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时间:2025-03-16 01:59:34

第1条 爱国主义是一种生动的集体责任感。

第2条 当须徇忠义,身死报国恩。

第3条 多么遗憾,我们只能为祖国献身一次!

第4条 如许伤心家国恨,那堪客里渡春风。

第5条 Swan nostalgia for the clean water, people love the motherland.

第6条 As long as people, my motherland is the world.

第7条 中夜四五叹,常为大国忧。

第8条 不爱自己国家的人,什么也不会爱。

第9条 True patriotism is partisan.

第10条 A country has died, but to the people no longer green.

第11条 商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。

第12条 真正的爱国主义是不分党派的。

第13条 Energy-saving, such as the dead suddenly go.

第14条 为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊!

第15条 热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。

第16条 Near my village, I dare not ask people.

第17条 The country is all patriotic, is everyone’s duty.

第18条 祖国是人民的共同父母。

第19条 The red heart on his home.

第20条 Willow spring 100001000, Shenzhou six hundred million as shunyao.

第21条 国之兴亡,匹夫有责。

第22条 All men are mortal., according to retain loyalty.

第23条 No humiliation snow, where by fame.

第24条 Figure two for a heart of pure loyalty to serve the country, for the old faithful home.

第25条 One country’s place in history.

第26条 近乡情更切,不敢问来人。

第27条 人民是祖国的集中体现。

第28条 When will it have submitted to the national humiliation, fenghou.

第29条 In the night four or five sigh, often for big country worry.

第30条 Everything is not worthy of the king of Wu state, Nishise Katsurokumiya.

第31条 Where good, where there is the motherland.

第32条 利于国者爱之,害于国者恶之。

第33条 He who does not love his country will not love anything.

第34条 一片丹心图报国,两行清旧为忠家。

第35条 Send Italy when Tsuen not observed, I in my blade heart.

第36条 The body of the dead sage not sad, but the sorrow of the country’s decline.

第37条 兵者百岁不一用,然不可一日忘也。

第38条 He who loves his country will never hate men.

第39条 只要是人,我的.祖国就是世界。

第40条 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。

第41条 If the stomach is empty, it is difficult to become a patriot who.

第42条 会当报国耻,岂必怀封侯。

第43条 Devoted to the interests of the motherland, is It is a worthy death.

第44条 为国捐躯,虽死犹荣。

第45条 赤心事上,忧国如家。

第46条 Why don’t I take male Wu hook, charged fifty Guanshan state.

第47条 A solution for the country to die in battle, also died!

第48条 国之大务,莫先于戒备。

第49条 Sunward frequency dream, and the care.

第50条 寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕。

第51条 He who abandons his country is like a Nightingale who has lost his forest.

第52条 People are the concentrated embodiment of the motherland.

第53条 山河频入梦,风雨狡关心。

第54条 Everyone is responsible for his country.

第55条 The country’s big business, not before the alert.

第56条 遥望齐洲九点烟,一泓海水杯中酒。

第57条 The hero forever lost, cause hugh.

第58条 人不仅为自己而生,而且也为祖国活着。

第59条 夜视太白收光芒,报国欲死无战场!

第60条 只解沙场为国死,何须马革裹尸还!

第61条 祖国如有难,汝应作前锋。

第62条 问我居家谁暖眼,为言忧国只寒心!

第63条 国家是大家的,爱国是每个人的本分。

第64条 How to hate, as in jiangdong!

第65条 与其忍辱生,毋宁报国死。

第66条 To love you like the eagle nest like the motherland.

第67条 Pick up the beautiful rivers and mountains, and the people as masters do.

第68条 The motherland is the common parent of the people.

第69条 背弃祖国的人,如同失去森林的夜莺。

第70条 Better a tramp, not conquered.

第71条 The first world of sorrow and sorrow; after the world of joy and music.

第72条 忧国亡家,捐躯济难。

第73条 科学没有国界,科学家却有国界。

第74条 国耻未雪,何由成名。

第75条 为祖国而死是幸福和光荣的。

第76条 Patriotism is the first virtue of civilized man.

第77条 Science has no boundaries, but scientists have boundaries.

第78条 Steaming Yunmeng Ze; a giant wave in Yueyang city.

第79条 天鹅留恋清净的湖水,人民热爱祖国。

第80条 男我何不带吴钩,收取关山五十州。

















    1.Our teachers are willing to work creatively to understand the true meaning of education, I hope our children learn to enjoy the autonomy of a happy childhood.


2. The face of children, there is love there is a sense of responsibility will be with a sense of responsibility to pay will always love action.


3. Concerned about the children carefully, intentions to accept the child, the child experiences intentions.


4. The outside world is very exciting, the children of the world more cute, I would like to immersion in the child's inner world beautiful string music harmony.


5. I would like to dedicate all their kids love, so that they run the starting line in life a good first step.


6. Let me into the world's heart, and with the growth of children.


7. Appreciated the education equivalent to the square of education.


8. Education skills to teachers on how to release the children love.


9. Passed on to the happineof each child, so that children become more beautiful and wonderful world.


10. To do a child's teacher, the child's friend first.


1、责任感与机遇成正比。Proportional responsibility and opportunity。

2、鞠躬尽瘁,死而后己。Spared no efforts in dying himself。

3、高尚、伟大的代价就是责任。Noble, great price is responsibility。

4、生命和崇高的责任联系在一起。Life and noble responsibility together。

5、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任。Friendship is always a sweet responsibility。

6、真正的责任是信自己。The real responsibility is to believe in yourself。

7、当劳动是一种责任时,生活就是奴役。When work is a duty, life is slavery。

8、抱负是高尚行为成长的萌芽。 Noble ambition is to grow the seeds of behavior。

9、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。the rise and fall of the country is everyone's affair。

10、艺术应当担负起哺育思想的责任。Art should assume responsibility for nurturing ideas。

11、对培养好幼儿具有高度的责任感。To cultivate children with high sense of responsibility。

12、明天人之际,通古今之变。Inter tomorrow person, through past and present of the change。

13、人类的一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。The purpose of all human effort is to obtain happiness。

14、手莫长,心莫贪,尽职尽责做好官。Mo hand long, heart Mo greedy, dutifully doing officer。

15、没有无义务的`权利,也没有无权利的义务。No rights without duties, no rights and no obligations。

16、每一项公民权都对应著一项公民责任。Each of citizenship corresponds to a civic responsibility。

17、改造自己,总比禁止别人来得难。Transform themselves, others more difficult than prohibition。

18、这个社会尊重那些为它尽到责任的人。This community to respect those who do it to responsibility。

19、自由的第一个意义就是担负自己的责任。The first sense of freedom is to assume their responsibilities。

20、责任就是对自己要求去做的事情有一种爱。the responsibility is to own request to do have a kind of love。

21、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。Diligence and neglected in play; the line into Si, destroyed over。

22、员工能力与责任的提高,是企业成功之源。Staff capacity and improve accountability, is the source of success。

23、我们不是为自己而生,我们的国家赋予我们应尽的责任。We are not born for ourselves, our nation gives our duty。

24、一个人能承担多大的责任,就能取得多大的成功!A person can bear much responsibility, we can achieve much success!

25、人一旦受到责任感的驱使,就能创造出奇迹来。Once people driven by a sense of responsibility, can create miracles。

26、真理的发现或道德责任的完成都会引起我们的欢欣。Discovery or moral responsibility to complete truth will cause us joy。

27、社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备。A community is like a ship, everyone should have at the helm of preparation。

28、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想。 We are the masters of the country, it should be all for the sake of the country。

29、我们不是为自己而生,我们的国家赋予我们应尽的责任。we are not born for himself, our country has given us the responsibility。

30、凡是我受过他好处的人,我对于他便有了责任。I received all the benefits of his people, I will have a responsibility for him。

31、我睡去,感觉生命之美丽,我醒来,感觉生命之责任。I sleep, I feel the beauty of life, I woke up, I feel the responsibility of life。

32、人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。 Notice responsible hardship of life in order to know all about the fun of responsibility。

33、承受个人生命责任的意愿即是自尊自重的泉源。Willingness to bear the responsibility of individual life that is the source of self-respect。

34、要使周围的一切都大放光彩,自己也应该像蜡烛那样燃烧。to make everything around sparkles, oneself should also like a candle burning。 Gorky。

35、不要问你的国家能为你做甚麼,要问你能为你的国家做甚麼。 Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country。

36、提出目标是管理人员的责任,实际上这是他的主要责任。Proposed goals is the responsibility of managers, in fact, this is his main responsibility。

37、古之成大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。Ancient into a major event, not only super-talented world, it always indomitable ambition。

38、要使一个人显示他的本质,叫他承担一种责任是最有效的办法。For a man showing his nature, that he assume a responsibility is the most effective way。

39、历史和哲学负有多种永恒的责任,同时也是简单的责任。History and philosophy bears more responsibility eternal, but also the simple responsibility。

40、在他握有意志的完全自由去行动时,他才能对他的这些行为负完全责任。He holds the complete free will to act, he can to his full responsibility for these acts。

41、在各自岗位上尽职尽责,无需豪言壮语,默默行动会诠释一切。Due diligence in their respective positions, without rhetoric, silent action will interpret everything。

42、上天从没有赋予一个人任何权力,若非同时让他肩负相对的责任。God never gives a person any power, if not at the same time let him shoulder the relative responsibility。

43、我所享有的任何成就,完全归因于对客户与工作的高度责任感。Whatever success I have enjoyed, entirely attributable to the customer's high sense of responsibility and work。

44、舞台上要尽情表演,赛场上要尽力拼搏,工作中要任劳任怨,事业上要尽职尽责。To enjoy performing on stage, on track to try hard, work to hard working, career to due diligence。

45、作为男人,只有对艰苦和严格习以为常,在困难面前才能够尽职尽责。As a man, only to be accustomed to hard and rigid, in the face of difficulties to be able to fulfill their duties。

46、一个人若是没有热情,他将一事无成,而热情的基点正是责任心。If a person without passion, he will achieve nothing, the starting point is the sense of responsibility and enthusiasm。

47、世界上有许多事情必须做,但你不一定喜欢做,这就是责任的涵义。There are many things to be done in the world, but you do not necessarily like to do, this is the meaning of responsibility。

48、尽管责任有时使人厌烦,但不履行责任,只能是懦夫,不折不扣的废物。Although the responsibility sometimes boring, but does not fulfill the responsibility, only a coward, an absolute waste。

49、对一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,而仅仅是他能全力以赴和献身于一种美好事业。For one person, I expect nothing else, but only he can go all out and a beautiful dedication to the cause。

50、我们为祖国服务,也不能都采用同一方式,每个人应该按照资禀,各尽所能。 We serve the country, we can not all use the same way, everyone should follow the intrinsic resources, whatever。

51、现代企业管理的重大责任就在于谋求企业目标与个人目标两者的一致。Modern enterprise management major responsibility lies pursue personal goals consistent with corporate objectives of both。

52、没有大是大非的观念,很容易根据感觉和眼前需求建立是非,最后会变得是非不分。No cardinal concept, it is easy to establish a sense of right and wrong based on the immediate needs and will eventually become right and wrong。

53、我们的使命是照亮整个世界,熔化世上的黑暗,找到自己和世界之间的和谐,建立自己内心的和谐。Our mission is to illuminate the whole world melted dark world, to find harmony between himself and the world, to establish their own inner harmony。