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时间:2025-03-11 06:08:24

1.Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.几乎所有的人都能忍受逆境,但如果你想测试一个人的性格,那就给他权力。

2.Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.大多数人的快乐程度都是他们自己设定的.。

3.And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.最后,重要的不是你活了多久,而是怎么活。

4.Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.永远记住,你成功的决心比什么都重要。

5.You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.你可以一直欺骗一些人,也可以在一定时间内欺骗所有人,但你不可能一直欺骗所有人。

6.A house divided against itself cannot stand.一个分裂的家是没有立足之地的。

7.Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.做一个消除一切疑虑的出头鸟,还不如保持沉默被当成傻子。

8.Whatever you are, be a good one.无论你是什么,都要做到最好。

9.Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.人品就像是树,而声誉是树荫。 我们想到的是树荫,而树才是本体。

10.Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.那些不愿给别人自由的人,不配拥有它。

1、All things come to those who wait.


2、Victory won''t come to me unless I go to it. -- M.Moore

胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 -- 穆尔

3、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. -- Mattin Luther King

我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 -- 马丁 · 路德 · 金

4、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


5、Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)

永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔)

6、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)


7、While there is life there is hope.


8、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America)


9、It''s great to be great , but it''s greater to be human. ---W. Rogers


10、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain)

11、One''s real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany)

一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。(爱因斯坦 德国)

12、One thing I know,that is I know nothing.(Socrates Greek)

我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。(苏格拉底 古希腊)

13、Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle

生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔

14、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!


15、Nothing is impossible!


16、Nothing for nothing.


17、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )

凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.)

18、I will greet this day with love in my heart.


19、Do what you say,say what you do


20、You have to believe in yourself . That''s the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin , American actor )

人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 (美国演员 卓别林. C.)



In fact, education is an early habit.

2 、一个人选择要多快乐,他就有多快乐。

How happy a man is to be happy.


A person is mature, it should be responsible for his face more.

4 、意志来自道德感和自身利益这两个因素。

Will come from the two factors of moral feeling and self interest.

5 、人生最美好的东西,就是他同别人的友谊。

The best thing in life is the friendship between him and others.

6 、最重要的是,在关键的时刻能够坚持原则。

The most important is that at the critical moment to adhere to the principle of.

7 、永远记住,你自己决心成功比其他什么都重要。

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than anything else.

8 、平时的学习和经验,是我们在危急关头最有力的支持。

The usual learning and experience, is our most powerful support in critical moment.


Freedom to others and the maintenance of their own freedom, both of the same noble cause.

1 0 、我们关心的.,不是你是否失败了,而是你对失败能否无怨。

What we care about is not whether you fail or not, but if you have no blame for the failure.

1 1、对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。

For most people, how happy they are, how happy they are.

1 2、我主要关心的,不是你是不是失败了,而是你对失败是不是甘心。

My main concern is not whether you fail, but you are not willing to fail.

1 3、卓越的天才不屑走一条人家走过的路。他寻找迄今没有开拓过的地区。

Great genius disdain to walk a path of others. He seeks regions hitherto.

1 4、宁愿沉默不语,被当成傻瓜看,也不想轻易的把话说尽,而丧失了质疑的可能性。

Would rather be silent, like a fool, but also do not want to easily to say the words, and lost the possibility of doubt.

1 5、如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。

If a purpose is lawful and necessary, the necessary means to achieve it are also lawful and must be taken.

1 6、你可以在一时蒙骗所有人,也可以在长时间蒙骗一些人,但不可能在长时间蒙骗所有的人。

You can fool all of the people all of the, also can be in a long time fool some of the people, but not in the long time fool all the people some of the.