas; people being helped by people other than me。——Jerry Seinfeld

23、According to an ancient Sardinian legend, the bodies of those whoare born on Christmas Eve will never dissolve into dust but arepreserved until the end of time。——Grazia Deledda